Friday, September 12, 2014

Fleshy Pawns of Blood and Meat

Body of Fred Hampton,
after being shot twice
in the head at  point
blank range by members of the
Chicago Police Department.

Western governments exist apart from the public
It's a truth so vile it's more than you can stomach
In '69 the F.B.I murdered Fred in his bed 
Chicago Police, the shooters, were F.B.I led                   
Like Mike Brown,
Fred Hampton, was executed, two to the head

Canada debated asylum for white South Africans 
News media's racism, tarred Blacks as Jacobins
After years of tyranny by minority white rule
Granting asylum made Canadians look like fools
Black South Africans were stripped of their land
The issue, one of land ownership, from which Blacks were banned
This is no mindless "Jesus Saves"!
Removing God and country from being free
Makes human conscience, its sole authority                            
When we find no conscience exists,
We've made ourselves god, on our list
Subversion of good governance, to evil shifts,
Fits of murder, rape, greed and fraud,
Money became our secular god

If it were a business conflict of interest
Like scams on Pinterest,
Quick, you'd see the logic
Of your indoctrination by the demagogic
With the genome map, they made you demonic

Western Orientalism's siege of the Middle East             
Swallowed it whole into the belly of the beast
The Western press spin convenient jihadi yarn
The damage is done, "the horse let out of the barn"

Orientalism introduction (1978)

There's money to be made fighting ISIS  
Media sold you on bodies, cold and lifeless
Security contractors bid for stakes to increase
Let the Hunger Games begin in the Mid East

America; home of those bought and paid for
Conservatives made Canada,the minion corps
No public discussion, no debates, no nothing anymore
Through media they make their case for war!
Edward Wadie Said (Arabic pronunciation:
[wædiːʕ sæʕiːd]; Arabic: إدوارد وديع سعيد‎, Idwārd Wadīʿ Saʿīd;
1 November 1935 – 25 September 2003)
was a Palestinian American literary theorist
and public intellectual who helped found the
critical-theory field of post colonialism. Born
a Palestinian in Jerusalem in Mandatory Palestine,
 he was an American citizen through his father. Said
 spent his childhood in Jerusalem and Cairo, where he
attended elite British schools. Subsequently he left for
the United States, where he obtained a bachelor's degree
 from Princeton and a doctorate in English literature from
 Harvard. Said then joined the faculty of Columbia University
 in 1963, where he became professor of English and comparative
 literature in 1991.

Look at what they allowed in Boston
The public are cannon fodder as targets soften
Shoot fish in the barrel, to shield the elite
It's the public who walk, carefree on the street
Political fleshy pawns of blood and meat!

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