Thursday, August 21, 2014

INJUSTICE! Find Your Peace In Pieces

In 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
was fatally shot while standing
on a balcony in Memphis.

A demonstrator is arrested Monday
as he protests the fatal shooting
of Michael Brown



Was Michael Brown's killing really about race?
Media functions to inject bias in cyber space!
All rise, the court of public opinion is now in session
Presiding, the honorable judge: Freedom Of Expression
To explore what exactly is the media's intention
In posing a "white moderate" neoliberal question.

Martin Luther King said of the white moderate
Their devotion to a negative peace, socially and morally obdurate
King reminded, tyranny in Hitler's Germany was regal              
Providing comfort to aid a Jew, Nazi's deemed illegal
Illegal too, was the Hungarian freedom revolt of 1956
It resisted Hungarian government's pro Soviet tactics

Swift condemnation was needed in the case of Michael Brown
Poor black men in the West, are always getting gunned down!
Racism is a systemic thing or planned and systematic
Yet media focuses on individual hatred or the white supremacist fanatic
Western media narrowly focus on the superficial aspects of race
It makes us feel better about ourselves, not society a better place

Ferguson Missouri is a classic type of condition
A majority black population languishing in American prison
Media exploited scenes depicting Ferguson tension,
Like a bridge collapse due to weakened suspension,
Or a train wreck in slow motion, the usual media devotion

Violent exchanges between Ferguson police and protesters
Was a pot boiling 'neath the surface of oppressive stressors

Two out of three people in Ferguson are black
Black Ferguson voters get discouraged and turn back
Most city government officials in Ferguson are white
Ferguson promotes the "at large voting" conservative blight

"At large voting" is said to be a conservative measure
Hording their privilege like a rare and coveted treasure
Canadian Parliament in Canada is quite the same
Its face doesn't resemble the represented public of claim

At large voting is meant to elect one representative
Making Ferguson's multiple district elections tentative
Black voter numbers concentrate federally in November
Ferguson city officials made April the date to remember
Officials know, black voter turnout in city elections will be low
For black representation, it's described as an intentional blow

In Ferguson, property ownership determines voter registration
Black voters are poor renters, stymied by economic stagnation
It was the racist Western system that sealed Michael Brown's fate
Not a random police shooting but an international, murderous spate!
The Washington, D.C. riots of April 4–8, 1968,
 resulted in Washington, along with Chicago and
  Baltimore, receiving the heaviest impact
 of the 110 cities to see unrest following the King assassination.

QuikTrip gas station smolders August 11
Ferguson, Missouri riot aftermath
following the police shooting of
Michael Brown

The King family and others believe 
that the assassination was carried out
by a conspiracy involving the U.S.
government, and that James Earl Ray
was a scapegoat. This conclusion
was affirmed by a jury in a 1999
civil trial against Loyd Jowers and
unnamed co-conspirators,[note 1]
although no government agency
or individual was named in that
civil suit so no defense or evidence
from the state was considered.[49]
later found Jowers'
claims to not be credible. 
King had been targeted by the
COINTELPRO program[68]
and had also been under surveillance 
by military intelligence
 agencies during the period leading 
up to his assassination under
 the code name Operation Lantern Spike.[69]

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