Monday, December 15, 2014

Bring Me His Penis on a Silver Platter

Camille O. Cosby
CreditBryan Bedder/Getty Images

The Western press glibly shouted        
Gracious Bill
Is not who he claimed to be!
The real man
By the press, we came to see
Cosby the gentleman's fallacy

The Western press, guilefully clouted
Suave Jian
Who, neither kicked, screamed nor pouted
The real man we came to see
CBC has tough job replacing
Jian Ghomeshi at Q

Along with institutional insincerity 
Only Gomeshi and not others?
Requires urgent clarity!

Selective reporting undoubted
Powerful white men rape with impunity
Their press pass guarantees immunity
Harassment on the Hill,
Do tell;
Somehow it obsequiously fell
Out of public view
Behind closed door hell
Scott Andrews and Massimo Pacetti
Parliament Hill:
The sex scandal that nobody
 is talking about

Whistle blower's confidentiality, flouted
MP's Pacetti and Andrews                                                      
The iceberg tip of a bland ruse
Took focus away from those who can't choose

The question the press need to ask
What happens if she won't give up ass?
We assume the choice was there
But what happens to her career?

What of the private sector?
Or domestic workers,
Another bleak specter                                                                            
Official response to Ashley Smith
case sidesteps most prison proposals
Why aren't we the protector-
For the powerless to come forward?
Society ridicules the sexually tortured

The press could expose
The powerful abuser
Instead of sensationalizing
The defenseless accuser
Our system persecutes the weak and the poor
The easy win
Is what prosecutors are looking for!                                                                  

Samantha Geimer tells her side
 of story in Roman Polanski case
The system does not seek justice
Bewildered heads ask,
What's this?
Take the case of Ashley Smith
Correctional Service of Canada betrayed her kith
And kin, akin, to rape wherein
Commissioner Don Head                                                                          
Ignored recommendations forthwith
Ashley murdered dead,
Justice a myth
Rape of her humanity through systematic insanity
No accountability
Is a systemic malady

The press in the West are to blame
They protect powerful rapist's names
Roman Polanski's
attorneys seek to have
sex abuse case dismissed
Bill Cosby never charged for a crime
An easy target for the press in this clime
Smear all Black men the elite chime!
Polanski's deed is treated as sublime

Hollywood elites clamored for Polanski
White criminals are immortalized
Like Meyer Lansky                                                                                
Woody Allen hailed a cinematic genius
Mia Farrow's daughter is where he parked his penis
Because Cosby raped a white woman
Cyber lynching has a keenness
By the press and their meanness

Black penis on a silver platter
What's the matter?
Enough of the brainwashed chatter
They threw a negro to the wolves
Meyer Lansky
(born Meier SuchowlaƄski;[1]
July 4, 1902 – January 15, 1983),
 known as the "Mob's Accountant",
was a major organized crime
figure who, along with his associate
Charles "Lucky" Luciano, was
instrumental in the development of
 the "National Crime
Syndicate" in the United States.
To watch him splatter
We grow stupider
Media moguls grow fatter!
Woody Allen

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