Friday, August 15, 2014


Police car burns in Toronto G20 Summit on 26 June 2010 
World leaders at the 2012 G-20 Los Cabos summit.

Protesters in the Lawrenceville neighborhood
of Pittsburgh on September 24 2009.
 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh Summit

Citizens of the world unite
Whether black, brown, or white
The Nazification of the Western police
Ferguson, Missouri or the Middle East?
The police in the West, are a militarized beast

Police have army weapons, not army training
They're murdering citizens, the blood is raining
Ze jackbooted Strumtruppen's campaigning
Government threat is maintaining
Rumored collapse surely sustaining
The threat is you, they claim wealth is draining

Don't misdirect outrage at the police                                    
Rodney King Beating by Los Angeles Police  March 3, 1991
The problem is legislators hating our peace
Corporations fear their wealth will decrease              
They co-opted government for a power increase

Watts Riots Los Angeles August 12 1965
First Party Congress in Nuremberg, 1927                  Toronto G20

Harlem Riot of 1964

German jackboots from 1914

Corprations now writing our policy
Whether directly or whether inaudibly  
The object here is a corporatocracy
To rid the West of the people's democracy

If you are poor you will wind up in jail
But the prison industry will get a bailout or bail
The F.E.M.A camps, is part of what will entail
Better not be pregnant, elderly or frail
Sammy Yatim murder by Toronto Police July 27, 2013

Citizens oversee policy! The time is nigh
Take your head out of the sand, open your eye
Time's high, for big party politics to die
To the age of excess we must say goodbye

Conservatives shout for government to shrink
Yet party coffers grow faster'n you can blink
Government was sold, take it back quick
There's more money than you can shake a stick!
Sammy Yatim November 5, 1994 - July 27, 2013

Police executed Michael Brown and Sammy Yatim
Family hopes shattered to never again dream
Sammy and Michael both were eighteen
Ferguson, Missouri was a racially charged scene
Officer James Forcillo charged; on murder 2 they're keen
But everybody expects Forcillo to walk away clean

Toronto police Const. James Forcillo
is charged with second-degree murder
in the death of Sammy Yatim.
The 18-year-old was
fatally shot aboard a streetcar
last summer.
(Nathan Denette/Canadian Press)

What becomes clear is poor people pay the price    
Poor African Americans, live by a roll of the dice
Police in North America are wardens of the poor
Western legislators on the poor, they declared war

No affordable housing, no youth programs, no jobs
Yet Federal politicians are well fed, wealthy slobs
Their corporate backers are equally as greedy
Societal burden is on middle class, poor and needy                    
The Power Elite view the public as small and insignificant
 The Power Elite view the public as backward and ignorant
Western governments became their own nation state
Self interested, and serving the 1 percent of late
They use "The 99" as political bait
It's time to cut them loose, let's separate!
If countries can't equally share prosperity and wealth
Secession and revolution will determine our health!

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