Thursday, October 30, 2014

Toronto The Good (And Racist)

Is Toronto the good,
Now Toronto the racist?            
Lots of accusations
Wong-Tam told to 'Get AIDS
and die' in hate-filled letter from
'Ford Nation supporter'Codi Wilson, Published Wednesday,
September 24, 2014 5:30PM EDT
Last Updated Wednesday,
September 24, 2014 5:40PM EDT

Were made in the latest
Race for mayor
Revealing two faces
Where Toronto once stood
For tolerant graces

What was really at play
In Toronto on Election Day?
When voter decay
In another way,
Had its politics sway

Toronto, can no longer boast
A congratulatory toast
Diversity once the most
Now has City Hall 
As white as a ghost!

Aside from being racist
Is Toronto "The Good"
Homophobic, sexist and ageist?
Few women city counselors,            
Lacks homeostasis
Women are half our population!
Are we in the Dark Ages?
In squalor that disgraces
The most marginal of places

Don't pat your own back
Your Economist ranking is way off track
Toronto was voted a most livable city
Not for the under-housed
They need more than pity!
It now begs the question - Livable For Who?
Some feel it has to do,
With the colour of your hue

John Tory getting in
Was still a "Bob and Doug" win
A kinder, gentler, Ford twin
The Liberals endorsed him!
As part of Kathleen's sin
To make the NDP,
This Andy Donato cartoon of
Olivia Chow, which ran i
n the Toronto Sun just prior to
the municipal election, is
both sexist and racist, writes
John Honderich.
By: John Honderich
Chair of the Board,
Published on Thu Oct 30 2014
Take it on the chin

The racist ploy of Sun media press
Depicted Olivia in military dress
Labelled her as a communist
Saying women of colour amounted to less

Signs in Ward 2 said "Go Back Home"
To another woman of colour, racism was shown
The press glossed over the issue like chrome
Comparing Doug Ford to Munira Abukar
Showed ignorance had grown

The presses use of petty squabbles 
To sway public opinion
Like their weak stance, wobbles
Controversy, the press just gobbles
No convictions, never firm, like bobbles

Hateful messages were scrawled
on some of Ward 2 council candidate
Munira Abukar's campaign signs.
By: Daniel Otis News Reporter,
Published on Fri Oct 24 2014

Racism like the cockroach
Congregates in the dark
Evil resides in its heart of hearts
A Hitler lying in wait
It undermines the poor in the state
Racism manifests, in majority hate
It is systemic oppression
And systematic aggression
Racism is a by-product of fearful obsession
City councillor receives offensive letter
as election campaign takes sharp turn into the gutter

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