Tuesday, June 7, 2016

"The Tree of Liberty must be Refreshed from Time to Time with the Blood of Patriots and Tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

What If Bernie Wins California?
It's an election year!                                                                 
So what's to get?
The American Presses
Job is to vet; 
Not make guesses,
Increasing fear and stresses, 
Coddling lying politicians 
'til one of 'em fesses;
What does Wolf Blitzer
Have in common with Eliot Spitzer?
Both feel entitled                                                                                       
And are watery like spritzer 
Not the obvious similarities 
No no not that                                                                                                
For both of these men
Both traded talents  
For fortune and fame
Neither stayed true 
To the ethical game 
Blitzer, Spitzer and Cooper 
Are all quite the same!

Did CNN forget that Hillary lied?
This establishment darling 
Won't forego 
Privilege and pride
If she becomes president 
America's toast!

Blacks won't get a crumb
But she'll let 'em roast!
Whipped on their backs 
From pillar to post!
Secrecy and deception 
Both Clintons can boast 
Hillary's server
Is a corrupt host  

Hillary just might have 
Worshiped the gold calve
The day when Moses broke 
The Ten Commandments in halves 
A crooked erection
Gets Hillary 
Establishment protection                                                                      
Should Bernie Sanders
 Drop Out of the Race?
Bill's high powered connection
May win the Clinton's
Their third election! 

Bill's was their first presidency 
Bill vouched for Obama 
To help secure 
His White House residency 
The hope is to get Hilary in eventually 
To make up for Bill's
Extramarital devilry 

Or pay homage                                                                                          
From Whitewater to Benghazi:
A Clinton-Scandal Primer
A new report from the State Department’s
inspector general reportedly blasts Clinton’s use of
 private email—the latest headache 

for the Democratic front-runner.
To Caesar Augustus!
One more establishment guy
Running things at the FBI
Whom the Clintons own 
Must mean James Comey's a clone
The investigation won't be done 
Until her presidency's begun
Both James Comey and Hillary Clinton
Are better actors than Tilda Swinton 
Like all US attorneys
They both lie -
Prostrate before Hermes
Hillary knew why 
And what she was doing
Cover your asses 
They're in for a screwing!

 In the once mighty U.S of A
At your expense
FOX News has a field-day 
CNN feign objectivity
And FOX is a drain                                                                  
On American sensibility 
Here's how it's gonna go
The Establishment 
Will take your dough
Tax you high
Pay you low
Make you a Pappy-show 
Get you glued to your screen,
As you plug into 
Their Confusion Machine 
Egypt Air was last seen 
In gay Paris near the Seine 
CNN is printing green 
Most adults, 
Are like a naive teen!
They don't really care to know                                                                    
The big question is what Sanders does next
So long as officials 
Have jobs to bestow! 

The Western press 
Love to cry terror 
To make Hillary's bid 
Look even fairer 
To bury her cyber crime
So the DNC can bide its time
Suddenly her leadership
Begins to look clearer 
Thus making Hillary 
The standard bearer! 

In the downing of Egypt Air
Why should we begin to care?                                                            
Terrorism suspected in EgyptAir crash,
officials say
Search for missing plane continues in the
Mediterranean Sea as family
 members wait for news of loved ones.
Our hearts go out to 
The families of course, 
But who can help -
But consider the source!?
With flotsam and jetsam
Washington plot some to get some 
"It's the same old story,
Same old song and dance- my friend"
Washington's trickery 
Must come to an end! 

It's unity, 
That makes a nation strong 
Not the negative mantra 
Of a Trump sing-a-long
It's like a slap in the face 
With Howard Stern's schlong
No one needs to tell ya
You just know that it's wrong 
An Economic Agenda for America: 12 Steps Forward
Watch the innocent deer 
Eat from his right hand
Once Trump gains power
A nuclear shower;
Will devastate the land
And yank Republicans 
Outta, dreamland
It's history's angry white men,
All over again!

He'll snap American necks,
Oh yes you'll 
"Pity the fool!"
The one percent 
Whom Congress protects  
Will be the only Americans 
Cashing obscene checks!
The 99 are enslaved;
By low wage;                                                                                                                              
A Republican senator just said
Trump can’t be trusted with nuclear weapons
(And, yes, that means he's not
supporting him for president.)
And high debt!                                                                  
Or did you,
Conveniently forget?

Didn't America,  
Already go down Trump's road?
With Joseph McCarthy 
And the fear that he sewed;
Then with J. Edgar Hoover,
That ugly old toad
Bush flushed your values, 
Down the commode!
Another nut in the White House 
Might make The U.S. implode!

America is a nation under duress;
Enabling lousy politicians
Became the job of the press!
Stress is the leading cause of mental health conditions;
Washington hijacked -American traditions! 
By making U.S. hate our government -
Thus hating ourselves;
Washington broke the covenant!  
They're not Santa's little helpers,
They're Satan's little elves

Americans pay more for less 
With our bodies in distress; 
And our minds all messed!
As a result -                                                              
Many are anxious and depressed!
As for the state 
Of the American soul -
You turned your back on God                                  
You're under Corporate control!
Democrats and Republicans 
Like low down, dirty chess! 
Washington today,
Is a fetid abscess!
All because Congress, 
Played God with The U.S.

The Presidency is ineffectual                                                                                      
After insulting tweet,
Cruz tells Trump: Leave my wife 'the hell alone'
For American lives; 
Republicans slander 
Each other's wives;
Would you put your life 
In the hands of a Trump or a Cruz?
FOX would never ask youse -
On the 6 o'clock news!
And CNN refuse 
To seriously challenge 
Trump's anti social views!

Washington abandoned domestic issues 
Americans are crying, 
But can't afford the tissues; 
So you'll just have to settle                                                     
For snot on your sleeve 
Because you let big business  
Steal the money and leave; 
Liar, liar: A charged word
is now common in the GOP race
The horrendous lies                                                      
Washington has you believe 
Is what Foreign Policy intends to achieve
The truth of the matter might make you heave 
It's their fellow Americans, 
Washington intends to deceive 
If building the wall is your pet peeve
The loss of your country may also make you grieve!
How can a proud people,
Be so naïve?

Are you prepared to 
Hand Hilary a win?
American wallets  
Will be your only part that's thin 
Your bullshit detector                                                                                        
Feds will get 1.3% raise in 2016, Obama says

Better be built in
Like Flint-
Clean drinking water
Depends on your colour of skin!

8 more years of 
Federal politicking 
Is a high price to pay!
There are no benefits,
The costs all outweigh
Republicans aren't fit, 
To govern on a good day!
They all gave themselves 
A high rate of pay!
It says so right here in USA Today 
But you hang on to
Every word they say                                                                                                                                
Like it were child's play! 

North America                                                                
They're scaring ya
Donald Trump's jeering ya
Hillary's ensnaring ya
Bureaucrats wanna put da fear in ya!
How's a nation divided more strong?
Do you need to make him president 
To prove Trump's Luddites wrong?

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