Monday, December 29, 2014

The Bush Torturers Versus The Rule Of Law

"Too big to fail"
A most famous American tale
Report on CIA torture
opens door to prosecution
of top Bush officials
Big banks granted bail
While justice they derail
Wall Street criminals protected
Crooked cop's actions, deflected
Corrupt politicians, elected
Are Bush war crimes connected?

How did Bush fund his illegal war?
Was American money shipped off shore?
Why is Obama harboring war criminals?
When Bush said, torture violates, fundamental principles!

Have we rolled over and accepted
Elite criminality, as something to be expected?                              
CIA torture report:
Why Canada can't claim innocence
Harper says U.S. Senate report
has 'nothing' to do with Canadian
By Andre Mayer, CBC News Posted:
 Dec 10, 2014 4:49 PM ET
Last Updated:
Dec 11, 2014 1:34 PM ET
Is Obama another lame duck president?
Government hijacked, by the Congressionally decadent!

Why believe in a system,
That made common people its victim?
"The Public" conquered and divided
By the so called officials we confided
The trickery of the press is such
The term "The Public" never meant much
Another "dumbed down" catch phrase
A disconnect from our past praise
In our identity as "The People"
United, against legislated evil!

The courts used to be a check against
What is now, political crime setting, precedence
Corporate and government consanguinity
Enjoy an illegal and privileged affinity

Would you risk your great job,
To oust elites who lie, steal and rob?
A trade off, for you to turn a blind eye
When your family's not affected, but the other guy!

Divided we are by class and by race
Divided in time and divided in space
It's like 2014 revisited prohibition 1928
Division of the sexes has us in a state
The progress of equality, our lives did escape
Progress is stalled by legislated hate

Mandatory minimums are legislated hate
So is the 3 Strikes Law in the United States
Lack of affordable housing is hate
Poverty is used as political bait
Ensnaring you is your political fate
Welfare reform is legislated hate
Food is taken from the poorest plate
Social disparity is legislated hate
The stalling of progress is a federal mandate

Western progress is an oxymoronic mess
We "The People" have settled for less!
The President and Prime Minister's office are in distress!
From political sickness "The People" must convalesce
In Canada, Europe and the US

We call the US President leader of the free world
But the will of the people on the trash heap is hurled
Western leaders represent the elite
Representation for the penthouse suite!
Officials take easy paths rather than compete
With "pork" and dysfunction Washington's replete
The Canadian government makes nary a peep
Behind the Americans, we follow sound asleep

The press say "in the public interest"
Though not for our benefit,
For politicians and big business
We need to break a cycle this vicious
Press dereliction of duty is pernicious

Obama and the Republicans whine
Presenting themselves like they shine,
It's too difficult to prosecute Cheney
...Let alone Bush
It seems like the cowards need a big push!
The press use partisanship so our hopes decline
Torture was useful, FOX pundits pine
Then Republicans go on TV and chime
It was a drastic measure in a drastic time!

Obama said “we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards.”
Obama has opened the door for future bad actors
The People must mercilessly oust political slackers
Hold them accountable and their financial backers!

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