Monday, December 29, 2014

The Bush Torturers Versus The Rule Of Law

"Too big to fail"
A most famous American tale
Report on CIA torture
opens door to prosecution
of top Bush officials
Big banks granted bail
While justice they derail
Wall Street criminals protected
Crooked cop's actions, deflected
Corrupt politicians, elected
Are Bush war crimes connected?

How did Bush fund his illegal war?
Was American money shipped off shore?
Why is Obama harboring war criminals?
When Bush said, torture violates, fundamental principles!

Have we rolled over and accepted
Elite criminality, as something to be expected?                              
CIA torture report:
Why Canada can't claim innocence
Harper says U.S. Senate report
has 'nothing' to do with Canadian
By Andre Mayer, CBC News Posted:
 Dec 10, 2014 4:49 PM ET
Last Updated:
Dec 11, 2014 1:34 PM ET
Is Obama another lame duck president?
Government hijacked, by the Congressionally decadent!

Why believe in a system,
That made common people its victim?
"The Public" conquered and divided
By the so called officials we confided
The trickery of the press is such
The term "The Public" never meant much
Another "dumbed down" catch phrase
A disconnect from our past praise
In our identity as "The People"
United, against legislated evil!

The courts used to be a check against
What is now, political crime setting, precedence
Corporate and government consanguinity
Enjoy an illegal and privileged affinity

Would you risk your great job,
To oust elites who lie, steal and rob?
A trade off, for you to turn a blind eye
When your family's not affected, but the other guy!

Divided we are by class and by race
Divided in time and divided in space
It's like 2014 revisited prohibition 1928
Division of the sexes has us in a state
The progress of equality, our lives did escape
Progress is stalled by legislated hate

Mandatory minimums are legislated hate
So is the 3 Strikes Law in the United States
Lack of affordable housing is hate
Poverty is used as political bait
Ensnaring you is your political fate
Welfare reform is legislated hate
Food is taken from the poorest plate
Social disparity is legislated hate
The stalling of progress is a federal mandate

Western progress is an oxymoronic mess
We "The People" have settled for less!
The President and Prime Minister's office are in distress!
From political sickness "The People" must convalesce
In Canada, Europe and the US

We call the US President leader of the free world
But the will of the people on the trash heap is hurled
Western leaders represent the elite
Representation for the penthouse suite!
Officials take easy paths rather than compete
With "pork" and dysfunction Washington's replete
The Canadian government makes nary a peep
Behind the Americans, we follow sound asleep

The press say "in the public interest"
Though not for our benefit,
For politicians and big business
We need to break a cycle this vicious
Press dereliction of duty is pernicious

Obama and the Republicans whine
Presenting themselves like they shine,
It's too difficult to prosecute Cheney
...Let alone Bush
It seems like the cowards need a big push!
The press use partisanship so our hopes decline
Torture was useful, FOX pundits pine
Then Republicans go on TV and chime
It was a drastic measure in a drastic time!

Obama said “we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards.”
Obama has opened the door for future bad actors
The People must mercilessly oust political slackers
Hold them accountable and their financial backers!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Did President Obama "Push, Push, in the Bush" (Only for a boost in the polls)?

Stephen Harper rebuffs call
to rescind
 torture directives

We know the Bush torturers by name                                
Maher Arar has never been the same    
CIA director, John Brennan
Is the antithesis of John Lennon
The former is Satan, the latter like Jesus
Brennan will say anything to try and appease us

The torturers include:
VP Dick Cheney, we must arraign thee
Chief of Staff, David Addington, send in the paddywagon for 'im
Former CIA director, war criminal George Tenet
CIA Director John Brennan
during a news conference
at CIA headquarters
in Langley, Va.,
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014.
Brennan defending his agency
 from accusations in a Senate
 report that it used inhumane
interrogation techniques against
 terrorist suspect with no security
benefits to the nation.
(Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)
Does Obama fear Tenet's powerful friends, in the Senate?
Department of Justice council, John Yoo
Prosecute him, for the war crimes he knew!
His use of sabotage was meant to misconstrue
What will president Obama do?
History will be cruel if he doesn't follow through

Prosecute Bush war criminals
On fundamental principles
Like Himmler, Hitler, Mengele, Goebbels; it's critical
They've been protected long enough
The Democrats look weak, not tough!

African Americans, be very afraid
It's your homes government will raid                                      
CIA torture will be used in America
Shout louder, Republicans ain't hearing ya!
Look at Cleveland, New York and Missouri
Beat cop executioners are backed by the grand jury

For the sake of the American government's name
The CIA will always take the blame
You don't believe it; ask Valerie Plame
In Black communities the CIA's aim
Incarcerate Blacks, get them hooked on cocaine                    
Former president George W. Bush,
 former vice president Dick Cheney,
 and former defense secretary
Donald Rumsfeld
By injecting crack in the drug game
The CIA appealed to poverty, greed and loss
They let a Black man believe he could be boss
You don't believe it ask Freeway Ricky Ross

The Real Rick Ross the CIA framed
The fake, fat, phony rapper claimed
A gangster, he was; self proclaimed
Off Freeway Ricky's rep, was he famed

William Leonard Roberts the Second
Is not as bad as everybody reckoned
Maybach Music and Atlantic Records
Will say anything just to sell a record
Former U.S. president
George W. Bush said
emphatically in a
2006 speech
 that the United States
'does not torture,'
 and that he had not authorized
 it nor would he.
(Lucy Nicholson/Reuters)
The Department of Justice wants Black kids to have a record
Imprison them as slaves; for the record

Ask Gary Webb he broke the story
We can't, he's dead, and nobody is sorry
The details are more sordid than gory                            
Ruled a suicide with two gunshots to the head?
How can you pull a trigger after you're dead?

The CIA, the purveyors of torture
Despicable, criminal, water boarders
Prosecute those who gave the orders
More skeletons in their closet than A&E's Hoarders
In corporate think tanks their crimes are conceived
Murder by design, Americans deceived
Washington Post's Jeff Leen, discredited Webb
Gary Webb
Was Right
Marc Levin

With his "nut graph" agenda unlike a pleb
Leen sounds jealous of Webb's cause célèbre

Dismantle the CIA!                                                    
They led law abiders astray
We want government of the people
Not a mechanism for political party evil!

African Americans need national distinction
The US government wants Black extinction
A society of Black people within a nation
The USA opposes Black determination

"Freeway" Rick Ross, 2010

Blacks can't get justice in America
Scream louder Obama ain't hearing ya
It's 2014, when will enough be enough
African Americans need a president who's tough
Not a self professed leader that kowtows                                                    
Not a lap doggy that goes bow wow

The Democrat Party needed Latino votes
They're ending Cuban sanctions
To boost campaign bank notes
A political ploy, so observers say "oh boy"!
And Bush prosecutions they can avoid!

So future governments can legally use torture
William Leonard Roberts II
The point of no return is a political scorcher
Both of Obama's successful campaigns
Made Bush an example for political gains!
The Bush torturers must be indicted to remove the stain!
If the Obama Administration has any integrity to maintain!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Bring Me His Penis on a Silver Platter

Camille O. Cosby
CreditBryan Bedder/Getty Images

The Western press glibly shouted        
Gracious Bill
Is not who he claimed to be!
The real man
By the press, we came to see
Cosby the gentleman's fallacy

The Western press, guilefully clouted
Suave Jian
Who, neither kicked, screamed nor pouted
The real man we came to see
CBC has tough job replacing
Jian Ghomeshi at Q

Along with institutional insincerity 
Only Gomeshi and not others?
Requires urgent clarity!

Selective reporting undoubted
Powerful white men rape with impunity
Their press pass guarantees immunity
Harassment on the Hill,
Do tell;
Somehow it obsequiously fell
Out of public view
Behind closed door hell
Scott Andrews and Massimo Pacetti
Parliament Hill:
The sex scandal that nobody
 is talking about

Whistle blower's confidentiality, flouted
MP's Pacetti and Andrews                                                      
The iceberg tip of a bland ruse
Took focus away from those who can't choose

The question the press need to ask
What happens if she won't give up ass?
We assume the choice was there
But what happens to her career?

What of the private sector?
Or domestic workers,
Another bleak specter                                                                            
Official response to Ashley Smith
case sidesteps most prison proposals
Why aren't we the protector-
For the powerless to come forward?
Society ridicules the sexually tortured

The press could expose
The powerful abuser
Instead of sensationalizing
The defenseless accuser
Our system persecutes the weak and the poor
The easy win
Is what prosecutors are looking for!                                                                  

Samantha Geimer tells her side
 of story in Roman Polanski case
The system does not seek justice
Bewildered heads ask,
What's this?
Take the case of Ashley Smith
Correctional Service of Canada betrayed her kith
And kin, akin, to rape wherein
Commissioner Don Head                                                                          
Ignored recommendations forthwith
Ashley murdered dead,
Justice a myth
Rape of her humanity through systematic insanity
No accountability
Is a systemic malady

The press in the West are to blame
They protect powerful rapist's names
Roman Polanski's
attorneys seek to have
sex abuse case dismissed
Bill Cosby never charged for a crime
An easy target for the press in this clime
Smear all Black men the elite chime!
Polanski's deed is treated as sublime

Hollywood elites clamored for Polanski
White criminals are immortalized
Like Meyer Lansky                                                                                
Woody Allen hailed a cinematic genius
Mia Farrow's daughter is where he parked his penis
Because Cosby raped a white woman
Cyber lynching has a keenness
By the press and their meanness

Black penis on a silver platter
What's the matter?
Enough of the brainwashed chatter
They threw a negro to the wolves
Meyer Lansky
(born Meier Suchowlański;[1]
July 4, 1902 – January 15, 1983),
 known as the "Mob's Accountant",
was a major organized crime
figure who, along with his associate
Charles "Lucky" Luciano, was
instrumental in the development of
 the "National Crime
Syndicate" in the United States.
To watch him splatter
We grow stupider
Media moguls grow fatter!
Woody Allen

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How to Slay a Racist Giant

David McCallum (center) and
 his late co-defendant's mother,
 Rosia Nelay, break down after
the 1985 murder conviction was
 over turned in Brooklyn Supreme Court.

Race war!                                                            
An ominous threat to abhor
Racist legislation they yield
White privilege and a brass shield
American injustice they wield
Racial equality still far afield
You pictured fighting in the streets?
This war was waged by legislators and police elites!

Racialized groups fill the jails
Political tyranny in the West prevails
Police brass mismanage rank and file            
Sleazy legislators that beguile,
Baiting citizens to get tough on crime
Despicable politicians on the success ladder climb
Exploiting the weakest for personal gain
The public are victims of their terror rein

Systemic whips across Black backs                                        
Blacks slip between gaping cracks
Stop killing each other, wake up jack!
Protect your families, load up your MACs
Root out local officials, that are politically wack                                      
The scene of the 2006 police shooting
 that claimed Sean Bell's life.
Photo: G.N. Miller
Stop Black violence, it's a political trap!
Defend yourself from government attack!

Protect yourself against government tyranny
Legislative negligence isn't necessary
Storm court buildings that convict wrongly
Tyranny must be uprooted more strongly

Black people, the system is against you!
White privilege means you get screwed
Black people will never win                                                                
If your protests becomes a "love in"

Shooting of Amadou Diallo
If a hair was harmed on a white kid's head
Ten Black men would be in jail or dead!
Give them a taste of their own dread
Relentlessly pursue racist cop's heads                                        

America abandoned Blacks in Katrina
Look how cops raped Abner Louima
David McCallum served 29 years 
For a crime he didn't do
Willie Stuckey was convicted wrongly too
Willie died in jail, the system ran him through
Racist injustice sticks to US like glue
Weed out Black leaders who spew 
Abner Louima
Sycophantic bullshit on cue!

Riots got justice for Rodney King
Bring on the African American Spring
Our sorry lives will never mean a thing!              
David slew Goliath using a sling

The way to slay the racist giant
Oppose injustice, be defiant
Storm the State Capitol
Don't perceive justice if it's not actual
Don't tolerate justice that is tentative
Oust useless House of Representatives
The Central Park 5
Expose elite politicians and their political violence
They want you to die in fear and live in silence!

Storm the state legislature
Make political action second nature
Storm every city council chamber
Root out elite criminal behavior!
Corrupt officials, hands in the pot                                        
Turn a blind eye when dirty cops are caught!
Dirty cops turn a blind eye to their crimes too
Slay the racist giant before it gets you!

The Death of Yusuf Hawkins, 20 Years Later

Bernie Goetz, NYC Subway Vigilante, 
Charged In Drug Case

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lady Justice is a Sighted White Man

Religion once the opiate of the masses
Today it is the money of the classes                                      
'Chaotic and dangerous'
Cleveland police shamed
in withering government report
Haves and have nots is what we have found
Greed works against those we have crowned          

Western governments are corrupt
For control, they've grown evil and abrupt
For legitimacy they needed a distraction
They subdued the public with objects of attraction

Long hours, heavy workloads, for low pay
If that wasn't bad enough, they taxed it all away
Military might impoverished the third world
Propping up despots so their evil plot unfurled

Pointing the finger of blame at the other's evil
Using "freedom" of the press to manipulate their people      
Cleveland officer who fatally
 shot Tamir Rice judged unfit
 for duty in 2012
Timothy Loehmann
small Ohio force
for breaking down
 while handling live gun
 and his performance was
called ‘dismal’, records show
Making the public fearful of constant threat
US good guys are the heroes, there, there, don't fret

Contracts to Hollywood producers
Subverted reality, from its users
"Real" images of Western heroes
Made fantasy reality and reality became zero

You say you don't follow politics
Because of all the dirty tricks
This is what sticks to us, is their crime
Conservatives and liberals, both are slime
One hand giveth and the other taketh away
Year after year the public trust they betray

The public's job is to tell government what to do
The other way around is to severely misconstrue
The public give government its legitimacy
If they're not listening,
Remove them immediately!

Remove them by legal means                                                      
She needed reconstructive surgery
 to 'replace the bones that had been
shattered' after being pushed into the cell

Or remove them by force
Removing unresponsive government
Is a matter of course!

Western political parties and media propaganda                        
Human rights abuses, like we live in Uganda
Only fools smile and say that they're fine
Police are corrupt, courts tow the line                            
Public faith is lost on our judiciary
Their interpretation of the law
Make them the sole beneficiary

When good people wait for change
Change passes them by
History will be cruel to those
President Obama and John Boehner
 played their round at a military base
outside the nation's capita
Who didn't bother to question why
The political adherence of our parents                      
Got us in the mess we're in today
Political opportunists lead us astray

Never believe a conservative
Advocating for smaller government
One thing that will never shrink
Is their money, which is abundant

Never believe a liberal
Advocating to give you more
The only thing that will increase
Are your taxes, you can be sure!
Both sides of their political bread has butter
Liberals and conservatives
Are on the green, with their putter!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

#ICan'tBreathe How to Crush a Black Man's Windpipe (The Legacy of the N.Y.P.D Choke Hold)

New Yorkers trusted the system                                          
Chokehold Cop
Is 'Eagle Scout'
 Blameless In
Eric Garner's Death,
 NYPD Union
President Says
Now Eric Garner's, a police murder victim
The N.Y.P.D broke
Eric's windpipe, and made him choke
Over some contraband, cigarette smoke

Mayor Bill de Blasio's gotta go
Why didn't he fire his cop, buddy, Pisano?
Probably another Ozone Park zero
Like John Gotti was the Ozone Park hero
Cough, cough
The tall man's good at getting friends off

NYPD, Daniel Pantaleo
What's the fuss?
He only killed a negro
It's nothing new, it's the N.Y.P.D. ego,
He should get a job with the Federal Bureau!

Eric Garner was all American
Africans are treated by comparison                          
Nearly 300,000 Instagram and Twitter
 posts have featured #ICantBreathe
within 24 hours, and so far there
 have been more than a million
tweets about the Eric Garner case
Worse than a foreigner
Call the coroner
He's lying dead
"I can't breathe!" is what he pled
Ruled a homicide, not by the FEDS
Now a corrupt grand jury
Fully ignored, a nation's fury

Make sure Eric's case does garner
A real prosecutor, no snake charmer
Like Missouri prosecutor Bob McCulloch
For him D.I.C.K. is quite mnemonic
Democrat Indulgence of Criminal Kudos
White moderates, are bogus like pseudos

One face denounces, the other faces apologize
They say cops keep you safe, but don't realize
It really should come as no surprise
When killer cops, keep killing
It's Black men's blood that keeps on spilling

Do we need to police the police again?                                        
Like the Panthers did in Oakland my friend!
Panthers who were murdered by the FBI
Fred Hampton and Mark Clark, testimonies belie

Racists in the system, that's the issue
They're not above the law,
Now go get US A tissue
Because America is dying on the inside
Criminal elites escape being tried!

The Western system abandoned the people
It's a matter of time before you see their real evil
The FEMA camps are on high alert
Soon you'll wish you didn't try to skirt
Around the truth just because it hurt
America's name is mud like their dirt

Many whites, ostrich heads in the sand
Those who don't, love justice in the land
Unlike Bill O'Reilly and his white male rage
The American press keep Blacks in a cage

Historically in America, you were wop, Mick, or kike
It wasn't just the Blacks the W.A.S.P's didn't like
Deracinated, they regarded you like a dyke
They said it's OK for Women to be gay but men can't love alike!
The same people said Blacks should never know, what it's like to be white!

Monday, December 1, 2014


Getting to the point where your
sexual assault case is before
a judge can be a gruelling
uphill battleGetty / Thinkstock
Rape victims go unsupported
Rape is a crime, under reported
Men act like their image is being extorted

Western society is supportive of rape
Evidenced, by all the red tape
Rape victims become the scape
Goat, blame couldn't escape

After a woman is raped by a man
The press make her famous like Cannes
Reporters would sell their moms for a story
To make it sell, they make it all gory

If a man is raped by another man
It's bad copy, or a worse seller than
If a child is raped, then well
Suddenly there's a salacious story to tell
You Shouldn’t Tell
Monica Lewinsky
She Was Raped
 2014 AT 3:07 PM

The press term this "the public's best interest"
A ploy to make this your business                                            
Blame you for the media's sickness
Public consumption is their own gift at Christmas

Western society, plagued by violence
Promoted through, a conspiracy of silence
The press don't tell the tough news
There's rarely follow-up of critical views


White male, aggression in gamer culture
Will rip kids innocence, away like a vulture
In gaming where raping is popular
Racism and sexism are really quite jocular 

Of all the powerful Bill's we know 
Bill Clinton didn't get the heave ho
The press paints white Bill as a hero
Lewinsky's job wasn't to give Bill a blow
But Cosby may go to jail or eat crow!
Can someone be raped and be none the wiser?
The act might have come as a surprise to her
If the perpetrator had all the power
Shame and denial could consume or devour

Bad police attitudes of victims of rape
Many women have been
sharing their stories of
unreported rape and
sexual assault using
the hashtag
Like victims don't have enough on their plate
To be grilled like you are the criminal
To face hostility, real or subliminal

Police wrongly accuse the poor and defenceless
Many a Black man's conviction is senseless
They let the rich or white rapist get away
Because corrupt prosecutors are easy to sway
It's a win,win at the end of the day
You get your "nigger" in jail
And collect your fat pay!

Such attitudes pervade our system
Rape's embedded in the collective wisdom
Women are expendable rape victims
'Bill Cosby threw me down
on his bed
 and pinned me by my neck.
 I'll never forget the sound
of the clinking of his belt buckle'

Jailing First Nations and Blacks is a dictum
Easy to prosecute without prediction
The press attacks them with their diction
Dichotomies of perpetrator and victim
 Cosby's once stellar reputation
has long been tarnished
 by his sexual exploits
Have prescribed identities:
It's called the justice system contradiction