Sunday, March 20, 2016

American Dreaming: Democrat or Republican, Who Will Save U.S. from Ourselves?

Andrew Breitbart warned conservatives
about Trump, but he never saw this coming
Pinch me,
Was that really Super Tuesday,                                          
Or just another blooper muse day?                                      
The press is told what to say,                                    
For political control and economic sway
We got a billionaire playing like
He's for the people
While the mental midgets flock,
To catch the sequel;
What will real heads of state say,
When the wind blows away Trump's toupee?

America will become a laughing stock!                                                    
Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe
Obama is a Muslim
But that shouldn't come
As much of a shock;
For the last 8 years
Serious Republicans thought
Their president,
Was part of some Muslim plot!

When the first settlers landed
On Plymouth Rock
They found Native agriculture,
AIPAC conference nervously awaits
Trump speech
Fisheries stocked;
Then they annihilated,                                                                  
The whole damn lot!
Stole their land,
Gave 'em diddly squat

The foundation of the USA                                                              
Was built on the backs
Of Black African slaves
Abused and exploited
Lee Hamilton:
 Before You Reject the System,
Understand It

By the hands of white knaves
Now the Republican threat,
Could see The US
Living in caves;
Keeping America stuck,
In the Industrial Age;
When Flint, Michigan,
Was all the rage!

Career politicians
Have great ambitions
Based upon one precondition;
They get to pledge,
A lot of taxpayer cash;
When they're out on a ledge;
In full camera flash!

But when they're in-camera                                                                        
America, you’re stupid:
Donald Trump’s political triumph
 makes it official
 — we’re a nation of idiots
Trump's rise proves we're full of loud,
illiterate and credulous people
 — and he's a mirror of them
Their policies sting
They say:
"Don't Give Them Niggers-
One Fucking Thing!"
It's like a biblical quote,
The Pharaoh wrote;
When he had poor Jews-
And Moses, by the throat;
"Let My People Go!"
Obama, say it ain't so;
America voted for change
But you got changed
By your campaign's dough!

A Black president,
Was never meant to deliver
The DNC,
Had the dark meat for dinner;
You know who,                                                                                      
Debbie Wasserman Shultz;
Democrats Vie for
Nevada’s Minorities
Clinton and Sanders
seek to mobilize
 nonwhite voters
 as caucuses near
They put a shvartza out front                                                                          
To get out the ethnic votes;                                                                        

As the first Black president -
All Obama did was circumvent
On working class and domestic matters;
American race relations
Is sorely in tatters!

Take Hilary on the other hand
With establishment supports,
She purports the liberal brand;

Touted the biggest liberal of them all
Now that Bill's been redeemed
Post Racial?
 Obama Revealed
 He Did Not Believe
 His Election Would Solve
 Racism Overnight
And standing tall;
The campaign strategy is going as planned
Leaving the working class mired,
In the deepest quicksand;
You can call Obama
The other white meat!
Because he idly took a backseat
As Blacks got squished;
Beneath jackbooted pig's feet!

Hilary blew a capillary
When she lost in Michigan
Now she's whistling Dixie
Against the wind                                                                                        
The Bernie Sanders voters
who would choose Trump over Clinton
A Sanders-Trump switch may be far-fetched,
 but negative views of Hillary Clinton
have some voters weighing
their options in Guardian call-out
She'd rather strap Bernie to a gurney
Than only see him politically pinned
The Establishment says:
American royalty,
Can't be dark skinned!

They'll do in Flint
What they did in Haiti
Make themselves look good
So y'all don't hate me!
Blacks in Haiti are still living in tents
The United Nations ain't worth,
Moon's two cents

Don't hold your breath Flint
Blacks won't see a dime                                                                            
Why Hillary Clinton Lost Michigan
But Southern Blacks
Gave Hilary their time
Why shouldn't she be punished
For Bill Clinton's crime?
Bill jailed the most Blacks                                                      
And pardoned the worst slime!

Southern Blacks,
A Raisin in the Sun,                                                                
Got fooled by the Clintons
Believing Obama; "The One"
They figure like
Bill Clinton says he made
 mass incarceration issue worse
George and Weezie
They'll move on up;
Beside the elite and sleazy
With the beggars cup;
America's campaign promises
Are forged by the skeezy
The Clinton's don't do what's right,
They do what's easy!

The KKK is a Democrat creation
They keep them around                                                                  
When fascism comes to America,
 it'll be wearing a bad toupee
As a consequence of liberalization;
That liberal leaders,
Are too cowardly to erase!
The West's ugly side,
Is too scary a prospect,
For an elitist liberal to face!
The West's fascist roots,
Are too dark to hide;
Privilege can hardly contain
Their lowly white pride

Look how far America's progressed
Establishment dollars                                                                                      
Trump and the Klan:
 A New Controversy with Old Roots
The Ku Klux Klan’s
dominant role in the 1924
 Democratic National Convention
 was a telling moment with
21st century echoes.

Are Corporately blessed
Corporate America
Has a huge war chest
The vestiges of the presidency
Corporate dollars divest

Washington traded
Freedom for wealth
America's sickly
And in poor health
The power whores
Want Hilary to win
Because Bernie's journey
Was a kick in their shin
Labelled by the press, another Red Scare;
The FBI won't admit
J Edgar Hoover was queer!

Obama made,
America's latest drama                                                                                
By pandering to and courting
Blaming Democrats for the KKK:
Van Jones fights back against
Trump’s racist support,
 but he can’t win
Jones made a decisive
and strong argument on racism
 — and here's why lots of viewers still think
Jeffrey Lord won

White conservative trauma
He gave Republicans his blessings
By being soft,
Like the Dalai Lama;
Instead of being naturally liberal
Like an essential oil or hardened mineral
He downplayed domestic issues
As artificial or superficial
This allowed Trump to get a jump
And exploit the sentiments
Of America's economic slump

The USA can brag,
A man on the moon!
It would seem they bragged,
A little too soon;
Federal politics remain,
America's ball and chain!
Year after year
It gets more insane;                                                                                              
You Asked Us:
Why Do Black Voters Support
Hillary Clinton?
Ethnic minority voters
 are the key to Hillary Clinton's
 presidential bid.
Why don't they like Bernie Sanders?
We expect different results,
But get more of the same.
What a shame!

America's been hijacked
By Elitist Government!
These useless Feds,
Betrayed our covenant! close to greatness;
But they lost sight.
With all their power and might;
We can't trust the right!
And the left's bereft of knowing our plight
How many more "if only's..."
Can any person endure?
It's not bigotry
 but bad trade deals driving Trump
voters, says author Thomas Frank
If only conservatives weren't so                                          
Damn immature!
If only liberals kept their word
These pigs at the trough,
Are most absurd!
America in Crisis:
What Happens When
Neither Political Party
Answers to the Bottom 90 Percent?

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