Sunday, December 27, 2015

Shh, You'll Scare the White Folk: Toxic Press Syndrome, Donald Trump, Hate Speech and the Cunning of the Authorities

Trump and the press                                                                                            
The Media Likes Scaring Us,
and We Like It
Have white America scared
The press, is his sounding board
Fear sells/Trump is weird
But the Western press,
Are morally impaired!
Their images label Muslims
Terrorists to be feared;
Those with a turban
And a, no mustache, beard
A few weeks ago,
People barely cared
Today Trump says, "jump" 
And lynch mobs get all geared;                                                                          
Donald Trump's Been Race-Baiting Since The '80s
Reporters ask, "how high"?
And white folks's tempers flared!                                         
Freedom of the press
Used to be revered
Today Trump's hate speech
Gets criminally cleared

The corporate press,
Feed off fear and distress!
Pandering to
Trump's self-styled largesse                                                                  
By mere spectacle
Free thinkers aren't impressed
Trump the Conservative Budget-Buster

Today our democracy's                                                              
An unrecognizable mess!
The press work against our freedom!
Why do we even need them?
Today in the West
It's minority open season!

Be your own news source
As a matter of course
Try and be more discerning -
Because the state of press
Is really quite concerning.                                                                  
Poll shows half of U.S. voters
 would be embarrassed if
Donald Trump was President

Abandon the big
News corporation
Their lack of accountability
Is ruining the nation
Turn off, tune out and drop off the grid
Government don't like it
When in plain sight you're hid
Be an eternal, rebel yell kid!
Demand transparency!
Back room dealings,
We need to be rid!
Trump’s scare tactics should be dismantled

Gaining popularity                                                          
Is press criticism of Trump
But he's their star athlete
He won gold, in the poll jump!
Now they expect us to chastise
The very monster they created
For their part;
It's the press,
Who should be,
Thoroughly berated!
Canadian Charter of Rights:
What is the status
of press freedom in Canada?
Canadian journalists don’t always
 stand up and
shout for their Charter rights
— or even fully exercise them.

Who the press give voice to
Is strategically planned
They create the narrative
Then cry Trump should be banned!
The press always talk
From both sides of their face
The commentator says one thing
But her images disgrace!

Do people go to school for this,                                                
To throw freedom into the abyss?
Something must be horribly amiss
It seems media made society worse!
The presses elites
Are a blight and a curse!

If you're a big Black bloke                                                              
“It’s the Blackness that scares everybody”:
 Why white people favor
“African-Americans”The word "Black"
can be disruptive, disarming and political.
 Here's what it really means when I choose to use it
Looking like Tone Loc
You may scratch your head,
And wonder who'd I provoke?
The press like that you "sounded black"
When you spoke
Code for sounding dumb;
Because scared -
Is what white folks become!

Scaring white folk
Gives a news story traction
And gets the intended, negative reaction
To have a specific villain in the plot
Especially one that got shot,
Stabbed to death or
Police have not caught

When all the villains in the plot are dark                                                
95,000 Words,
Many of Them Ominous,
From Donald Trump’s Tongue

We see the press made us fear,
Black people in the park;
This fundamental truth
Prevents more than a fraction
Of shareholder's pockets
From going into contraction

The Western press are masters of reaction!
The only way they get ratings
Is to rile the race hating
By entertaining race baiting

The press and Donald Trump
Are down right reprehensible
Both perpetuate,                                                                                                  
Press freedom is declining in the US
This cash generating spectacle;
By dredging the bottom of the trash receptacle                            \
If media moguls
Were the least bit respectable
These do nothings -
Wouldn't seem so darn detestable;

Press moguls don't have the guts to admit;
Why press sensationalism will never quit
The Empire of Chaos
Their ignorance of the constitution;
Passively condones persecution,
A collective shoulder shrug is what we get                                    
While the public marinates in its shit,
Helplessly suckling big brothers tit,
Like a neglected baby in a dirty diaper;
The press promote Trump
The inglorious viper!
Dog Whistle Politics:
How Politicians Use
Coded Racism to Push
Through Policies Hurting All
What the press wind up reporting
Is meant to be confuse,
While purposely distorting!                                                                                  
Take for instance
Bill C51 and the Patriot Act,
Two Westernized terror pacts
Where news reporting seriously lacks
Any substance or depth;
The West's terror is excused
In its scope and its breadth;
Meaning some terror is justifiable
Because Donald Trump's words,
Are not deemed liable!

Selective application of the law
Sticks right in the public's craw!
It's more useless political blah                                                                
Top 10 Dirty Political Tricks
Lee Atwater’s 1988 Masterpiece
And exposes the authorities flaw
The law doesn't apply to the elite's own
Is what counter-terrorism policies have shown!
The criminal CIA has even grown,
Sadly Obama became a Bush clone!
With his dirty JSOCs smelling up our home
The executive branch
Not only assassinate, by drone
Trump's rise in popularity
Isn't accident prone!

Will the real presidential candidate,
Please stand up!
Jeb Bush may seem like a useless pup
Donald Trump's blessings
Seem to overflow his cup
But Trump's task
Is to pave Jeb's way
An unknown in the White House                                                          
Trump says Bush 41 adviser
approached him about becoming VP
Has no political sway;
Trump exists to rile the right wing base
While The Republican Party spits in your face

The United States is in a social mess!
In part, 
Because of the failure, 
Of the American press;
Federal politics
Adds to our overall stress;
Who will be president?
Is anyone's guess;
The inner circle
Is either Bush or Clinton;
Obama is linked-in,
Because America's anointed,
Are guaranteed to win!

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