Monday, April 25, 2016

300 Hours

Black Lives Matter Toronto co-founders
 declare partial victory
Group is happy about decision to hold
 anti-racism consultations
 and an inquest into Andrew Loku’s death
 — but still want immediate release of
 the officer’s name.

300 Hours
To get the demi-gods,
Down from their ivory towers,                                              
Ontario's rife,
With abuse of powers;
From meaningful change
Kathleen Wynne cowers!
Simply because,
That's what a Liberal does;
Liberal see, Liberal do
McGuinty look, just like you
The flunky monkey that he was!
Twitter and Google Plus
All abuzz
With the victims of,
Ontario's racist fuzz!

Canada has systemic race problems,
The Government of Canada                                                        
Tory promises to hold public meeting
on racial equality
Refuses to solve 'em!
If you're First Nation or Black
The state murders you no problem!
Whether it's through inaction
Or coercion
It's the Mike McCormack assertion
The white conservative version -
To cast the "These People" aspersions;
Where he goes on Talk 640
Publicly calling, for a police sortie!
Canada Has a Black Incarceration Problem
There are 70 per cent more Black Canadians
 in federal prison than there were 10 years ago.
 What are we doing about it?
Boo hoo hoo!
What's a privileged,
White Person to do?
Our poor beleaguered police,
Are so hard done by!
If you fall for that lie
You might be that angry white guy;
You know who,
The militia loving one -
With a Columbine-pulling-son;
The press tries so hard to understand them
While labelling "black crime"
In tandem!

File you away,
In a stainless steel drawer!                                                        
10 Things You Might Not Know
About Poverty In Canada
With a toe tag assigned,
Just for the poor!
Hey UN
Canada knows the score!
It's selective injustice,
Our officials abhor!

Provincial Liberals-
Harbour, police criminals!
For people of colour
These are hate filled subliminals
It's your society saying-                                                                              
Attorney general says she’s read SIU
report on Loku shooting
— but won’t release it
Madeleine Meilleur criticized for
 not attending to a month-old
SIU report on a police shooting
stands firm on keeping it secret.
We'll tolerate your murder
Madeline Meilleur you took us further
From the root of the problem                                                
You rank equity and justice,
Down near the bottom!
Ontario's Ministry of the Attorney General
Has a mandate worse than
Ivan the Terrible!

The overseers of the SIU
Hid the facts on Andrew Loku
Is Tony Laparco sniffing glue?
He'll dispose of a body
Right on cue!
Laparco heads up
Kathleen Wynne's                                                                                            
Cover-up crew!                                                                                      
Ivan the Terrible and His Secret Police

"No justice, no peace!
No racist police!"
Their murder won't cease
In Western Canada,
Cops hunt Natives like geese!
In Ontario's Great White North
G8 suicide rates
Might rank Canada fourth!
But not according to the MHCC
Here have a look-see
It can be understood equivocally,                                                                
UN Urged To Declare
Canada's Treatment Of
Aboriginals 'Genocide'

They call it the mental health of Canadians
But it's missing information
On Canada's First Nations
The press pointed to one obvious fact,
Wynne, Trudeau and Canada's fat cats -
Won't be moving to Attawapiskat!

Doctor Eric Hoskins
Would you walk a mile
In their moccasins?
Liberals sure can talk the talk                                                                                                
Eric Hoskins on Attawapiskat crisis:
'We can't be patient'
But Chrétien won't turn back the clock
On Canada's systematic eradication
Of the youth of Canada's First Nation                                    
Mr. White Paper said be patient,
Lock that fool,
In the Parliament basement!
For making yet another, stupid ass statement!

Getting back to the Province's head doctor
On the CBC
He dismissed Pam Palmater                                                                    
The doctor said not to look back
But financial reparations
Are the substance,
Political apologies lack!
Suddenly, Canada's apology 
Just fell flat!
Pamela Palmater to United Nations:
Canada must set right its relations
 with Indigenous peoples
But the good political doctor
Said the right things to Matt!

300 hours
To hear more excuses
Of why justice ain't ours!
Conservatives and Liberals,
Have sweet deals
Sharing legislative power,
Is a life time of gourmet meals
Rich, white, elites devour
At the end of the day
We get an FTD bouquet,
Of thorny, wilted flowers;
Then lathered up                                                                                          
NDP MP Niki Ashton
critical of former PM's view
that 'some people have to move'
to less isolated areas
And rinsed off,
With hot golden showers!

Selling the illusion the public is clean;
Although the stench,
Is what's most obscene;
Politicians made voting meaningless!
This un-oiled machine,
Is gleaming less!
Do Trudeau's kids,
Have a busted spleen,
From drinking water,
From a used latrine?

Remember this:                                                                                                
Stop Kidding Yourself
The Police Were Created
to Control Working Class and Poor People
Police protections,
Were never intended for you!
Police serve and protect the chosen few!
Tell Ms. Wynne to go screw!
The police will kill
More people looking like
Me and you
Alongside Larparco's SIU

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