Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lady Justice is a Sighted White Man

Religion once the opiate of the masses
Today it is the money of the classes                                      
'Chaotic and dangerous'
Cleveland police shamed
in withering government report
Haves and have nots is what we have found
Greed works against those we have crowned          

Western governments are corrupt
For control, they've grown evil and abrupt
For legitimacy they needed a distraction
They subdued the public with objects of attraction

Long hours, heavy workloads, for low pay
If that wasn't bad enough, they taxed it all away
Military might impoverished the third world
Propping up despots so their evil plot unfurled

Pointing the finger of blame at the other's evil
Using "freedom" of the press to manipulate their people      
Cleveland officer who fatally
 shot Tamir Rice judged unfit
 for duty in 2012
Timothy Loehmann
small Ohio force
for breaking down
 while handling live gun
 and his performance was
called ‘dismal’, records show
Making the public fearful of constant threat
US good guys are the heroes, there, there, don't fret

Contracts to Hollywood producers
Subverted reality, from its users
"Real" images of Western heroes
Made fantasy reality and reality became zero

You say you don't follow politics
Because of all the dirty tricks
This is what sticks to us, is their crime
Conservatives and liberals, both are slime
One hand giveth and the other taketh away
Year after year the public trust they betray

The public's job is to tell government what to do
The other way around is to severely misconstrue
The public give government its legitimacy
If they're not listening,
Remove them immediately!

Remove them by legal means                                                      
She needed reconstructive surgery
 to 'replace the bones that had been
shattered' after being pushed into the cell

Or remove them by force
Removing unresponsive government
Is a matter of course!

Western political parties and media propaganda                        
Human rights abuses, like we live in Uganda
Only fools smile and say that they're fine
Police are corrupt, courts tow the line                            
Public faith is lost on our judiciary
Their interpretation of the law
Make them the sole beneficiary

When good people wait for change
Change passes them by
History will be cruel to those
President Obama and John Boehner
 played their round at a military base
outside the nation's capita
Who didn't bother to question why
The political adherence of our parents                      
Got us in the mess we're in today
Political opportunists lead us astray

Never believe a conservative
Advocating for smaller government
One thing that will never shrink
Is their money, which is abundant

Never believe a liberal
Advocating to give you more
The only thing that will increase
Are your taxes, you can be sure!
Both sides of their political bread has butter
Liberals and conservatives
Are on the green, with their putter!

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