Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Stakes Is Still High

Dela Soul said "stakes is high"
Got many still wondering why
Today's stakes we just mount astride
You have no choice, you're in for the ride.

CBC National ran the jihadi story
About Canada's radicalized youth in search of afterlife glory
Its minimal context makes the viewer fearful more than sorry
With righteous indignation you take a jihadist inventory.

Ah but...
There's always more to the story than meets ear or eye;
If you don't question it thoroughly,
Our young again, will  be sent to die.                            
The truth never stops short of the money trail;
When the smoke clears after this tale,
Death and destruction will surely prevail.

The Bush Hawks are back on the war path!
They'll stop nothing short of a genocidal bloodbath,
If you don't think they're in power, do the math.
Now I'm tickled pink, you just made me laugh!

People like Bush, Powell, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Ridge don't just retire
They work with the Republican Party and likely conspire
To make sure the nation's path is solidly paved.
Corporate media don't report it, they're bought and paid!

The Canadian Conservative Party is like the CCP            
From their position in Ottawa they command authority
Don't compare political ideology, compare the drive for absolute majority
They are seeking to undermine Canadian institutional, priority
Institutions that fundamentally hold liberal seniority.

8 out of 11 CBC board of directors contributed to the Conservative Party
The CBC as a Canadian institution is considered liberally hearty
So when next you hear news of Western youth fighting abroad
Remember after 911, the intelligence community perpetrated a fraud!

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