Tuesday, June 23, 2015

American Terrorism: The Acceptable Terror

Look deep into the eyes of a terrorist,
Dylann Roof: Profile of
Charleston church shooting suspect
And you'll see,
America's in need of a therapist!
Or better still, an exorcist;
Are you starting to get the gist?
Racial tensions threaten to embroil
A country founded on hate -
Is like a festering boil!

American leader inaction,
Sealed its fate;
The American people's reaction,
Too little, too late;
The elected officials who police the state,
Sold you out!
They can't relate
Earl Holt III, the leader of an
 organization admired by
 Charleston terrorism suspect
Dylann Roof (right) has
 given $65,000 to Republican
candidates in recent years.
Above, the far right leader at a 2013
conferenceLeader of far-right group
 praised by Charleston church shooter
Dylann Roof donated thousands
to presidential candidate Ted Cruz

They tell lies in the media,                                                      
In an attempt to isolate;                                                      
Playing down, racist traits,
As not directly linked;
But the truth of the matter is
They want Black people extinct!

American police refuse to profile,
White terrorists, grown or juvenile;
American judges are horribly futile!
Toward their financial backers
They're incorrigibly servile;
Judging citizens by race and by wealth;
A ruinous standard for America's frail health;

The American press love a good tragedy
The state of their ethics are abysmal and raggedy;
The press never bother to ask the tough questions!
They sit back and tolerate racist insurrections!

For the self proclaimed "one nation under God"
Murdering Blacks in churches, Surely ain't odd;
"Bombingham", Alabama 1963
The Klan killed 4 Black kids,
Charleston church attack harks back
 to 1963 Birmingham bombing
Happily with glee;
Robert Chambliss, leader of the perpetrators,
Was jailed but later got his walking papers;
It took Bill Baxley, elected attorney general,
To expose the FBI, as disgusting and terrible;
Turns out the FBI sat on airtight evidence;
In the name of justice, the FBI is a pestilence!

In 2015 Charleston, South Carolina;
The lone gunman theory
Is like a product made in China;
Roof named Charleston as
his target in hate-filled manifesto
 that referred to blacks as 'stupid
 and violent' and detailed
his wish for every
Jew to turn BLUE

"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"
Your lousy theory, you can keep!
Speculation, now runs deep;
A young puppet recruit, or a mindless sheep?
Was Dylann Roof the sole, lone creep?
At 21 years old, it's quite a leap!                                                                        

Officials would have the world believe
The master deception tucked up their sleeve
A 3 time loser who failed grade 9 twice,
Picked Emanuel AME as the object of his vice?

Was he counselled,
By racist ties running deep?
Not the version Democrats and Republicans, would have us keep!

There's a disturbing criminal element,
In American law forces;
Bearing down hard, like galloping horses;
A political policy of murderous race war;                                    
By design;
Is what their future has in store!
The Republican Party are, lying, filthy whores!
Who court the wicked, behind opaque doors;
Nikki Haley, South Carolina
Governor, Calls for Removal
 of Confederate Battle Flag
And the Democrat Party is corrupt to the core,                
Their evil deeds lies on the
News room, editing floor!

With the good ol' FBI boys on the case
Will "And Justice For All" find its rightful place?
The same FBI that surveilled Martin Luther King;
Hoover turned the FBI into an inconsequential thing!
Today FBI, has an odious ring!

The FBI knows, the members of
White domestic, terrorist groups;
Unless it fits a political agenda
(Republican Senator Ted Cruz)
Leader of group cited in
'Dylann Roof manifesto'
donated to top Republicans
They hold off, calling in the troops!
FBI inaction stirs up militant Black dupes;
It's a form of political instigation,
And the press get their scoops;
To proliferate fear,
Throughout the nation;
Fear, control and agitation!
Is all law enforcement castration knows,                      
They're not about protection;
They're to blame,                                   
When the powder keg blows!

The press play semantics,
Making a Point, Obama
Invokes a Painful Slur
With media catch phrases,
While the prestige romantics,
Award themselves accolades and praises;
Hmm, let's see,
Was it "hate"
What else could it possibly be?
This press created schism,
Is failing, not glowing;
The press play stupid, all the while knowing;
Hate and terrorism,
Walmart, Sears to pull
 Confederate flags from stores
Close to one in the same;
For the propagandists in power It's a political game;

Unless it's an Arab in a turban
The concept of terrorism's lost, 
On your average, white suburban!

America flaunts their dirty lil' secret,
In the world's face;
Terrorism was devised to oppress, "those people" by race
Terrorism is a yet to be defined term,
Although Western terrorism's acceptable and firm;
So is domestic terrorism, acceptable too;
F.B.I. Evidence Is Often Mishandled,
an Internal Inquiry Finds
The assassination of senator Clementa Pinckney,
Was nothing new!
Black leaders have always been the targeted few;
If you don't speak out, next they'll come  for you!                          

Like the husband abusing his, 
Wife and kids at home;
His public image,
The press spit-shined like chrome;
The press'll maintain,
Dylann Roof acted alone;
Making him solitary,
Like the pope in Rome

40 years for Justice:
Did the FBI Cover for the
 Birmingham Bombers?
And a mastermind, who's read,
Every scholarly tome.
Displaying a boyish look,
Softer than foam


Worshippers embrace following
a group prayer across the
street from the scene of a
shooting at Emanuel AME Church
 on Wednesday in Charleston, S.C.


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