Monday, December 1, 2014


Getting to the point where your
sexual assault case is before
a judge can be a gruelling
uphill battleGetty / Thinkstock
Rape victims go unsupported
Rape is a crime, under reported
Men act like their image is being extorted

Western society is supportive of rape
Evidenced, by all the red tape
Rape victims become the scape
Goat, blame couldn't escape

After a woman is raped by a man
The press make her famous like Cannes
Reporters would sell their moms for a story
To make it sell, they make it all gory

If a man is raped by another man
It's bad copy, or a worse seller than
If a child is raped, then well
Suddenly there's a salacious story to tell
You Shouldn’t Tell
Monica Lewinsky
She Was Raped
 2014 AT 3:07 PM

The press term this "the public's best interest"
A ploy to make this your business                                            
Blame you for the media's sickness
Public consumption is their own gift at Christmas

Western society, plagued by violence
Promoted through, a conspiracy of silence
The press don't tell the tough news
There's rarely follow-up of critical views


White male, aggression in gamer culture
Will rip kids innocence, away like a vulture
In gaming where raping is popular
Racism and sexism are really quite jocular 

Of all the powerful Bill's we know 
Bill Clinton didn't get the heave ho
The press paints white Bill as a hero
Lewinsky's job wasn't to give Bill a blow
But Cosby may go to jail or eat crow!
Can someone be raped and be none the wiser?
The act might have come as a surprise to her
If the perpetrator had all the power
Shame and denial could consume or devour

Bad police attitudes of victims of rape
Many women have been
sharing their stories of
unreported rape and
sexual assault using
the hashtag
Like victims don't have enough on their plate
To be grilled like you are the criminal
To face hostility, real or subliminal

Police wrongly accuse the poor and defenceless
Many a Black man's conviction is senseless
They let the rich or white rapist get away
Because corrupt prosecutors are easy to sway
It's a win,win at the end of the day
You get your "nigger" in jail
And collect your fat pay!

Such attitudes pervade our system
Rape's embedded in the collective wisdom
Women are expendable rape victims
'Bill Cosby threw me down
on his bed
 and pinned me by my neck.
 I'll never forget the sound
of the clinking of his belt buckle'

Jailing First Nations and Blacks is a dictum
Easy to prosecute without prediction
The press attacks them with their diction
Dichotomies of perpetrator and victim
 Cosby's once stellar reputation
has long been tarnished
 by his sexual exploits
Have prescribed identities:
It's called the justice system contradiction

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