Friday, December 9, 2016

It's The Power Sharing Deal Stupid

Byron York:
Senate Democrats plan to 'Ashcroft'
 their good friend Jeff Sessions
What's your best recollection
In an American Federal Election -
When the presses predilection -
Wasn't to make your tummy churn?
When's your last recollection
Of a Republican or Democrat,
Indirectly serving a third term?
Trump's win followed
A clear political trend
Though news pundits -
Disingenuously pretend,                            
To stand contrarily firm;

Trump's campaign was all hot air and bluster
Are fake, divisive politics -
The best Republicans can muster?
Intelligence figures fear
 Trump reprisals over assessment
of Russia election role
This ain't some great achievement
The public can't comprehend!
It's Democrats,
Whom Republicans pretend
To spurn;
In 8 long years what did either side learn?        
Now that a Democrat president 
Had his two term turn

Then again on the other hand
It's the proletariat who took a stand
"Alienated Labour" rules the land
The press claimed it was a Populist brand
That riled up Trump's-not -so-merry band;
The press dismissed the revolution,
The proletariat, and the disillusion;
Trump's was an inadvertent Marxist movement
Would be a major improvement!
If that's what you think, think again
Being president pays huge dividends
The Establishment are -
Donald Trump's friends
Will a wealthy ego
Like President elect Trump -
Forgo his salary and take a zero-sum lump?

The Donald alone
Can't "Make America Great Again"
Mike Pence's slant
Is to make America straight again;
Stephen Bannon's rant
Will make America hate again
Pinning your hopes on one man
May seal America's fate again
Sinning may get you 20 in the can
And stack up more issues than in all of Japan -
Trump to meet with
 Exxon Mobil CEO
to discuss
secretary of state position
On America's plate again!
You've got to be kidding!
Will "The Donald" be
Doing Herr bidding
To the White Nationalists
Who put Trump in power-
Slainte to your Happy Hour
America just normalized
White Supremacist Power -
Is one way to look at it -
Corporate media
Wanna throw the book at it!
To keep the people on the teat
Even fat media elites gotta eat
How else you gonna shut up
Them cry babies on the right -
Less you get Merica
'Hail Trump!':
 White Nationalists
Salute the President Elect
Back to being white?
Trump's election proves
Racism's hidden in the grooves
Like a shit splattered toilet needs a brush
Congress may soon need a flush
Law enforcement are on the hush
Racial cleansing can come in a rush
Minorities better organize, or get crushed!
Inner city murder rates -
Are now being shushed;
Congress keep Blacks segregated in the slum
Congress are about as racist as they come!
Their data wants to know where you're from!
So law enforcement -
Can keep Blacks under it's thumb!
You can protest all you want
The "professional protester" label
Was a taunt!
Citizen groups must locally unite-
And oust racist officials at these heights!
We Stopped Herr Hitler —
Now We Must Stop
 Something Potentially
 Far Worse: President Trump
Demagoguery, some claim,                          
Makes a nation fair game 
For rabble rousers to take aim
When the shoe's on the other foot
And your future's about as black as soot
Suddenly you cherish agitation
To vent your personal frustration
The Republican/Democrat -
Power sharing deal
Is what makes your votes this easy to steal!

Those who chastised Barack Obama
May soon get their fill of 
Did We Create Trump?
As satisfying as the
 blame-the-media formula
 might be, it gives too much
credit to the media and
 too little credit to Donald Trump
. By JACK SHAFER May/June 2016
Second Amendment drama 
Along with the irony and the karma
If a tyranny should come to pass
Government will seize your arms
And try to hand you your ass!
The decriers of peace,
Will be the first ones begging
For civil war to cease;
Until the smoke clears
No one will remember
2016 before the 8th of November
People will say
Look how good we had it before
Now that America is looking like Darfur!
Now that white supremacists,
Finally got their race war
Isn't that what Guantanamo's for,
To lock up the white terrorists
Whom The Establishment adore?

White Americans themselves are immigrants
Fast becoming embittered belligerents                                                              
What Do Trump and Marx
 Have in Common?
Are these the so called superior ones?
"They cling to their religion and their guns!"
Did such people transcend human flaws,
Amidst their hatred, racial slurs and guffaws?
Why are wealthy whites above the laws?
Is it because they contrived just cause?

Trump's appeal to the "lunatic fringe"
Supposedly made media elites cringe
But it's the very press who failed to vet
So don't get back to your slumber yet
It's network news media,
Who're the major threat
Those fools waged a dangerous bet
Trump played up to the major news outlet
Then stuck them -
With his Confederate bayonet;
Trump's campaign was the presses new pet                                                    
McConnell: Repealing Obamacare
‘first item up in the new year’
They salivated over a slow motion train wreck
The press ate it up like braised beef neck
Reasonable Americans cried what the heck!
While Anderson and Wolf
Cashed many a fat check

Republicans are elitist too
Mitch McConnell
Is "The One Who Flew -
Over the Cuckoos Nest"
Mitch needs a good surgeon
To crack open his chest!
Only, they'll find a lump of coal,
"Drill baby drill"
Ain't no virtue to extol!
Publicly he wants to undo,
Every last remnant;
Of America's first Black president!
To turn the left into malcontents
And then pit them against -
Hate group insurgents;
What does Mitch McConnell
Have in common with Rosie O'Donnell?
Both will forever,
The World’s 19 Most
Disappointing Leaders
Be tied to "The Donald"

Then There's Newt Gingrich 
Newt has this thing which                                                       
Puts him beside powerful men
Some like The Donald,
Happen to be bling rich
Newt ain't no Socrates
But Trump's like the Mighty Hercules
He stole the Mount Olympus ring bitch!
Newton says hey Herc, hey Herc
Let's get to work
Gingrich says he won’t hold
Cabinet post under Trump
"Sufferin' psyche" 
On the wings of Nike
Democrats are the evil Daedalus!
I'll concoct us a villain-
So it won't be the death of us!
It appears Republicans
Have a vested interest
In seeing Obama fully divest
Time will tell how well
History can digest
Making money and power
Your one and only quest
Republicans wanted
A Black president to fail
Trump's gums stopped-a-flappin'
About throwing Hillary in jail?

Rudy Giuliani got him a Trump pass
He made it his call of duty
Like an unruly granny
With a bug up her ass
Giuliani Removes Himself
From Contention
 for Any Trump Admin. Post
Ahoy mateys
Giuliani's still living in the eighties   
Like in the Pirates of Penzance
Rudy don't hear so well - 
And got ants in his pants,
Trump said we'll Make America Great Again!
What ol' Rudy heard was -
It's Secretary of State for you my friend
But in the end, nobody could relate,
Maybe Giuliani will get Trump's endorsement, 
It seems like his fate might lie in law enforcement

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