Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The New Angels of Death

The poor in the West are under attack!
In Ontario, Canada, greed mongers clamor
Conservative opponents hammer                  
To scale the money, of poor people back;
They deem Ontario Disability Support Program slack  
They're scrambling for a disability funding, claw back

Will  Ontario accomplish the "Brighter Prospects" plan?
Or will they institute a boondoggle from the man?
Like the failed Workfare, Conservative scam
Canadian treatment of the poor amounts to a sham!

How will they accommodate disability in the private sector?
Government being the parasite and corporations the vector
Like a maggot living off you, it's a horrifying specter          
You're a living host for the tax collector!

If it's a bailout for Air Canada                                                
Money they will find                                                                          
If it's money for the auto industry or banks
They conveniently go blind
Yet there's no money for the ones left behind
Corporate welfare is welfare in kind

Work Capability Assessment; an initiative in the UK          
Overseen by Atos, a Josef Mengele type outfit, accused of foul play
Their job is to cast disabled people; like dogs in the street
To fend for themselves, die in squalor and die discreet
It's the English Poor Laws; they salivate to reinstate
Conservative monsters connive, so their rich friends get a better rate!

The extermination has now begun                                              
The Nazi Party in the West, kill poor people for fun
They got doctors like Mengele to determine your fate
Thousands of poor died in the UK due to Atos's hate
First they came for the poor; whom we secretly abhor
They remind us of suffering and not having more
We didn't speak out and in their face slammed the door!
Then they came for the infirm and people disabled
Those portrayed like freaks and whom Dickens fabled
We didn't speak out because, they're conveniently labelled
Now they're coming back, yes, back for the Jews
Because antisemitism in Europe, has populist views
They're locking up all the blacks in American jails
The new Nazi test subjects denied justice and bails
When they come for the rest no one will speak out
The New Angels of Death; social equality they flout!

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