Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How to Make Murder More Palatable

Psychologically we are worse for wear,
Inundated by and addicted to fear
Like a runaway train, from freedom we veer
Behold the Heart Bleed Bug, profiteer                                                 

On the internet the threat we face.
Seem to benefit the industry who make us safe
Are Norton and McAfee the Original Gangsters?
Pay the fee, or get hacked by prankster's
The cowards in the shadows, are Original Wankster's
While the public runs the wheel, like frantic hamsters

The same way the mafia used to do
You pay the wise guys, to protect you                
Yet the protectors pose the only threat,
When under duress, we're prone to forget        

                             Current CIA Director: John O. Brennan

                            Murder Victims of the CIA (and FBI)
From Top:
Janis Joplin
    Tupac Shakur
   Jimi Hendrix
   Jean Seberg
                        Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
         Marilyn Monroe
                Christopher Wallace

      Mohammed Mossadegh
         murdered by CIA 

On a larger scale we have the secular heathens
The global agitators, who destabilize regions
Deliberate ploys, to stir up terrorist legions
The breaking news feeds amount to treason
Violent images, arouse viewer demons

Throw in a loudmouth politician or two
To evoke your ire with a heady brew
Always there to sound the alarm
Independent thinkers they coerce and strong arm
There you have it, the unwitting and unsure
Are led like sheep to the slaughter of war

How do you make murder more palatable?
Concoct an enemy and portray them like an animal
The C.I.A. and C.S.I.S have murdered our citizens
 The U.S, Canada and MI5&6 in Britain

Security agencies silence those who speak out
And pay mainstream media to bandy fiction about
Walter Rodney
murdered by CIA
Kennedy, King, X, Rodney, Hendrix, Monroe, Breitbart
Influential voices that were silenced, for a start                      
Our government premeditates murder in our name
Few are outraged by their crime, so things stay the same
Anyone accusing them is a conspiracy theorist
People don't want to be bothered, is what becomes clearest

Burn all the books
If they get second looks
"Manufacturing Consent"
By eradicating descent

We are becoming a society with a closed door policy
What we chastise Marxists and communists for constantly
We've now become the thing that we most abhor
Patrice Lumumba
murdered by CIA
The status quo for starters, now that's for sure!                                                            


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If you click on the link
they function in YouTube.
(For the time being)

                          COINTELPRO 101 - The Sabotage Of Legitimate Dissent





        CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate the USA (1975)

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