Monday, August 18, 2014

Who Killed Michael Brown?

Did the State of Missouri kill Michael Brown?
Is bad legislation why he was gunned down?
Shot execution style, one to the back of the head    
Then five more times, to make sure he was dead.                       
Don't call in the State Trooper, call the F.B.I. instead!
Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson
finally named the officer who shot
and killed the unarmed
Mike Brown: Darren Wilson. 

Execution style murder is done at close range
The victim hopes to get mercy in exchange 
For their life, so the shooter stands down
With hands in the air, police killed Michael Brown!

Brass say the shooter was officer Darren Wilson
Missouri state system, blood they did a spill some 
To Governor of Missouri Jeremiah "Wilson" Nixon
Blood is on your hands, cleanse Ferguson's affliction 

Jeremiah Wilson "Jay" Nixon
  is an American politician
 of the Democratic Party .
 Since 12 January 2009,
 he is governor of Missouri.
Previously, he was since
1993 the Attorney General of the State

A police officer keeps watch
over demonstrators
protesting the shooting
death of teenager Michael
Brown on August 13, 2014
in Ferguson, Missouri.


Members of the Missouri National Guard,
 Army and Air Force National Guards
 stack sandbags on a levee in
 anticipation of higher flood water.
Jocelyn Augustino/FEMA

The governor of Missouri sent in the National Guard
For that quick decision he didn't think too hard 
Unleashing militia on citizens, will leave America scarred
America won't support its military if its memory is marred!

Did the American Congress kill Michael Brown?
Were his constitutional rights suppressed or held down?
Where's the 5th Amendment due process with no jury or trial?
Are all cops in America dirty like Harry Callaghan's style?

Go Ahead, Make Our Day!
Missouri cops say, we love to make black people pay!
Judge, Jury, Executioner, your black ass, they will slay
If you're a kid blocking traffic in the middle of the day! 

Tell us online naysayers, who killed Michael Brown? 
Anonymous Hacktivists said they found the clown!
Brass rebuffed their statement with an evil grin and frown
Then threw Darren Wilson to the wolves in the town

Paramedics couldn't do anything to save poor Michael
White cops killing blacks, in America is archetypal 
Congress and Missouri are to blame for the vicious cycle
The constitution is worthless if it's only whites it will entitle!

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