Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Nation Under Indictment: Toronto Police's Reins of Racist Terror Over Black Canadians

Andrew Loku's death
the death of a black man
with a history of mental illness
 at the hands of the police
 has touched off a
 furious debate in Toronto.
Andrew Loku was an unarmed Black man
Killed by cops
With a hammer in his hand!
Traumatized by war in his native land
In the devastated region of South Sudan                        

On 4 July 2015
What transpired next was unforeseen
Andrew awoke to extremely loud noise
Due to PTSD
He couldn't give poise
Self preservation
Was his perilous ploy
Andrew reached for a hammer,
In a self defense manner!

Hoping to put a stop
To all the clamour;                                                            
Perhaps he was frightened,
Andrew Loku's older sister,
Rose Mono, clings to a photo
of her dead brother following
his funeral outside of
Ward Funeral Homes, on Weston Road.
 Loku, a 45-year-old father of five
from South Sudan,
was shot dead by police on July 5.
When the railing, he did batter;
Suffering from PTSD
Was the likely factor!

Frequently disturbed
By late night tenant noise
Tenants who were as loud,
As a bunch of high school boys;
A PTSD trigger,
No one realized,
Go figure;
Asset or liability,
The latter deemed bigger;
Police terrorism,
Bagged them a "nigger"!

Andrew was in desperation zone
Wanting to make some noise of his own                                                
So those rude tenants would finally be shown
Let's face it:
Toronto police have a racism problem
The recent police killing of Andrew Loku,
 a 45-year-old black man,
is the latest example of an appalling trend.
The loud people upstairs
Wouldn't leave him alone!

A frightened woman called the cops;
Some consider,
Toronto's cops tops
Why did the city;
Lack the good sense to know,
Andrew's safe dwelling,
Was not for your average Joe?

The Canadian Mental Health Association
For Andrew's building
Received Toronto approbation;
People who have mental health issues
Need more trained staff
Not a bloody box of tissues!

Toronto City Council, should stop and consider;
Black Lives Matter
attended a
Toronto police board meeting Thursday
to demand action in
response to the fatal police
shooting of Andrew Loku.
(Michael Charles Cole/CBC)
But Toronto's leadership continuously dither
Mental health residents are frequently in crisis
Calling Toronto cops is like calling in ISIS!

Toronto's racist police
Are a formidable beast;
Their terror against Blacks
Refuses to cease!

When they arrive on the scene
Their demeanor is mean,
Drawing their guns is what's most obscene
There's only one thing
For the reasonable to glean:
Officials are liars who don't say what they mean,                                    

Why I'm Tired Of Being Told
Black People Need
to fix Our Communities
And racist Toronto cops
Carry the terrorist gene!

Terrorist cops shot Andrew Loku dead
De-escalation methods,
Could've been used instead;
It's like being a cop goes to their head
They'd much rather turn your shirt to blood red

Toronto cops lack the know how
That's why their guns frequently go pow!
They're too quick to mow you down
Especially if you're Black but also if you're brown!

Visible minorities,
Are disproportionately killed!
In Canada, it's what the white elites willed,
There is no difference
Between Canada and the USA
Racist police use terrorism,
Do Black Lives Matter in Canada?
 DECEMBER 17, 2014
To subdue their black prey!

For all the racist cops knew;                                            
Andrew Loku;
Could've been a labourer,
On a construction crew!

Maybe he was using his hammer,
To build himself a book shelf.
But the terrorist cops will say
What the parasite lawyers told them would play
"I feared for my partner,
Sammy Yatim's final warning:
 New audio reveals officer’s
hostile words before teen
was shot dead by police
And I feared for myself"

The murder of Andrew,
Was handed off to the SIU;
These cover up artists already knew                                                
How they'd rule on Mr. Loku
They'll deem it a clean shoot
Like with Sammy Yatim,
They'll conveniently go mute!

The Special Investigations Unit is opaque
Thinking they work for the public,
Is a common mistake;
They're far more cunning than a two headed snake!
They rubber stamp murder
In the aftermath of its wake;
Left: Prasanth Tella,
former Durham Region
constable cleared of assaulting
drunk driver Hafeez Mohamed.
Right: Hafeez Mohamed,
drunk driver
 was held face down
 and repeatedly punched in head.
Are these cops above the law?
The Toronto Star investigated
 two decades of SIU cases
and found that police officers
 across the province are treated
far differently than civilians
when accused of shooting,
beating and running over
and killing people, some of
 them innocent bystanders.
In these clowns
Don't dare place your faith
The province dangles our justice like bait
Police murder cover ups,                                                          
Date back to 1988

How many racist police killings,
Has Toronto already had?
First there was Lester Donaldson
A Black husband and a dad

Wade Lawson was a Black youth
Only 17 years old,
Shot with hollow point bullets,
For not doing as he was told!
The terrorist cop -
Anthony Melaragni;
Beat the murder wrap cold,
Though he was using bullets,
That were illegally sold!

Hugh Dawson and Ian Clifford Coley
Were two murdered Black men
Killed by the racist and the lowly;
Your silence won't make
Police terrorism holy
Nor will hiring Black brass
Like Mark Saunders or Peter Sloly                                                                  
Michael Eligon    Const. Louie Cerqua
Toronto officer who shot
Michael Eligon feared for his life
Even top cops kiss ass
Their political masters
Give terrorism a pass
Michael Eligon was a Black Toronto youth              
Murdering the mentally ill,
Is a Toronto police truth;                                                        
To see a racist pattern
You need not be a sleuth
Terrorism against Blacks
The pace of closing
SIU investigations
 has slowed considerably
in the past year, the first
 full year under
Tony Loparco's leadership.
Has the most relevant proof!

Eligon refused to put two scissors down
While walking around in his hospital gown
He was in crisis and medicated
Police terrorism's premeditated
After they shot him
Was how this was demonstrated
Terrorist police stomped him
While he was incapacitated

Terrorism is evident by it's after effects
When you can't trust police                                                
Because you know what's coming next
Social tensions begin to get worse
To Serve and Protect
Becomes a societal curse!

Ex-Waterloo cop says
paid suspension ‘
a dream come true’'
I am very thankful and
 fortunate,' officer
 Craig Markham wrote.

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