Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Haiti Don't Hate Me

General Thomas Maitland
meets Toussaint to discuss
the secret treaty
Battle of Vertières in 1803

Oh Haiti, Oh Haiti
How they love to hate thee
The scourge of the West                        
Of economic slavery

Haiti Disaster Collection
Dublin Civil Defense
Saint Domingue, the overture
Of their plaint, led by, Toussaint Louverture
Haitians smashed European chains                        
The vindictive West, imposed, economic pains
Its permanence, on humanity, a stain

Capitalism, Oh capitalism
How you need Black slaves
American prisons put Black people in caves
American Congress, hijacked by knaves
The laws rigged, stole what God gave!

12 January 2010                                                    
Haitian earthquake victim
Catastrophe struck, poor Haiti when
The ground, mercilessly shook
Then, Western elite, poor Haiti forsook

No intention to see poor Haiti rise
Charity opportunists snubbed Haitian cries
The big truck that went by, said no goodbyes
That 10%, still living in tents, no surprise
Failure to save a country this small, merely lies

Look today at Haiti's copious dead
Death the United Nations helped to spread        
They brought cholera to Haiti, instead of bread
The West defecated, on poor Haitian's head
After the West's charity fad died
The money pocketed, the money river dried
Then Haiti fell from the selective news cycle
After Pat Robertson bludgeoned them, with his bible

For the poorest country in the West, kick up a fuss
It's something we all need to seriously suss
Allowing Haitians to suffer thus, certainly no plus
By our planet's destruction, soon will be us
People cover their faces as they walk past bodies
Mass grave in Haiti

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