Monday, June 23, 2014

Lies, Damned Lies and the Western Media

Let's start with the case of Syria and its evil
And the corporate media's plea for the Syrian people
First we're told the greatest threat that existed abroad
Was that of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad

When Western powers didn't have the will to remove Assad  
It seems they had conspired to perpetrate a fraud
Think tanks developed a new boogeyman named ISIS
Now we're being told about the Syrian terror crisis
Al Qaeda, formerly the worst threat imaginable
Spawned the demon ISIS, yet even more tangible

The Syrian government claimed attack by terrorist throng

It seems Western media validated what Assad said all along!
The propagandists use fear to elicit the clarion call;
Another 911 Reichstag fire, to provoke people's ire
A way to seemingly conspire, for the Syrian government to fall
But things were not how they seemed at all,
Assad was always a member of the elite Western cabal

The Beach Boys sang Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Conservatives sang "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran"
Shock and awe got ya rolling, rolling and a reeling, bomb Iran
"Went to the dance looking for romance"
The US and Iran are now like lovers in France!

Corporate media's dupliucity; two Face The Nation              
CIA Mike Morell, is a correspondent for CBS news station
Morell decried Snowden; democracy's hero
While lying about the N.S.A spying on its own people,
Morell's credibility amounts to less than zero
The people must depose American tyrants, like Nero

Federal Reserve coffers have endless money for war          
When it comes to the poor suddenly there's no more
The black Israelites languish like slaves in American jails
Western Pharaohs by comparison,  to all tyrants pales          
Obama did nothing to elevate and rescue poor blacks
Like Ancient Egypt, America profits off their backs

America jails more blacks than it does terrorists,
Media images of blacks handcuffed by their wrists
Are not written about by any leadings journalists
Still Americans palate what makes them unrecognizable
Like Nazi Germany; the world judges them unlikable
Like Dutch Afrikaner apartheid South Africa
American prisons are a conservative anathema!
Yet Western media still exploits Nelson Mandela
As a shining example of an upstanding black fella
Before they jailed Mandela, whites scorned him like a case of rubella!

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