Friday, December 9, 2016

It's The Power Sharing Deal Stupid

Byron York:
Senate Democrats plan to 'Ashcroft'
 their good friend Jeff Sessions
What's your best recollection
In an American Federal Election -
When the presses predilection -
Wasn't to make your tummy churn?
When's your last recollection
Of a Republican or Democrat,
Indirectly serving a third term?
Trump's win followed
A clear political trend
Though news pundits -
Disingenuously pretend,                            
To stand contrarily firm;

Trump's campaign was all hot air and bluster
Are fake, divisive politics -
The best Republicans can muster?
Intelligence figures fear
 Trump reprisals over assessment
of Russia election role
This ain't some great achievement
The public can't comprehend!
It's Democrats,
Whom Republicans pretend
To spurn;
In 8 long years what did either side learn?        
Now that a Democrat president 
Had his two term turn

Then again on the other hand
It's the proletariat who took a stand
"Alienated Labour" rules the land
The press claimed it was a Populist brand
That riled up Trump's-not -so-merry band;
The press dismissed the revolution,
The proletariat, and the disillusion;
Trump's was an inadvertent Marxist movement
Would be a major improvement!
If that's what you think, think again
Being president pays huge dividends
The Establishment are -
Donald Trump's friends
Will a wealthy ego
Like President elect Trump -
Forgo his salary and take a zero-sum lump?

The Donald alone
Can't "Make America Great Again"
Mike Pence's slant
Is to make America straight again;
Stephen Bannon's rant
Will make America hate again
Pinning your hopes on one man
May seal America's fate again
Sinning may get you 20 in the can
And stack up more issues than in all of Japan -
Trump to meet with
 Exxon Mobil CEO
to discuss
secretary of state position
On America's plate again!
You've got to be kidding!
Will "The Donald" be
Doing Herr bidding
To the White Nationalists
Who put Trump in power-
Slainte to your Happy Hour
America just normalized
White Supremacist Power -
Is one way to look at it -
Corporate media
Wanna throw the book at it!
To keep the people on the teat
Even fat media elites gotta eat
How else you gonna shut up
Them cry babies on the right -
Less you get Merica
'Hail Trump!':
 White Nationalists
Salute the President Elect
Back to being white?
Trump's election proves
Racism's hidden in the grooves
Like a shit splattered toilet needs a brush
Congress may soon need a flush
Law enforcement are on the hush
Racial cleansing can come in a rush
Minorities better organize, or get crushed!
Inner city murder rates -
Are now being shushed;
Congress keep Blacks segregated in the slum
Congress are about as racist as they come!
Their data wants to know where you're from!
So law enforcement -
Can keep Blacks under it's thumb!
You can protest all you want
The "professional protester" label
Was a taunt!
Citizen groups must locally unite-
And oust racist officials at these heights!
We Stopped Herr Hitler —
Now We Must Stop
 Something Potentially
 Far Worse: President Trump
Demagoguery, some claim,                          
Makes a nation fair game 
For rabble rousers to take aim
When the shoe's on the other foot
And your future's about as black as soot
Suddenly you cherish agitation
To vent your personal frustration
The Republican/Democrat -
Power sharing deal
Is what makes your votes this easy to steal!

Those who chastised Barack Obama
May soon get their fill of 
Did We Create Trump?
As satisfying as the
 blame-the-media formula
 might be, it gives too much
credit to the media and
 too little credit to Donald Trump
. By JACK SHAFER May/June 2016
Second Amendment drama 
Along with the irony and the karma
If a tyranny should come to pass
Government will seize your arms
And try to hand you your ass!
The decriers of peace,
Will be the first ones begging
For civil war to cease;
Until the smoke clears
No one will remember
2016 before the 8th of November
People will say
Look how good we had it before
Now that America is looking like Darfur!
Now that white supremacists,
Finally got their race war
Isn't that what Guantanamo's for,
To lock up the white terrorists
Whom The Establishment adore?

White Americans themselves are immigrants
Fast becoming embittered belligerents                                                              
What Do Trump and Marx
 Have in Common?
Are these the so called superior ones?
"They cling to their religion and their guns!"
Did such people transcend human flaws,
Amidst their hatred, racial slurs and guffaws?
Why are wealthy whites above the laws?
Is it because they contrived just cause?

Trump's appeal to the "lunatic fringe"
Supposedly made media elites cringe
But it's the very press who failed to vet
So don't get back to your slumber yet
It's network news media,
Who're the major threat
Those fools waged a dangerous bet
Trump played up to the major news outlet
Then stuck them -
With his Confederate bayonet;
Trump's campaign was the presses new pet                                                    
McConnell: Repealing Obamacare
‘first item up in the new year’
They salivated over a slow motion train wreck
The press ate it up like braised beef neck
Reasonable Americans cried what the heck!
While Anderson and Wolf
Cashed many a fat check

Republicans are elitist too
Mitch McConnell
Is "The One Who Flew -
Over the Cuckoos Nest"
Mitch needs a good surgeon
To crack open his chest!
Only, they'll find a lump of coal,
"Drill baby drill"
Ain't no virtue to extol!
Publicly he wants to undo,
Every last remnant;
Of America's first Black president!
To turn the left into malcontents
And then pit them against -
Hate group insurgents;
What does Mitch McConnell
Have in common with Rosie O'Donnell?
Both will forever,
The World’s 19 Most
Disappointing Leaders
Be tied to "The Donald"

Then There's Newt Gingrich 
Newt has this thing which                                                       
Puts him beside powerful men
Some like The Donald,
Happen to be bling rich
Newt ain't no Socrates
But Trump's like the Mighty Hercules
He stole the Mount Olympus ring bitch!
Newton says hey Herc, hey Herc
Let's get to work
Gingrich says he won’t hold
Cabinet post under Trump
"Sufferin' psyche" 
On the wings of Nike
Democrats are the evil Daedalus!
I'll concoct us a villain-
So it won't be the death of us!
It appears Republicans
Have a vested interest
In seeing Obama fully divest
Time will tell how well
History can digest
Making money and power
Your one and only quest
Republicans wanted
A Black president to fail
Trump's gums stopped-a-flappin'
About throwing Hillary in jail?

Rudy Giuliani got him a Trump pass
He made it his call of duty
Like an unruly granny
With a bug up her ass
Giuliani Removes Himself
From Contention
 for Any Trump Admin. Post
Ahoy mateys
Giuliani's still living in the eighties   
Like in the Pirates of Penzance
Rudy don't hear so well - 
And got ants in his pants,
Trump said we'll Make America Great Again!
What ol' Rudy heard was -
It's Secretary of State for you my friend
But in the end, nobody could relate,
Maybe Giuliani will get Trump's endorsement, 
It seems like his fate might lie in law enforcement

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Will Canada Lead the Way in Showing the Gutless American Leadership How to Fix Law Enforcement? Probably Not!

Lets examine policing,
If you will;
As a way for law enforcement                                                                        
New video shows moment cop shoots
 restrained Louisiana man
To dispose of Blacks, 
And the mentally ill.
Potential recruits, 
In a military drill? 
Perhaps a militia,
Who are trained to kill?
The public a turkey shoot 
For their murderous thrill!
Legislated by degenerates
On Parliament or Capitol Hill;
Unscrupulous lawyers,
Who impose,
Bad crime bill after bill  

How did policing become,                                                            
Officer Who Shot Philando Castile
Is Back At Work,
With The Support Of His Chief
A dishonourable profession,
Fueled by hate,
And racial aggression?
The perpetrators of these
Bleak transgressions
Don't care for your well-being,
Or your social progressions!
Police are contributors -
To a steady flow of 
Funeral processions!

The problem with                                                                                          
John Nichols:
Reince Priebus made Donald Trump
a GOP inevitability
"A Few Bad Apples" theory
Is it makes good cops leery 
Of coming forward to oust the violent
Thus the good cops, 
Are the ones who stay silent! 
So how good are such cops after all
While witnessing criminality, 
And breech of protocol?

Who's running this thing,
We call policing?
Who are the assholes, 
Pulling the strings?
The names resound with a colonial ring-
Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services 
Run by lapdog liberals 
And contentious conservatives 
Toronto activists demand justice
for Abdirahman Abdi
Sounds harmless enough                                                        
But they're mean and merciless!
Doing society great disservices;
The Honourable Minister -
David Orazietti 
Treats justice 
Like he's testing spaghetti
Throw it against a wall
See if it sticks 
They got some gall,
Those miserable pricks!

If there's one thing for certain;                          
You can't trust a flunky cop,
To even open a curtain!
You must keep these mutts                                         
On a really short leash 
Regulate them, 
Like you would weed or hashish
How's their Italian -                                                
'March for Justice for Abdirahman
Abdi' in Ottawa
draws hundredsOntario's
SIU probing actions of 2 officers
 involved in arrest of Somali-Canadian man
The worthless rapscallion - Capeesh!?
Make sure their every move is accounted for 
When police have a suspect,
On or off camera,
Or behind a closed door!

In the press, journalists talk about 
A "culture of policing"
Whose palms, 
Are these police elites greasing? 
Why do we tolerate,
A police culture anyway?
When they swoop down like vultures,
And steal Black lives like prey!

What other professions, 
Gives its employees,  
These types of concessions?
No layoffs, no pay cuts                                                                                  
No change in officers' employment status
Free fitness - 
"Can I get a witness"!
To work the flab off their big butts;
Paid leave under any circumstance, 
It's our stinking politicians,
Who need the kick in the pants!
A Double "O" Seven, 
License to kill;
The personal discretion,
To shoot at will;
A souped up car, 
With free gas and radar;
Special powers,                                                                                            
A perfect job for boys to play toys                                        
Plus A True Blue Culture;
We're at a critical juncture!
We need to dismantle policing,                       
And fully restructure!
No other job comes close in parity 
Policing is a white brotherhood 
Of racial solidarity!

The main point, 
Police elites miss -
Is that without public trust, 
You can easily dismiss; 
A system of policing,
That has its civilians deceasing!
Due to its great incompetence - 
The Problem with
 “Broken Windows” Policing
In targeting poor Black Canadian immigrants!  

The USA's situation is the worst 
The Urban Plantation                                                      
Quenches America's thirst -
For their seething hate                                                  
In a supremacist police state, 
You're never too big to fail!
Look what happened when -
Slavery went "beyond the pale"
Today cops are an occupying force
Like Gaza, the West Bank and Syria of course 
Inequality and brutality is the driving force                                      
Jordan gives $2 million to
help build trust between blacks, cops
You failed in your,
Storied bravado of yore 
Prepare for the next  civil war!

The police play politics in the press
News media operate at their  behest 
Spinning a yarn like Readers Digest 
Making the emotional more depressed 
While leaving the gullible -thoroughly impressed;
In the case of terror suspect
Aaron Driver - 
A regular, jihadi MacGyver-
The RCMP dropped him, like a skydiver,
In the lap of a Strathroy cabdriver 
The failure here of Canadian law enforcement                                                           
Cases like Aaron Driver and Damien Clairmont
Proves whites freely do what they want!
White people slip away unnoticed
They label their crime as the remotest 
While lawmakers zero in on Blacks 
White criminals' wrists get smacks!  

The head of Ontario's 
Special Investigations Unit 
Tony Loparco falls under its rubric 
With police elites, 
Loparco's a true blue hit;
Loparco should be wearing, 
Caligula's tunic;
Gelded underneath,
Loparco bends over for police
We know where police 
Are applying the grease                                                                 
Because Black people -
Keep getting shot like geese!

Dismantle Ontario's SIU!
And positive press scenarios, 
About this cover up crew;
As for Abdirahman Abdi -
Whatever will they do?
Ontario's leaders -
Have "a worms eye view"
Policing is a job, not a culture!
Police Brass are horrible leaders
They're an elite class of bottom feeders; 
They provide no direction at all,
And let the rank and file take the fall;
This is called the Western way,
Gutless leadership in full decay;
Yeah, yeah we know the story
Corrupt politicians hate to be regulatory 
Politicians chirp that the system's not perfect 
Yet we assert: 
A shred of humanity 
Is definitely worth it!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

You Begged For God's Mercy, Gnashed Your Teeth And Cried Why, But While Others Were Suffering You Sat Idly By

In the Orlando affair?
Perhaps a "false flag"  
Did occur there;
The Western press 
Almost sound like they care
America gots no love  
For Black, Latina nor Queer
If the dead were white civilians 
Hetero, and fair,
Then bloodthirsty fangs, 
Would certainly bare! 
Officials don't share
Black and brown bodies,
Are all worse for wear 
They'd just as soon 
Lock you up, 
In the Dragon's Lair!
As part of their 
Sociological warfare!

Was Orlando collateral,
To stave off attacks, 
More severe?
Orlando seems incompatible 
But holy mackerel!
Something is rotten,
In the state of America!                                                                 
Civilian killing cops, 
Really do tear at ya!

Was Orlando premeditated?
Another evil plot, 
The FBI facilitated? 
50 expendable heads, 
Up for the highest bid.
In the Charleston attack,
James Comey blamed a kid!
Dylann Roof or 
Omar Mateen 
Democrats treat both 
As routine;
But Comey kept his job 
In tact and pristine; 
Privilege and entitlement                                                                              
Faulty Math
A viral social media post about
 perceived inconsistencies
 in the "math" of the June 2016
 Orlando nightclub shooting uses
all the wrong numbers.
Are what's most obscene!
The lone gunman theory
Is repetitive and eerie 
Should we elect Hillary?
Oh stop it, you're killin' me!
If you still can't decide,
Why not ask Siri?

Hey Siri, should we elect Hillary? 
"I'm not sure what to say"
Except for American Federal Elections  
Are like Groundhog Day 
And Bernie became 
Hillary's ancillary!
The pundits did relay, 
Ole Bernie Sanders wouldn't play - 
But "Every Dog Has His Day" 
Suddenly, Bernie's towing,                                                                                  
Donald Trump Slams
‘Sell Out’ Bernie Sanders
 Ahead of Expected
Clinton Endorsement
The party line!
Maybe Bernie Sanders, 
Should grow a spine!
There's nothing new 
In Bernie's old spin
Now he's saying,
"Stop Donald Trump" 
So Hillary can win!

Since when did Bernie, 
Become Hillary's evil twin?
Weren't him and his, supporters -  
The vaunted linchpin?
For elusive change, 
To presumably begin?
Not the nickel and dimes, 
And social castration,                                                                             
Of the Barack Obama-                                                                            
Bernie Sanders Endorses
Donald Trump, Sort Of
Post Bush Administration!
That took Black America 
To everyone's chagrin  
Back to the days of the cotton gin!
Government never elevated
The lives of any people
Especially a Republican Congress
Committed to social upheaval!

If you wanna compare it to BREXIT  
Now there was a Dog's Breakfast!
"Remain" is looking 
Mighty desperate
And Britain's like any other, 
Racist European cesspit!                                                                                     
The entire world is in need of some respite!
These out of touch elite
Will hand Donald Trump,
The presidential seat!
If there was anything, 
BREXIT revealed; 
It's that all Western leaders 
Are too far afield 
Did you actually believe 
They'd  let you "Leave"? 
When it comes to their money 
There's pure tricks up their sleeve!
Are made to sit                                                                    
Down to a steaming plate,
Of nuggety shit!
Two horrible choices for president!
Should fuel your outrage and malcontent!
These stinking politicians 
Seem hell bent,
On destroying the planet 
While shirking the rent! 

If ISIS were a threat, 
To the survival of the West
Then Netanyahu's Israel;
Would've been put to the test!                                                              
Why Israel Loves Donald Trump...
 and why that’s awkward for Israel.
Still no word, 
From our stalwart chum;
The state of foreign affairs, 
May not be so glum;
Like two dogs whose owner yells come
Netanyahu and Trump,
Sniff each other's bum;
And the Western press 
Are still sounding dumb!
How can we trust, 
Where their info comes from?

Conduct an Information Audit
Of the press in the West
Became a bothersome pest!
Ever notice 
When the "news" first breaks, 
How long it takes
For "News" agencies 
To get their facts straight? 
Whether it be 
The spread of misinformation
Is done intentionally!
Turkey failed coup:
Presidential guard to be disbanded
To keep you consuming voraciously 

Allowing the story                                                                        
To take on a life of its own
Accuracy's not important
Inside the Danger Zone;
Every terror plot 
Both present and past 
Is from Washington 
Or Moscow;
Munich won't be the last!
Whether direct or indirect 
If the press haven't checked 
Because Turner the burglar, 
And Murdoch the war hawk,
Are low down, dirty crooks!
They aren't committed to                                                        
Equity or justice  
News Media's an apathetic observer,
To the fervor,
Of the defenseless getting busted!
To immorality and brutality
Systematic, racist, illegality
Is nothing more to them,
Than mere fascist formality; 

Academia is purposeful gobbledygook 
Pad these pigs' pocketbook
Even worse 
Is the indoctrination curse
The intelligentsia, 
Receive a sizable purse!
These cowards are committed to, 
A tyrannical majority!
Refusing to confront, 
Corrupt state authority!
You'll never see academics 
Come to the realization, 
They should be risking,
Livelihood and reputation!
And feeling the fear 
Of breathing in trepidation!
Instead they bask  
In the false security of their occupation!
Which provides a rather unique. financial emancipation!                                    
On the Cowardice & Irrelevance
of Social Science Scholars

Elites live by the motto of "me" and "mine"
Elites walk a fine, 
Crooked line; 
While equality and justice
Dies on the vine!

Elites adulterated religion -
Using crafty precision; 
Poisoning God, 
With malignant derision; 
To fuel your naive suspicion, 
To instill indecision, 
So cops can shoot Black people                                                
Like you would a clay pigeon 

The Cold War is for 
The romantic whore
It didn't end old boy;
It was a propaganda ploy 
To give the power elite joy
In crushing the Hoi Polloi!
So Reaganites could pretend;
Conservatives were more, 
Than a murderous friend!

Conservatives claim to have,                                                      
The Cold War Never Really Ended
For the first time in a decade,
Russia spent a higher portion of its GDP
 on defense than the U.S. in 2013.
Single-handedly defeated; 
The communist Slav. 
But conservatives 
Are practiced in opportunism! 
Communism is a threat to our freedom, 
And freedom is uniquely American; 
Therefore you owe your freedom to conservatism 
Goes the ever popular syllogism;
Yet conservatives and fake liberals 
Preside with great pride, 
In this hour; 
Over an orgy, 
Of detestable power! 
Similar to the Russian Oligarchs
Both have these annoying puppy barks;
That seriously hurt your ears
Your freedom is what threatens theirs                                          
To topple and devour,                                                        
The privileged and white Ivory Tower!
The World's Power Elite 
Are degenerates who live
On "Easy-Peasy- 
Lemon-Squeezy" street!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

"The Tree of Liberty must be Refreshed from Time to Time with the Blood of Patriots and Tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

What If Bernie Wins California?
It's an election year!                                                                 
So what's to get?
The American Presses
Job is to vet; 
Not make guesses,
Increasing fear and stresses, 
Coddling lying politicians 
'til one of 'em fesses;
What does Wolf Blitzer
Have in common with Eliot Spitzer?
Both feel entitled                                                                                       
And are watery like spritzer 
Not the obvious similarities 
No no not that                                                                                                
For both of these men
Both traded talents  
For fortune and fame
Neither stayed true 
To the ethical game 
Blitzer, Spitzer and Cooper 
Are all quite the same!

Did CNN forget that Hillary lied?
This establishment darling 
Won't forego 
Privilege and pride
If she becomes president 
America's toast!

Blacks won't get a crumb
But she'll let 'em roast!
Whipped on their backs 
From pillar to post!
Secrecy and deception 
Both Clintons can boast 
Hillary's server
Is a corrupt host  

Hillary just might have 
Worshiped the gold calve
The day when Moses broke 
The Ten Commandments in halves 
A crooked erection
Gets Hillary 
Establishment protection                                                                      
Should Bernie Sanders
 Drop Out of the Race?
Bill's high powered connection
May win the Clinton's
Their third election! 

Bill's was their first presidency 
Bill vouched for Obama 
To help secure 
His White House residency 
The hope is to get Hilary in eventually 
To make up for Bill's
Extramarital devilry 

Or pay homage                                                                                          
From Whitewater to Benghazi:
A Clinton-Scandal Primer
A new report from the State Department’s
inspector general reportedly blasts Clinton’s use of
 private email—the latest headache 

for the Democratic front-runner.
To Caesar Augustus!
One more establishment guy
Running things at the FBI
Whom the Clintons own 
Must mean James Comey's a clone
The investigation won't be done 
Until her presidency's begun
Both James Comey and Hillary Clinton
Are better actors than Tilda Swinton 
Like all US attorneys
They both lie -
Prostrate before Hermes
Hillary knew why 
And what she was doing
Cover your asses 
They're in for a screwing!

 In the once mighty U.S of A
At your expense
FOX News has a field-day 
CNN feign objectivity
And FOX is a drain                                                                  
On American sensibility 
Here's how it's gonna go
The Establishment 
Will take your dough
Tax you high
Pay you low
Make you a Pappy-show 
Get you glued to your screen,
As you plug into 
Their Confusion Machine 
Egypt Air was last seen 
In gay Paris near the Seine 
CNN is printing green 
Most adults, 
Are like a naive teen!
They don't really care to know                                                                    
The big question is what Sanders does next
So long as officials 
Have jobs to bestow! 

The Western press 
Love to cry terror 
To make Hillary's bid 
Look even fairer 
To bury her cyber crime
So the DNC can bide its time
Suddenly her leadership
Begins to look clearer 
Thus making Hillary 
The standard bearer! 

In the downing of Egypt Air
Why should we begin to care?                                                            
Terrorism suspected in EgyptAir crash,
officials say
Search for missing plane continues in the
Mediterranean Sea as family
 members wait for news of loved ones.
Our hearts go out to 
The families of course, 
But who can help -
But consider the source!?
With flotsam and jetsam
Washington plot some to get some 
"It's the same old story,
Same old song and dance- my friend"
Washington's trickery 
Must come to an end! 

It's unity, 
That makes a nation strong 
Not the negative mantra 
Of a Trump sing-a-long
It's like a slap in the face 
With Howard Stern's schlong
No one needs to tell ya
You just know that it's wrong 
An Economic Agenda for America: 12 Steps Forward
Watch the innocent deer 
Eat from his right hand
Once Trump gains power
A nuclear shower;
Will devastate the land
And yank Republicans 
Outta, dreamland
It's history's angry white men,
All over again!

He'll snap American necks,
Oh yes you'll 
"Pity the fool!"
The one percent 
Whom Congress protects  
Will be the only Americans 
Cashing obscene checks!
The 99 are enslaved;
By low wage;                                                                                                                              
A Republican senator just said
Trump can’t be trusted with nuclear weapons
(And, yes, that means he's not
supporting him for president.)
And high debt!                                                                  
Or did you,
Conveniently forget?

Didn't America,  
Already go down Trump's road?
With Joseph McCarthy 
And the fear that he sewed;
Then with J. Edgar Hoover,
That ugly old toad
Bush flushed your values, 
Down the commode!
Another nut in the White House 
Might make The U.S. implode!

America is a nation under duress;
Enabling lousy politicians
Became the job of the press!
Stress is the leading cause of mental health conditions;
Washington hijacked -American traditions! 
By making U.S. hate our government -
Thus hating ourselves;
Washington broke the covenant!  
They're not Santa's little helpers,
They're Satan's little elves

Americans pay more for less 
With our bodies in distress; 
And our minds all messed!
As a result -                                                              
Many are anxious and depressed!
As for the state 
Of the American soul -
You turned your back on God                                  
You're under Corporate control!
Democrats and Republicans 
Like low down, dirty chess! 
Washington today,
Is a fetid abscess!
All because Congress, 
Played God with The U.S.

The Presidency is ineffectual                                                                                      
After insulting tweet,
Cruz tells Trump: Leave my wife 'the hell alone'
For American lives; 
Republicans slander 
Each other's wives;
Would you put your life 
In the hands of a Trump or a Cruz?
FOX would never ask youse -
On the 6 o'clock news!
And CNN refuse 
To seriously challenge 
Trump's anti social views!

Washington abandoned domestic issues 
Americans are crying, 
But can't afford the tissues; 
So you'll just have to settle                                                     
For snot on your sleeve 
Because you let big business  
Steal the money and leave; 
Liar, liar: A charged word
is now common in the GOP race
The horrendous lies                                                      
Washington has you believe 
Is what Foreign Policy intends to achieve
The truth of the matter might make you heave 
It's their fellow Americans, 
Washington intends to deceive 
If building the wall is your pet peeve
The loss of your country may also make you grieve!
How can a proud people,
Be so naïve?

Are you prepared to 
Hand Hilary a win?
American wallets  
Will be your only part that's thin 
Your bullshit detector                                                                                        
Feds will get 1.3% raise in 2016, Obama says

Better be built in
Like Flint-
Clean drinking water
Depends on your colour of skin!

8 more years of 
Federal politicking 
Is a high price to pay!
There are no benefits,
The costs all outweigh
Republicans aren't fit, 
To govern on a good day!
They all gave themselves 
A high rate of pay!
It says so right here in USA Today 
But you hang on to
Every word they say                                                                                                                                
Like it were child's play! 

North America                                                                
They're scaring ya
Donald Trump's jeering ya
Hillary's ensnaring ya
Bureaucrats wanna put da fear in ya!
How's a nation divided more strong?
Do you need to make him president 
To prove Trump's Luddites wrong?