Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Will Canada Lead the Way in Showing the Gutless American Leadership How to Fix Law Enforcement? Probably Not!

Lets examine policing,
If you will;
As a way for law enforcement                                                                        
New video shows moment cop shoots
 restrained Louisiana man
To dispose of Blacks, 
And the mentally ill.
Potential recruits, 
In a military drill? 
Perhaps a militia,
Who are trained to kill?
The public a turkey shoot 
For their murderous thrill!
Legislated by degenerates
On Parliament or Capitol Hill;
Unscrupulous lawyers,
Who impose,
Bad crime bill after bill  

How did policing become,                                                            
Officer Who Shot Philando Castile
Is Back At Work,
With The Support Of His Chief
A dishonourable profession,
Fueled by hate,
And racial aggression?
The perpetrators of these
Bleak transgressions
Don't care for your well-being,
Or your social progressions!
Police are contributors -
To a steady flow of 
Funeral processions!

The problem with                                                                                          
John Nichols:
Reince Priebus made Donald Trump
a GOP inevitability
"A Few Bad Apples" theory
Is it makes good cops leery 
Of coming forward to oust the violent
Thus the good cops, 
Are the ones who stay silent! 
So how good are such cops after all
While witnessing criminality, 
And breech of protocol?

Who's running this thing,
We call policing?
Who are the assholes, 
Pulling the strings?
The names resound with a colonial ring-
Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services 
Run by lapdog liberals 
And contentious conservatives 
Toronto activists demand justice
for Abdirahman Abdi
Sounds harmless enough                                                        
But they're mean and merciless!
Doing society great disservices;
The Honourable Minister -
David Orazietti 
Treats justice 
Like he's testing spaghetti
Throw it against a wall
See if it sticks 
They got some gall,
Those miserable pricks!

If there's one thing for certain;                          
You can't trust a flunky cop,
To even open a curtain!
You must keep these mutts                                         
On a really short leash 
Regulate them, 
Like you would weed or hashish
How's their Italian -                                                
'March for Justice for Abdirahman
Abdi' in Ottawa
draws hundredsOntario's
SIU probing actions of 2 officers
 involved in arrest of Somali-Canadian man
The worthless rapscallion - Capeesh!?
Make sure their every move is accounted for 
When police have a suspect,
On or off camera,
Or behind a closed door!

In the press, journalists talk about 
A "culture of policing"
Whose palms, 
Are these police elites greasing? 
Why do we tolerate,
A police culture anyway?
When they swoop down like vultures,
And steal Black lives like prey!

What other professions, 
Gives its employees,  
These types of concessions?
No layoffs, no pay cuts                                                                                  
No change in officers' employment status
Free fitness - 
"Can I get a witness"!
To work the flab off their big butts;
Paid leave under any circumstance, 
It's our stinking politicians,
Who need the kick in the pants!
A Double "O" Seven, 
License to kill;
The personal discretion,
To shoot at will;
A souped up car, 
With free gas and radar;
Special powers,                                                                                            
A perfect job for boys to play toys                                        
Plus A True Blue Culture;
We're at a critical juncture!
We need to dismantle policing,                       
And fully restructure!
No other job comes close in parity 
Policing is a white brotherhood 
Of racial solidarity!

The main point, 
Police elites miss -
Is that without public trust, 
You can easily dismiss; 
A system of policing,
That has its civilians deceasing!
Due to its great incompetence - 
The Problem with
 “Broken Windows” Policing
In targeting poor Black Canadian immigrants!  

The USA's situation is the worst 
The Urban Plantation                                                      
Quenches America's thirst -
For their seething hate                                                  
In a supremacist police state, 
You're never too big to fail!
Look what happened when -
Slavery went "beyond the pale"
Today cops are an occupying force
Like Gaza, the West Bank and Syria of course 
Inequality and brutality is the driving force                                      
Jordan gives $2 million to
help build trust between blacks, cops
You failed in your,
Storied bravado of yore 
Prepare for the next  civil war!

The police play politics in the press
News media operate at their  behest 
Spinning a yarn like Readers Digest 
Making the emotional more depressed 
While leaving the gullible -thoroughly impressed;
In the case of terror suspect
Aaron Driver - 
A regular, jihadi MacGyver-
The RCMP dropped him, like a skydiver,
In the lap of a Strathroy cabdriver 
The failure here of Canadian law enforcement                                                           
Cases like Aaron Driver and Damien Clairmont
Proves whites freely do what they want!
White people slip away unnoticed
They label their crime as the remotest 
While lawmakers zero in on Blacks 
White criminals' wrists get smacks!  

The head of Ontario's 
Special Investigations Unit 
Tony Loparco falls under its rubric 
With police elites, 
Loparco's a true blue hit;
Loparco should be wearing, 
Caligula's tunic;
Gelded underneath,
Loparco bends over for police
We know where police 
Are applying the grease                                                                 
Because Black people -
Keep getting shot like geese!

Dismantle Ontario's SIU!
And positive press scenarios, 
About this cover up crew;
As for Abdirahman Abdi -
Whatever will they do?
Ontario's leaders -
Have "a worms eye view"
Policing is a job, not a culture!
Police Brass are horrible leaders
They're an elite class of bottom feeders; 
They provide no direction at all,
And let the rank and file take the fall;
This is called the Western way,
Gutless leadership in full decay;
Yeah, yeah we know the story
Corrupt politicians hate to be regulatory 
Politicians chirp that the system's not perfect 
Yet we assert: 
A shred of humanity 
Is definitely worth it!

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