Saturday, July 19, 2014

Flight MH 17 Don't Believe The Hype

My condolences to the families of both Malaysian flights.

"Don't believe the hype - its a sequel
As an equal, can I get this through to you" Public Enemy

Malaysia Flight
MH 17

Flight MH Seventeen                                                                    
The debris field engulfing your screen            
The secular propagandists are at it again          
They're morally debase and far from your friend

Who are these mysterious propagandists you ask?
One thing's for sure, they hide behind a mask
Bush orchestrated 911, to embroil us in bitter war
They are the global pimps and corporate media's their whore 

2 Malaysian flights in under a few months                
Ain't no coincidence
Some may call it a hunch 
More like a tactic of diversion
To blur similar lines, of travel excursion                                
You're getting sleeeeeepy, like you're out to lunch
But really you're hypnotized, like your gut took a punch

Most people are too overwhelmed, to even keep up with life
Feeling compelled we've excelled at indulging the hype
We're over burdened by daily stress and financial strife
Graphic news images stick in us like a knife

It's all smoke and  mirrors what we're witnessing now
Don't even waste your time, trying to figure out how
One plane disappeared, the other was found 
In our minds it blends together it's not so profound

Two planes gone,
Blown up,                          
Many dead;
In the Ukraine,
It's insane,
Too much for our head;
Take 2
Now the world will be forced, to drink poison from this cup
The details will become foggier, as you slip away, while you sup
All you need to know is:
The Russians blew them up......... 

The American government was embarrassed, when Putin took Crimea
The hawks are beating the war drum for Putin to say his Ave Maria
You'll certainly hear no tough talk,
Coming from Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak
Hundreds dead and hundreds missing, it's time he took a walk      

The people on flight MH 17
Current Malaysian PM Razak (was formerly defense minister)
with Donald Rumsfeld
May 2 2002
Were casualties of the globalist regime
Remember their object here is global war
To solve their money problem, and make 2 into 4
They're slated to kill millions more!
Somehow the herd must be thinned
They have no choice, they've already sinned!

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