Wednesday, February 24, 2016

We React to the News

Canada is again,
A nation to be proud of!                                                              
The Hawks took a dive
And lost out to the Dove
America facilitates the Syrian crisis
And Canada kowtows
To its obsession with ISIS!
The American government
Gives a big yelp
And Canada provides
The refugee help
What a great way,
To feel smug with ourselves!
Too bad nobody goes to bat
For Canada's under housed,
Imagine that!

America - the big bully
Corner house on the block;                                                            
Noam Chomsky: Why America
 Is the Gravest Threat
to World Peace

What, exactly, is the
 alleged Iranian threat?
Beating up on children,
After school as they walk;
Considering the history,
It shouldn't come as a shock,
That history's repeating,
We must have forgot;
World leaders are cowards
America's calling the shots;
Murder for hire
Is what they subsequently bought!

Can you name one good thing,
U.S. foreign policy,
Did for the world?
Most scoff at their track record
When the Stars and Stripes                                                                        
A Legacy of Failure:
Obama's Mideast Foreign Policy
Are unfurled

Will our Prime Minister,
Stick to his guns?
Or will he only be known
For great hair and cute buns?
Will his back be a doormat,
For the President to wipe his feet?
Will we get a,
Stephen Harper repeat?

Canada is noble                                                                                        
Is Justin Trudeau the
sexiest politician in the world?
But we could do better
Corporations are like moths
Eating holes in our sweater,
And for that matter
The ozone layer;
Corporation's give us Love
Like we're some tennis player;

Love that means nothing
Ain't it a bitch!
Corporations came from behind
Like Murray did Raonic

Mayor John Tory
Give us another bedtime story
Of affordable housing
Mayor John Tory wants to
 "open doors" for new affordable housing

In its elusive glory                                                                  
Be respectful enough
To tell us the truth
Housing backers,
Want a financial roof!
So costs don't go through the ceiling
Sending investors running and screaming

"Good Things Grow in Ontario"
Like in the good doctor's pants
Way down below                                                                    
As he gropes you both to and fro
In the exam room
Ontario doctors disciplined
 for sex abuse, but keep working
Like a seasoned pro
Aren't we the lucky ones,
To have the CPSO!

Go ahead, in Ontario,
File a complaint
You'll find out what Ontario ain't
It's our justice that elites taint
The Wynne government
Neither cute, cuddly, nor quaint
If you knew the truth
You'd probably faint!
Provincial elites are pros
With whitewash paint!
Toronto man sues police for $5M
 after violent arrest caught on
Police never charged 21-year-old man
after violent arrest near family's store
Like the OIPRD
Headed up by Gerry McNeilly
On CBC Metro Morning
His mouth sounded mealy
The Premiere's strap-on
Is a steam powered Steely-
The public gets screwed-
By the nefarious Man;
An environmentally friendly screw,
Mind you;  
That's the plan; 
You don't say,
Oh really?
Ontario's professionalism
Is too touchy-feely?

Canadian women's bodies
Are not even their own                                                                                  
They're being held in bondage                                                                  
What Kind Of Woman
Won't Report Sexual Assault?
That we socially condone
Bondage ain't sexy
For the financially weak
Not like for rich whites
Of Ontario's elites;
Feminism provided freedom for some,
But made poverty the standard;
To which, the rest succumb

Ontario beware
Of the killer cop
GTA policing,                                                                                  
Changing the culture of policing
Is a giant flop!
Toronto's police budget
Needs an economic drop
Chief Saunders you're a hop,
Skip and a jump;
From hitting a Black bottom
With a thump!

The press and the police
Want to sell you on their need
Murder's their top story
On every breaking news feed
To scare you into silence
Using strategically placed violence
To increase police spending
For the small potatoes,
They're apprehending!
Deputy Chief Peter Sloly resigns,
 denies he was pushed out
Ontario's already,
A police state!
Toronto's top cop
Is a cop's cop
For police that works great!
Why do elites work so hard
On public opinion to sway?
When they have
Mike McCormack
Their ambassador and attache
If crime is increasing
Maybe they're looking the other way!
Shootings up since carding suspended
McCormack is a carding proponent;
The poor, his sworn opponent;
Regent Park,
Where he cut his teeth;
A real easy area
To sweep the dirt underneath,
On the press labelled;
Toronto mean streets.
Toronto press won't discuss
The McCormack brother's
Rap sheets!

More carnage is coming                                                                          
Take a good look at constable
who wants to head
police association
Police murder won't cease
There's a fine line between the criminals
And the Toronto police!

The C8 carbine rifle
To the Toronto elite,
Is trifle;
Even in the hands of the untrained;
Toronto cops's entitlement's ingrained;
Who will bear the brunt
Of this new, ominous source?
Certainly not the criminals
On the Toronto police force!

At least 50 police officers
currently suspended with pay
in Ontario
Only province in Canada
where law requires suspended cops
 to stay on payroll, unless
 sentenced to serve time
How do you feel about
Suspension with pay?
Unfit cops get a paid vacay
Public faith will inevitably decay                                        
Pretty soon most will say
Who do police,
Serve and protect anyway?

Some people ascribe,
To the bad apple theory
That's just like saying
Jesus walked on Lake Erie
No, no but He
Walked on the Sea
Of the biblical Galilee;                                                                                    
Enough with the few 'bad apples'
The rotten bad apple theory
Is Ontario's best kept fallacy

Exclusive police culture
Must immediately change
For government employees,
Criminal behavior
Is invariably strange;
Police are loose cannons
Held above law
For organized crime
Ontario's a huge draw;
Maybe there's a trade off
Happening here
Ignore police corruption,
So mobsters can earn their share                                                                    
Ontario open to options for municipalities
cut police budgets: Wynne

Conservatives and Liberals
Gave us
Ballooning police budgets
Now not even an earthquake
Can even begin to budge it
Canadians reserve the right
To harshly judge it
And react to the news
Before political graft masters hush it!

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