Saturday, December 20, 2014

Did President Obama "Push, Push, in the Bush" (Only for a boost in the polls)?

Stephen Harper rebuffs call
to rescind
 torture directives

We know the Bush torturers by name                                
Maher Arar has never been the same    
CIA director, John Brennan
Is the antithesis of John Lennon
The former is Satan, the latter like Jesus
Brennan will say anything to try and appease us

The torturers include:
VP Dick Cheney, we must arraign thee
Chief of Staff, David Addington, send in the paddywagon for 'im
Former CIA director, war criminal George Tenet
CIA Director John Brennan
during a news conference
at CIA headquarters
in Langley, Va.,
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014.
Brennan defending his agency
 from accusations in a Senate
 report that it used inhumane
interrogation techniques against
 terrorist suspect with no security
benefits to the nation.
(Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)
Does Obama fear Tenet's powerful friends, in the Senate?
Department of Justice council, John Yoo
Prosecute him, for the war crimes he knew!
His use of sabotage was meant to misconstrue
What will president Obama do?
History will be cruel if he doesn't follow through

Prosecute Bush war criminals
On fundamental principles
Like Himmler, Hitler, Mengele, Goebbels; it's critical
They've been protected long enough
The Democrats look weak, not tough!

African Americans, be very afraid
It's your homes government will raid                                      
CIA torture will be used in America
Shout louder, Republicans ain't hearing ya!
Look at Cleveland, New York and Missouri
Beat cop executioners are backed by the grand jury

For the sake of the American government's name
The CIA will always take the blame
You don't believe it; ask Valerie Plame
In Black communities the CIA's aim
Incarcerate Blacks, get them hooked on cocaine                    
Former president George W. Bush,
 former vice president Dick Cheney,
 and former defense secretary
Donald Rumsfeld
By injecting crack in the drug game
The CIA appealed to poverty, greed and loss
They let a Black man believe he could be boss
You don't believe it ask Freeway Ricky Ross

The Real Rick Ross the CIA framed
The fake, fat, phony rapper claimed
A gangster, he was; self proclaimed
Off Freeway Ricky's rep, was he famed

William Leonard Roberts the Second
Is not as bad as everybody reckoned
Maybach Music and Atlantic Records
Will say anything just to sell a record
Former U.S. president
George W. Bush said
emphatically in a
2006 speech
 that the United States
'does not torture,'
 and that he had not authorized
 it nor would he.
(Lucy Nicholson/Reuters)
The Department of Justice wants Black kids to have a record
Imprison them as slaves; for the record

Ask Gary Webb he broke the story
We can't, he's dead, and nobody is sorry
The details are more sordid than gory                            
Ruled a suicide with two gunshots to the head?
How can you pull a trigger after you're dead?

The CIA, the purveyors of torture
Despicable, criminal, water boarders
Prosecute those who gave the orders
More skeletons in their closet than A&E's Hoarders
In corporate think tanks their crimes are conceived
Murder by design, Americans deceived
Washington Post's Jeff Leen, discredited Webb
Gary Webb
Was Right
Marc Levin

With his "nut graph" agenda unlike a pleb
Leen sounds jealous of Webb's cause célèbre

Dismantle the CIA!                                                    
They led law abiders astray
We want government of the people
Not a mechanism for political party evil!

African Americans need national distinction
The US government wants Black extinction
A society of Black people within a nation
The USA opposes Black determination

"Freeway" Rick Ross, 2010

Blacks can't get justice in America
Scream louder Obama ain't hearing ya
It's 2014, when will enough be enough
African Americans need a president who's tough
Not a self professed leader that kowtows                                                    
Not a lap doggy that goes bow wow

The Democrat Party needed Latino votes
They're ending Cuban sanctions
To boost campaign bank notes
A political ploy, so observers say "oh boy"!
And Bush prosecutions they can avoid!

So future governments can legally use torture
William Leonard Roberts II
The point of no return is a political scorcher
Both of Obama's successful campaigns
Made Bush an example for political gains!
The Bush torturers must be indicted to remove the stain!
If the Obama Administration has any integrity to maintain!

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