Sunday, December 27, 2015

Shh, You'll Scare the White Folk: Toxic Press Syndrome, Donald Trump, Hate Speech and the Cunning of the Authorities

Trump and the press                                                                                            
The Media Likes Scaring Us,
and We Like It
Have white America scared
The press, is his sounding board
Fear sells/Trump is weird
But the Western press,
Are morally impaired!
Their images label Muslims
Terrorists to be feared;
Those with a turban
And a, no mustache, beard
A few weeks ago,
People barely cared
Today Trump says, "jump" 
And lynch mobs get all geared;                                                                          
Donald Trump's Been Race-Baiting Since The '80s
Reporters ask, "how high"?
And white folks's tempers flared!                                         
Freedom of the press
Used to be revered
Today Trump's hate speech
Gets criminally cleared

The corporate press,
Feed off fear and distress!
Pandering to
Trump's self-styled largesse                                                                  
By mere spectacle
Free thinkers aren't impressed
Trump the Conservative Budget-Buster

Today our democracy's                                                              
An unrecognizable mess!
The press work against our freedom!
Why do we even need them?
Today in the West
It's minority open season!

Be your own news source
As a matter of course
Try and be more discerning -
Because the state of press
Is really quite concerning.                                                                  
Poll shows half of U.S. voters
 would be embarrassed if
Donald Trump was President

Abandon the big
News corporation
Their lack of accountability
Is ruining the nation
Turn off, tune out and drop off the grid
Government don't like it
When in plain sight you're hid
Be an eternal, rebel yell kid!
Demand transparency!
Back room dealings,
We need to be rid!
Trump’s scare tactics should be dismantled

Gaining popularity                                                          
Is press criticism of Trump
But he's their star athlete
He won gold, in the poll jump!
Now they expect us to chastise
The very monster they created
For their part;
It's the press,
Who should be,
Thoroughly berated!
Canadian Charter of Rights:
What is the status
of press freedom in Canada?
Canadian journalists don’t always
 stand up and
shout for their Charter rights
— or even fully exercise them.

Who the press give voice to
Is strategically planned
They create the narrative
Then cry Trump should be banned!
The press always talk
From both sides of their face
The commentator says one thing
But her images disgrace!

Do people go to school for this,                                                
To throw freedom into the abyss?
Something must be horribly amiss
It seems media made society worse!
The presses elites
Are a blight and a curse!

If you're a big Black bloke                                                              
“It’s the Blackness that scares everybody”:
 Why white people favor
“African-Americans”The word "Black"
can be disruptive, disarming and political.
 Here's what it really means when I choose to use it
Looking like Tone Loc
You may scratch your head,
And wonder who'd I provoke?
The press like that you "sounded black"
When you spoke
Code for sounding dumb;
Because scared -
Is what white folks become!

Scaring white folk
Gives a news story traction
And gets the intended, negative reaction
To have a specific villain in the plot
Especially one that got shot,
Stabbed to death or
Police have not caught

When all the villains in the plot are dark                                                
95,000 Words,
Many of Them Ominous,
From Donald Trump’s Tongue

We see the press made us fear,
Black people in the park;
This fundamental truth
Prevents more than a fraction
Of shareholder's pockets
From going into contraction

The Western press are masters of reaction!
The only way they get ratings
Is to rile the race hating
By entertaining race baiting

The press and Donald Trump
Are down right reprehensible
Both perpetuate,                                                                                                  
Press freedom is declining in the US
This cash generating spectacle;
By dredging the bottom of the trash receptacle                            \
If media moguls
Were the least bit respectable
These do nothings -
Wouldn't seem so darn detestable;

Press moguls don't have the guts to admit;
Why press sensationalism will never quit
The Empire of Chaos
Their ignorance of the constitution;
Passively condones persecution,
A collective shoulder shrug is what we get                                    
While the public marinates in its shit,
Helplessly suckling big brothers tit,
Like a neglected baby in a dirty diaper;
The press promote Trump
The inglorious viper!
Dog Whistle Politics:
How Politicians Use
Coded Racism to Push
Through Policies Hurting All
What the press wind up reporting
Is meant to be confuse,
While purposely distorting!                                                                                  
Take for instance
Bill C51 and the Patriot Act,
Two Westernized terror pacts
Where news reporting seriously lacks
Any substance or depth;
The West's terror is excused
In its scope and its breadth;
Meaning some terror is justifiable
Because Donald Trump's words,
Are not deemed liable!

Selective application of the law
Sticks right in the public's craw!
It's more useless political blah                                                                
Top 10 Dirty Political Tricks
Lee Atwater’s 1988 Masterpiece
And exposes the authorities flaw
The law doesn't apply to the elite's own
Is what counter-terrorism policies have shown!
The criminal CIA has even grown,
Sadly Obama became a Bush clone!
With his dirty JSOCs smelling up our home
The executive branch
Not only assassinate, by drone
Trump's rise in popularity
Isn't accident prone!

Will the real presidential candidate,
Please stand up!
Jeb Bush may seem like a useless pup
Donald Trump's blessings
Seem to overflow his cup
But Trump's task
Is to pave Jeb's way
An unknown in the White House                                                          
Trump says Bush 41 adviser
approached him about becoming VP
Has no political sway;
Trump exists to rile the right wing base
While The Republican Party spits in your face

The United States is in a social mess!
In part, 
Because of the failure, 
Of the American press;
Federal politics
Adds to our overall stress;
Who will be president?
Is anyone's guess;
The inner circle
Is either Bush or Clinton;
Obama is linked-in,
Because America's anointed,
Are guaranteed to win!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Let the Political Games Begin

Ontario's Special Investigations Unit                              
A devil so ruinous and imprudent
Ontario legislators, are racist or stupid -
Their computers need to be wiped,
Then rebooted;
Compared to the Great Lakes,
Canadian justice, is more polluted!

Ontario's white wash of silence
Condones police Blue Wall of Violence
Today's policing, disputes the social science
It lacks humanity and lacks inner guidance                                                          
Jermaine Carby was shot full of holes
By Peel Police in tactical terror roles
How can police tamper with evidence,
And barely get raked over the coals?
The good guy narrative, the SIU controls
Loparco's virtues, the province extols
If you believe their lies
May you burn in hell with these souls

Jermaine Carby was mentally ill
Peel police lynch for the thrill                                  
Ontario goes in for the kill                                                            
No need for a trial when they got them a shill                    
In the SIU who'll mop up their spill
The disposable are terminated at will
These victims get pay outs of nil
While the Feds tout their costly crime bill
Because Apartheid is a Canadian skill                                          
First Nations and Blacks know the dastardly drill

Carby's alleged knife had no prints!
Does the SIU need someone to drop some more hints?
Police evidence tampering,
Deserves zero tolerance;
Not pampering!
SIU and police negligence are fully hampering
Many a family's justice from ever happening

Scared voters retreat to the status quo
Upon corrupt officials, our power we bestow
The provincial Liberals are like Curly, Larry and Moe
When it comes to justice
Three Stooges, drop the ball on their toe
It's Premier Wynne's dog and pony show!
Starring Ontario, Tony Loparco and the city of Toronto

Ontario's labour unions got politically crushed
Government's corporate cronies
Had them systematically hushed
Yet Ontario's police unions are monetarily flush
With cash hemorrhaging from their Slush
Funds, flow from public coffers in a gush!
Eddie Snowshoe, top right,
 is shown with his mother
and three brothers.
At 24, Eddie hanged himself
 in his cell after spending
162 days in solitary.
 (Courtesy Showshoe family)

But let's examine the root of our problems
Canada's being run by political goblins
Steer clear of Liberals and Conservatives
Their political policies are full of preservatives
Bad legislation is super long lasting
The only super duper remedy
Is political fasting!

Harper is the creator of Big Canadian Gov
For tactical policing,
Conservatives got much love!
Canadians better pray to the Lord above                                    
It ain't you when push come to shove!

American style police shootings                                                                          
Are happening in Canada's streets!
And police budgets keep on ballooning!
Because of Ottawa's elites
Servile Ontario bows at Ottawa's feet
Premier Wynne, the tough talker,
Failed to put Feds in the hot seat

Conservative crime bill C10
Is a financial disaster tried way back when
Mandatory minimums was all the rage;
This failed legislation,
Puts minor offenders in a cage
It sent the United States back to the Dark Age
Devastating communities,
Causing pain, no one will assuage

Bill C10 the Safe Streets and Communities Act            
As a matter of fact;
Liberals and Conservatives
Have a power sharing pact
Their bad policies linger, fully intact

Ashley Smith was 19 when
she choked to death in

 October 2007 at the
Grand Valley Institution 

in Kitchener, Ont.
The Correctional Service

 of Canada
has rejected a 

from the inquest jury 

that looked
 into her death.

 (Canadian Press)

Even those who don't support failed legislation
Are forced to pay for super jails and extended incarceration
Conservatives pander to its bases rejuvenation
Claiming the goal is Liberal castration

The tired old lie of rival arch enemies
When in actuality they're long term frenemies
Conjoined at the hip
In a symbiotic relationship                                                                
Thriving off the backs of throw away kids
Ensnared by toxic re-election bids!

Back before 2012
The Doomsday clock read 5 minutes to twelve
American law officials began to delve
Into Conservative plans for mandatory minimums
Lying somewhere on the political continuum
Between divide and conquer
And ultimate power!
Conservatives choose not to shelve
Bill C10 in this hour

The legal author of these laws

B.C. rights group says
mandatory minimum sentences
 don’t deter crime
Realized their inherent flaws;
Eric E Sterling's admonishment ignored
For Conservative Rob Nicholson,
It didn't strike a chord!                                                              
Now the Doomsday clock says 3 minutes to twelve
But science makes Conservatives bored!

Why not put omnibus crime dollars
On financial leashes with dog collars
Spend instead on education and drug treatment
Isn't helping the disadvantaged
A far nobler achievement?
Instead Conservatives opted for
Select victim appeasement;
The omnibus crime bill violates

Mandatory minimums, 
maximum harm
The absurdity of 

mandatory minimum 
Their policy declaration agreement -
Of "justice principles" within reason
To not contravene Canadian's rights and freedoms
To not have a "parallel justice system"
Conservative political policies defies good governance wisdom

Today's Conservatives lost their way
A far cry from the Red Tory                                                        
Of Joe Clark's day!
What's the story?
Don't make us guess;
A posteriori
Tell us why!
Canada's "free press"
Have no guts, no glory
With little condemnation to stress
In this murderous game of political chess

Mandatory sentences
 staying in crime bill,
Nicholson says
U.S. group warns against
 'costly failures' of
minimum sentences
 for minor drug crimes


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Nation Under Indictment: Toronto Police's Reins of Racist Terror Over Black Canadians

Andrew Loku's death
the death of a black man
with a history of mental illness
 at the hands of the police
 has touched off a
 furious debate in Toronto.
Andrew Loku was an unarmed Black man
Killed by cops
With a hammer in his hand!
Traumatized by war in his native land
In the devastated region of South Sudan                        

On 4 July 2015
What transpired next was unforeseen
Andrew awoke to extremely loud noise
Due to PTSD
He couldn't give poise
Self preservation
Was his perilous ploy
Andrew reached for a hammer,
In a self defense manner!

Hoping to put a stop
To all the clamour;                                                            
Perhaps he was frightened,
Andrew Loku's older sister,
Rose Mono, clings to a photo
of her dead brother following
his funeral outside of
Ward Funeral Homes, on Weston Road.
 Loku, a 45-year-old father of five
from South Sudan,
was shot dead by police on July 5.
When the railing, he did batter;
Suffering from PTSD
Was the likely factor!

Frequently disturbed
By late night tenant noise
Tenants who were as loud,
As a bunch of high school boys;
A PTSD trigger,
No one realized,
Go figure;
Asset or liability,
The latter deemed bigger;
Police terrorism,
Bagged them a "nigger"!

Andrew was in desperation zone
Wanting to make some noise of his own                                                
So those rude tenants would finally be shown
Let's face it:
Toronto police have a racism problem
The recent police killing of Andrew Loku,
 a 45-year-old black man,
is the latest example of an appalling trend.
The loud people upstairs
Wouldn't leave him alone!

A frightened woman called the cops;
Some consider,
Toronto's cops tops
Why did the city;
Lack the good sense to know,
Andrew's safe dwelling,
Was not for your average Joe?

The Canadian Mental Health Association
For Andrew's building
Received Toronto approbation;
People who have mental health issues
Need more trained staff
Not a bloody box of tissues!

Toronto City Council, should stop and consider;
Black Lives Matter
attended a
Toronto police board meeting Thursday
to demand action in
response to the fatal police
shooting of Andrew Loku.
(Michael Charles Cole/CBC)
But Toronto's leadership continuously dither
Mental health residents are frequently in crisis
Calling Toronto cops is like calling in ISIS!

Toronto's racist police
Are a formidable beast;
Their terror against Blacks
Refuses to cease!

When they arrive on the scene
Their demeanor is mean,
Drawing their guns is what's most obscene
There's only one thing
For the reasonable to glean:
Officials are liars who don't say what they mean,                                    

Why I'm Tired Of Being Told
Black People Need
to fix Our Communities
And racist Toronto cops
Carry the terrorist gene!

Terrorist cops shot Andrew Loku dead
De-escalation methods,
Could've been used instead;
It's like being a cop goes to their head
They'd much rather turn your shirt to blood red

Toronto cops lack the know how
That's why their guns frequently go pow!
They're too quick to mow you down
Especially if you're Black but also if you're brown!

Visible minorities,
Are disproportionately killed!
In Canada, it's what the white elites willed,
There is no difference
Between Canada and the USA
Racist police use terrorism,
Do Black Lives Matter in Canada?
 DECEMBER 17, 2014
To subdue their black prey!

For all the racist cops knew;                                            
Andrew Loku;
Could've been a labourer,
On a construction crew!

Maybe he was using his hammer,
To build himself a book shelf.
But the terrorist cops will say
What the parasite lawyers told them would play
"I feared for my partner,
Sammy Yatim's final warning:
 New audio reveals officer’s
hostile words before teen
was shot dead by police
And I feared for myself"

The murder of Andrew,
Was handed off to the SIU;
These cover up artists already knew                                                
How they'd rule on Mr. Loku
They'll deem it a clean shoot
Like with Sammy Yatim,
They'll conveniently go mute!

The Special Investigations Unit is opaque
Thinking they work for the public,
Is a common mistake;
They're far more cunning than a two headed snake!
They rubber stamp murder
In the aftermath of its wake;
Left: Prasanth Tella,
former Durham Region
constable cleared of assaulting
drunk driver Hafeez Mohamed.
Right: Hafeez Mohamed,
drunk driver
 was held face down
 and repeatedly punched in head.
Are these cops above the law?
The Toronto Star investigated
 two decades of SIU cases
and found that police officers
 across the province are treated
far differently than civilians
when accused of shooting,
beating and running over
and killing people, some of
 them innocent bystanders.
In these clowns
Don't dare place your faith
The province dangles our justice like bait
Police murder cover ups,                                                          
Date back to 1988

How many racist police killings,
Has Toronto already had?
First there was Lester Donaldson
A Black husband and a dad

Wade Lawson was a Black youth
Only 17 years old,
Shot with hollow point bullets,
For not doing as he was told!
The terrorist cop -
Anthony Melaragni;
Beat the murder wrap cold,
Though he was using bullets,
That were illegally sold!

Hugh Dawson and Ian Clifford Coley
Were two murdered Black men
Killed by the racist and the lowly;
Your silence won't make
Police terrorism holy
Nor will hiring Black brass
Like Mark Saunders or Peter Sloly                                                                  
Michael Eligon    Const. Louie Cerqua
Toronto officer who shot
Michael Eligon feared for his life
Even top cops kiss ass
Their political masters
Give terrorism a pass
Michael Eligon was a Black Toronto youth              
Murdering the mentally ill,
Is a Toronto police truth;                                                        
To see a racist pattern
You need not be a sleuth
Terrorism against Blacks
The pace of closing
SIU investigations
 has slowed considerably
in the past year, the first
 full year under
Tony Loparco's leadership.
Has the most relevant proof!

Eligon refused to put two scissors down
While walking around in his hospital gown
He was in crisis and medicated
Police terrorism's premeditated
After they shot him
Was how this was demonstrated
Terrorist police stomped him
While he was incapacitated

Terrorism is evident by it's after effects
When you can't trust police                                                
Because you know what's coming next
Social tensions begin to get worse
To Serve and Protect
Becomes a societal curse!

Ex-Waterloo cop says
paid suspension ‘
a dream come true’'
I am very thankful and
 fortunate,' officer
 Craig Markham wrote.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Bloody Business of Forgiveness

The materially wealthy, for a long life pray                          
That's OK,
God don't want them anyway
For the common heroes, mostly unsung
We sing in praise,
At the top of our lungs
"Only the Good Die Young"!

Wednesday, June seventeen
In the year of our Lord twenty fifteen
Charleston, South Carolina;
A terrorist struck its heart,
Like a crippling angina;
Intent was he
On destroying, God's fine china!
Hatched, he was,
Not birthed, from a vagina;
A terrorist entered God's sacred house;                                                  
Cold and callous with the heart of a louse                                                                  

Terror is blonde haired and blue eyed
Normalized, not even disguised;
The coffin of church pastor
 and South Carolina State
 Sen. Clementa Pinckney
 was placed at the
Statehouse Rotunda
on June 24, 2015 in
Columbia, South Carolina.
Pinckney was one of
nine people killed
during a Bible study inside
 Emanuel AME
church in Charleston.

Read more here:
Murder is the worst mortal sin;
Motive was, the colour of their skin
No advanced nation, can begin to hide
From what it buries deep inside;
Its basest, animalistic side;
Western morality just up and died!

The backwards South, yet again!
With its ignorant Confederate brain
Northern cowards take close aim!
Point your loaded finger of blame
Your racist beast ain't so tame!

9 dead in 9 merciless slaughters
Amongst the carnage, sons and daughters;
Fathers, sisters, cousins, uncles, brothers
Husbands, aunts, wives, co-workers, mothers                      
There was a graduate and a coach,
And elderly grandparents, beyond reproach

It may have come to her in a dream
'All Shall Be Well':
Hear the Touching
Voicemail from
Charleston Massacre Victim
Sharonda Coleman-Singleton
A death so barbaric and extreme                    
Coach Coleman-Singleton's
Premonition of a single gun;
Her funeral plans she made known
To Jamaica, her ashes, she wished to be flown,
Across the Atlantic, scattered and blown
A new angel unto heaven, has recently flown

Like Jesus Christ's impending death
At the hands of tyrants, like Macbeth
The leadership of the United States
Are real life killers, fiction imitates

Take Senator Clementa C. Pinckney
Back to the Garden of Gethsemane;
In the same way Christ was betrayed!
By Judas Iscariot
Whom the Sanhedrin paid
From Jesus Christ's flock, Judas strayed
Clementa C. Pinckney
For the soul of Judas, Jesus prayed 

Who ordered the Senator's death?
Who stole a reverend's dying breath?
Follow the money to the Field of Blood!
Where America dragged itself through the mud;

Ah, but alas,
Christ Is Risen!                                                                                    
Emanuel AME is free at last
From its American prison.
Denmark Vesey's legacy wasn't shoddy
America repeatedly jails the Black body
And in doing so, a nation's mind
While America slips further behind
Canada's leaders follow in tow
The day she was killed
along with eight others
during Bible study at a
South Carolina church,
Myra Thompson
achieved her goal of
becoming a minister.
Following is all Canadians know

Now let's talk about Myra Thompson
Many did admire this gentle, calm one
Terror ambushed her with a gun
Myra's calling as pastor, came undone

American terror, was founded on the Glock
Christ's church was built on Saint Peter the Rock,
Upon which Christ, housed his flock
Christ said, "Myra shepherd my sheep"
She prayed the Lord, her soul to keep
She knew she'd die before going sleep
For God she died, before she'd wake
Her soul Oh Lord, is yours to take!

Like the apostle Paul                                                                
Myra never saw herself small
Spreading the sacred word of the Lord
Death by the gun,
Used to be lynching by a horde!

Devils, Saints, and Denmark Vesey
Being advanced is a high price to pay
It's the rich who're invested in social decay
Myra was ordained the day she died
America's fall will be its "white pride"

For all their tough anti terror spin
America has no clue, where to begin;
Clean up terror in your own house!
The American Eagle, got beat up by a mouse!

Officials let racist terrorists thrive
To hang onto power while they connive
The powerful will do anything,
To keep on crowning themselves king!

Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church
How can we end on a happy note?
With young minds gone to mush
From all the iPads they tote
There's no wisdom
In what today's rappers wrote                                                                      
They rap about sex, and drugs 
And all the niggas that they smoked                                              
Shame on them
For the young lives they provoked
While today's Black youth are 
Systematically choked;
Elektra and Atlantic,
Have our American youth yoked!

To all you pop entertainers
Singing baby, baby
Collecting fat cheques 
Two women hug as
community members in
Oak Creek, Wisc., pay respects
to the six victims in the mass
shooting at the Sikh Temple
of Wisconsin on Aug. 10, 2012
Just Call Me Maybe
What your government is into
Will drive you crazy!

American fascism                                                                      
Is blonde with dark roots                                                                      
In 1937 America preferred 
Blackshirts and Jackboots
To get the Bolsheviks in line
Fascism's adored by the wealthy swine
To be savoured like a well aged fine wine

Kagame and Suharto were "Our Kind of Guy"          
About the Charleston shooting
Don't bother asking why;
It's what is known as a "fundamental truth"
Study Says White Extremists
 Have Killed More Americans
in the U.S. Than Jihadists
Since 9/11
Decay in the establishment,
Is like a rotten tooth!

The Republican Party got a gift from the Klan
Earl Holt the 3rd is their kind of man
A tidy sum of 65 grand
The American pie is swastika brand

Terrorism includes,
Holding radical views;
Like Iran's position on annihilating the Jews
In the USA white terrorists get to choose
Terror against Blacks,
Is the weapon that they use;

What happened to the arbitrary Patriot Act?
It's useless to protect citizens who are Black!
35 Countries Where
 the U.S. Has Supported
 Fascists, Drug Lords
 and Terrorists
Here's a handy A to Z
guide to U.S.-backed
international crime
.By Nicolas J.S. Davies
 / AlterNetMarch 4, 2014
The corrupt Western press purposely conflate
Gun control with groups espousing hate!

Why doesn't the useless FBI arrest all KKK?
The world's oldest terrorist group,
Resides in the USA!
Ship their worthless asses to Guantanamo Bay!
Does the KKK fulfill an agenda
In America today?

Don't cry Nikki Haley
Dry your crocodile tears
Don't give credence,  
To Obama for appeasing our fears!
9 people lost their lives
For Confederate musical chairs
And James Comey keeping his job
Puts officials in arrears!

Paul Kagame: “Our Kind of Guy”
by Edward S. Herman,
David Peterson

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

American Terrorism: The Acceptable Terror

Look deep into the eyes of a terrorist,
Dylann Roof: Profile of
Charleston church shooting suspect
And you'll see,
America's in need of a therapist!
Or better still, an exorcist;
Are you starting to get the gist?
Racial tensions threaten to embroil
A country founded on hate -
Is like a festering boil!

American leader inaction,
Sealed its fate;
The American people's reaction,
Too little, too late;
The elected officials who police the state,
Sold you out!
They can't relate
Earl Holt III, the leader of an
 organization admired by
 Charleston terrorism suspect
Dylann Roof (right) has
 given $65,000 to Republican
candidates in recent years.
Above, the far right leader at a 2013
conferenceLeader of far-right group
 praised by Charleston church shooter
Dylann Roof donated thousands
to presidential candidate Ted Cruz

They tell lies in the media,                                                      
In an attempt to isolate;                                                      
Playing down, racist traits,
As not directly linked;
But the truth of the matter is
They want Black people extinct!

American police refuse to profile,
White terrorists, grown or juvenile;
American judges are horribly futile!
Toward their financial backers
They're incorrigibly servile;
Judging citizens by race and by wealth;
A ruinous standard for America's frail health;

The American press love a good tragedy
The state of their ethics are abysmal and raggedy;
The press never bother to ask the tough questions!
They sit back and tolerate racist insurrections!

For the self proclaimed "one nation under God"
Murdering Blacks in churches, Surely ain't odd;
"Bombingham", Alabama 1963
The Klan killed 4 Black kids,
Charleston church attack harks back
 to 1963 Birmingham bombing
Happily with glee;
Robert Chambliss, leader of the perpetrators,
Was jailed but later got his walking papers;
It took Bill Baxley, elected attorney general,
To expose the FBI, as disgusting and terrible;
Turns out the FBI sat on airtight evidence;
In the name of justice, the FBI is a pestilence!

In 2015 Charleston, South Carolina;
The lone gunman theory
Is like a product made in China;
Roof named Charleston as
his target in hate-filled manifesto
 that referred to blacks as 'stupid
 and violent' and detailed
his wish for every
Jew to turn BLUE

"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"
Your lousy theory, you can keep!
Speculation, now runs deep;
A young puppet recruit, or a mindless sheep?
Was Dylann Roof the sole, lone creep?
At 21 years old, it's quite a leap!                                                                        

Officials would have the world believe
The master deception tucked up their sleeve
A 3 time loser who failed grade 9 twice,
Picked Emanuel AME as the object of his vice?

Was he counselled,
By racist ties running deep?
Not the version Democrats and Republicans, would have us keep!

There's a disturbing criminal element,
In American law forces;
Bearing down hard, like galloping horses;
A political policy of murderous race war;                                    
By design;
Is what their future has in store!
The Republican Party are, lying, filthy whores!
Who court the wicked, behind opaque doors;
Nikki Haley, South Carolina
Governor, Calls for Removal
 of Confederate Battle Flag
And the Democrat Party is corrupt to the core,                
Their evil deeds lies on the
News room, editing floor!

With the good ol' FBI boys on the case
Will "And Justice For All" find its rightful place?
The same FBI that surveilled Martin Luther King;
Hoover turned the FBI into an inconsequential thing!
Today FBI, has an odious ring!

The FBI knows, the members of
White domestic, terrorist groups;
Unless it fits a political agenda
(Republican Senator Ted Cruz)
Leader of group cited in
'Dylann Roof manifesto'
donated to top Republicans
They hold off, calling in the troops!
FBI inaction stirs up militant Black dupes;
It's a form of political instigation,
And the press get their scoops;
To proliferate fear,
Throughout the nation;
Fear, control and agitation!
Is all law enforcement castration knows,                      
They're not about protection;
They're to blame,                                   
When the powder keg blows!

The press play semantics,
Making a Point, Obama
Invokes a Painful Slur
With media catch phrases,
While the prestige romantics,
Award themselves accolades and praises;
Hmm, let's see,
Was it "hate"
What else could it possibly be?
This press created schism,
Is failing, not glowing;
The press play stupid, all the while knowing;
Hate and terrorism,
Walmart, Sears to pull
 Confederate flags from stores
Close to one in the same;
For the propagandists in power It's a political game;

Unless it's an Arab in a turban
The concept of terrorism's lost, 
On your average, white suburban!

America flaunts their dirty lil' secret,
In the world's face;
Terrorism was devised to oppress, "those people" by race
Terrorism is a yet to be defined term,
Although Western terrorism's acceptable and firm;
So is domestic terrorism, acceptable too;
F.B.I. Evidence Is Often Mishandled,
an Internal Inquiry Finds
The assassination of senator Clementa Pinckney,
Was nothing new!
Black leaders have always been the targeted few;
If you don't speak out, next they'll come  for you!                          

Like the husband abusing his, 
Wife and kids at home;
His public image,
The press spit-shined like chrome;
The press'll maintain,
Dylann Roof acted alone;
Making him solitary,
Like the pope in Rome

40 years for Justice:
Did the FBI Cover for the
 Birmingham Bombers?
And a mastermind, who's read,
Every scholarly tome.
Displaying a boyish look,
Softer than foam


Worshippers embrace following
a group prayer across the
street from the scene of a
shooting at Emanuel AME Church
 on Wednesday in Charleston, S.C.