Sunday, September 28, 2014

Extra, Extra, Read All About US

Combat Troops Being Sent
 Back to Iraq?
Paul Joseph Watson
June 27, 2014
After years in which
Bashar al-Assad
was a sworn enemy,
the spread of the Islamist
terror group has forced an
unholy alliance with the regime.
 But can it succeed?

America the beautiful, come bomb US please!
Bring Canada and Britain, to treat our disease
We have an ISIS problem, Mosul's under siege
Although you caused it, your money will appease              
Bill Maher Blasts Fear-Mongering
 Over ISIS: 'United States Of
Pants-Shitters' Should Be More
 Afraid Of Monsanto

This is what passes for Western free press
CIA news correspondents working for CBS
Ideal press, free of government interference
Today a press rife with partisan adherence

The people made the Western media mogul
None are accountable, but all very vocal
For huge sums, to sway US their focal
The elite view the public as some local yokel
Their fear messaging made US immobile
You say with pride, nobody gets my votes
Media connivers sold it to political scrotes
Go play on your iPhone 6's and Galaxy Notes
Work 75 hour weeks, your family barely floats

 It seems so long ago now
that presidential candidate Obama
“The President does not
 have power under the Constitution
to unilaterally authorize a military
 attack in a situation that
 does not involve stopping
 an actual or imminent
 threat to the nation.”
The media bomb US everyday with doublespeak
It'd be different if the words were tongue in cheek
They press US hard to believe their bullshit
Inundate US with propaganda that won't quit

Like spy radio, the news repeats all day long
Like a hit station grafts a top 40 song
To keep your head empty and make you stupid
Have you dumbstruck like arrows from cupid

Remember the strong American superhero?
That leftover Hollywood image now zero
Who would've thunk, Western tyranny
Hath sunk US into economic disparity

Remember movies like Red Dawn and Die Hard
Foreign invaders on American soil marred
By America the invaders of the world
While hapless Western citizens into war are hurled

That convenient Western excuse will no longer fly                      
Westerners play dumb when government goes awry
Federal government did not work for US before
They were the pimps and we their crack whore
Sources tell CBC News that Calandra
 was handed material by Alykhan Velshi,
director of issues management in the PMO,
 during the Conservatives'
daily preparation for question period
and was told to use it in his
answer no matter what question
was asked in the House.

We never really hold feds accountable
Slick suits always pledge to make us more bountiful
Ask yourself what is the reality?
The Western family succumbed to neoliberal morality!
5 Ways We Are Isolated
 From Each Other
 And Cut Off From Our Roots
BY MRG • JUNE 8, 2013

Do regular folk remember the family?
True our family head needn't be manly
Family was the first true government
Family held the Ark of the Covenant
Family were the keepers of modern law
Until power brokers exploited the family flaw
They turned US against our parents
They told US we were the heir apparent
Until the entitled became a societal tumor
The only ones who profited were the Baby Boomer
Today they make up the vast majority of employers
Leaving US a legacy of war, pollution and divorce lawyers

Why are wealthy families able to stay intact?
Who said:
Working poor and middle class families didn't want that?
The Queen and all wealthy families are still around
Because family keeps you healthy, wise, wealthy and sound
The neo-liberals said leave your parents home
Chastising basement kids as household gnomes
They indoctrinated US into a world of greed and corporate power
They impoverished the Western family making US dour
Using tax dollars to bomb ISIS, while all of US cower
 "War is seen as peace
because we add the word “humanitarian”
and truth is turned upside down."

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