Saturday, October 4, 2014

OK What Happened To My Google?

OK what happened to my Google?
It's no longer a cute little doodle
In reality it's really quite brutal
Did Eric Schmidt completely lose his shit
 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
accuses Google of being "in bed"
 with the U.S. government for allegedly
 spying on him and because of
the way it collects personal data. CBC
And hand our info over to the government?

Enter one Julian Assange,                                                  
The Wikileaks geek, in camouflage
Living in Ecuadorian asylum
He met with Schmidt while in confinement
The assignment exposed Schmidt
As an operative of the US State Department

Has Google gone rogue?
Goggle's no longer in vogue              
So don't strike a pose
Because Google has all the codes
To every password that you hold

The mark of the beast
On the unwitting, unleashed
Not a barcode on your wrist
Your name on a government list

False prophets use
This elaborate ruse
Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
Commit largescale privacy abuse

About the anti Christ, you were warned                                  
Antichrist and the Devil.
Detail from theDeeds
of the Antichrist fresco
by Luca Signorelli, c. 1501

In some Christian belief systems,
Jesus the Messiah will appear
 in his Second Coming to Earth
to face the emergence of the
 Antichrist figure, who will
 be the greatest false messiah
 in Christianity.
Nor did you heed this, like a secularist scorned
You felt betrayed by the self professed religious
The  powerful and pious, their wealth is prodigious

These are the forces who plot to deceive
Their god is the tangled money web they weave
The idolaters who sell you marketed icons
Are alive and well, not in an era bygone

The world wide web won't bring you up to speed
The omnipresent, controls our lives indeed
Was it not prophesied?
Social media spies connive
Dependence on a technology previously contrived

Chairman Schmidt and Chairman Mao
The two comparably similar somehow
Extreme centralization of power
Gathering info in a step to devour
The Great Leap of control by the United States
Utilizing a cadre of Google magistrates

Eric Emerson Schmidt
 (born April 27, 1955)
is an American software
 engineer, businessman, and
 the executive chairman of Google.

 Julian Paul Assange
 (born 3 July 1971) is an
Australian publisher and journalist.
He is known as the editor-in-chief
of the website WikiLeaks,
which he co-founded in 2006
 after an earlier career in hacking
and programming.WikiLeaks
achieved particular prominence
 in 2010 when it published U.S.
 military and diplomatic documents
 leaked byChelsea Manning.

Chairman Mao
(December 26, 1893
 – September 9, 1976),
was a Chinese Communist
revolutionary and the founding
 father of the People's Republic
of China, which he governed as Chairman
of the Communist Party of China from its
 establishment in 1949 until
 his death in 1976. His Marxist-Leninist
 theories, military strategies and
 political policies are collectively known
as Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
(often shortened to Maoism)
or Mao Zedong (Tse-Tung) Thought.

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