Sunday, June 8, 2014


Dwight D. Eisenhower,
In his final presidential hour,
Warned of the Military Industrial Complex,
The willful demise of democratic balance and checks;                
On humanity the power elite have cast an impervious hex.
We can only pray God saves us from what comes next.

Their evil lurks greedily in the shadow,
Profiting from the sale of weapons and ammo,
Deceiving the addle minded status quo,
Into believing the cold war had nowhere to go
For this they considered Reagan a conservative hero
For the public, one of many a presidential zero

Hail to the Chief they chose for the nation
Hail in disbelief, pay homage to your lord
Hail to the Chief bought off by corporations
In shameful recognition once nobly adored 
The public can aim to make a once grand country -grand,
We hope you will do, that's our strong, firm belief.
Hail to the Chief a figurehead commander 
Unveil the corporate President! Down with the thief! 

The Nazi Behemoth is alive and well in the West
Of all of their lies the two party system's the best,
Political party's rule jointly via corporate monopoly,
This Leviathan of their ascendant oligopoly

They did to the Indigenous and the African American
What Nazi Germany did to the Jewish German
U.S. and European infrastructure built off the backs of Blacks
They capitalized off Indigenous raw material to bolster the plutocrat

State sanctioned violence, a blunt tool to quash social uprising
Labor union influence is reduced to a minimalist comprising
Lack of housing and betterment for low income earners is wholly not surprising
Considering the ever present facade of democracy to further self aggrandizing

It doesn't matter what they claim their political ideals to be
What drives them is their love of power and money, which is key
In other words entire domination of the lower classes
Organized into a monopolistic machine of sycophantic masses.


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