Saturday, June 28, 2014

World War 3 Words

Ordinary, common people!
Speech is illegal              
Your rights verboten
Beverley McLachlin
Chief Justice of Canada
first woman to hold this position.
conflicts with
PM Stephen Harper
over rejected Conservative
appointment Marc Nadon
to Supreme Court of Canada
Beginning with Snowden
Freedom is unspoken
Lavabit encryption broken
The FBI corrupt
Levinson privacy interrupt

Peace self destruct
Wake American Dream
Canada  power scheme
No Court Supreme
Super powers deem
A global regime!
Nazi war machine
Tortured sufferers scream!

Space time continuum
Without an equilibrium
Broadcast on repeat
Past/future meet.

Autocrats now rule
You simple fool
Have no fear
Have no care
Satan tricked you
God's not true
Doubt the plan
Trust in man
Fall for anything              
Believe in nothing
You are trembling
God wasn't bluffing

War over Ukraine
Global nuclear bane
ISIS momentum gain
Cold war maintain
World war again

Russian terror fund
American ammo, gun
UK influence tool
Corporate backers drool                                            
One world government
Genocide and punishment
Past and future brings
Many frightening things!

             Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
          and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
       meeting on 17 January 2009 during theRussia–Ukraine gas dispute

Russian backed rebels

      "The images, which could not be independently verified,
 appear to demonstrate Isis's uncompromising
 brand of hardline Islamist justice" 
Mail Online


"John Forbes Kerry
 American politician
 68th and current
United States Secretary of State
meeting with
Abdullah ibn Abdilazīz
King of Saudi Arabia.
Ascended to the throne on
1 August 2005
upon the death of his half-brother, King Fahd."


"Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, bottom right,
with Chilean President Michelle Bachelet
President George W. Bush, background left,
Russian President Vladimir Putin
China's President Hu Jintao, bottom left,
APEC summit in Hanoi." Tom Hanson / AP

Monday, June 23, 2014

Lies, Damned Lies and the Western Media

Let's start with the case of Syria and its evil
And the corporate media's plea for the Syrian people
First we're told the greatest threat that existed abroad
Was that of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad

When Western powers didn't have the will to remove Assad  
It seems they had conspired to perpetrate a fraud
Think tanks developed a new boogeyman named ISIS
Now we're being told about the Syrian terror crisis
Al Qaeda, formerly the worst threat imaginable
Spawned the demon ISIS, yet even more tangible

The Syrian government claimed attack by terrorist throng

It seems Western media validated what Assad said all along!
The propagandists use fear to elicit the clarion call;
Another 911 Reichstag fire, to provoke people's ire
A way to seemingly conspire, for the Syrian government to fall
But things were not how they seemed at all,
Assad was always a member of the elite Western cabal

The Beach Boys sang Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Conservatives sang "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran"
Shock and awe got ya rolling, rolling and a reeling, bomb Iran
"Went to the dance looking for romance"
The US and Iran are now like lovers in France!

Corporate media's dupliucity; two Face The Nation              
CIA Mike Morell, is a correspondent for CBS news station
Morell decried Snowden; democracy's hero
While lying about the N.S.A spying on its own people,
Morell's credibility amounts to less than zero
The people must depose American tyrants, like Nero

Federal Reserve coffers have endless money for war          
When it comes to the poor suddenly there's no more
The black Israelites languish like slaves in American jails
Western Pharaohs by comparison,  to all tyrants pales          
Obama did nothing to elevate and rescue poor blacks
Like Ancient Egypt, America profits off their backs

America jails more blacks than it does terrorists,
Media images of blacks handcuffed by their wrists
Are not written about by any leadings journalists
Still Americans palate what makes them unrecognizable
Like Nazi Germany; the world judges them unlikable
Like Dutch Afrikaner apartheid South Africa
American prisons are a conservative anathema!
Yet Western media still exploits Nelson Mandela
As a shining example of an upstanding black fella
Before they jailed Mandela, whites scorned him like a case of rubella!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Stakes Is Still High

Dela Soul said "stakes is high"
Got many still wondering why
Today's stakes we just mount astride
You have no choice, you're in for the ride.

CBC National ran the jihadi story
About Canada's radicalized youth in search of afterlife glory
Its minimal context makes the viewer fearful more than sorry
With righteous indignation you take a jihadist inventory.

Ah but...
There's always more to the story than meets ear or eye;
If you don't question it thoroughly,
Our young again, will  be sent to die.                            
The truth never stops short of the money trail;
When the smoke clears after this tale,
Death and destruction will surely prevail.

The Bush Hawks are back on the war path!
They'll stop nothing short of a genocidal bloodbath,
If you don't think they're in power, do the math.
Now I'm tickled pink, you just made me laugh!

People like Bush, Powell, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Ridge don't just retire
They work with the Republican Party and likely conspire
To make sure the nation's path is solidly paved.
Corporate media don't report it, they're bought and paid!

The Canadian Conservative Party is like the CCP            
From their position in Ottawa they command authority
Don't compare political ideology, compare the drive for absolute majority
They are seeking to undermine Canadian institutional, priority
Institutions that fundamentally hold liberal seniority.

8 out of 11 CBC board of directors contributed to the Conservative Party
The CBC as a Canadian institution is considered liberally hearty
So when next you hear news of Western youth fighting abroad
Remember after 911, the intelligence community perpetrated a fraud!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Nightmare on K Street / Mr. Voorhees goes to Washington

Will Washington cave and go to war?
The bloodthirsty fiends in the land of gore
Not Gore as in Al and the election Rove rigged
The blood on which Freddy and Jason hath pigged 

The GOP war, raging in Iraq
Devastation to the core with serious blowback 
The AIPAC is pushing to bomb Syria
Like taking disinfectant to household bacteria                                      

The AIPAC is a pro Israeli lobby
Molesting Congress, like Freddy would a body            
While African American's lives, in their own country, are shoddy!
A Nightmare on Main Street is the new American hobby
Who does Congress work for anyway?
They're more evil than Jason Voorhees working for the KKK!

Jason and Freddy are Republicans stalking Congress
Nothing Trumps Donald's rhetoric on Tea Party progress
And nothing good ever came of American conservatism
It gave us George W. Bush and wealthy, white paternalism

The Republican Party screams about the Iraqi crisis
Mosul under siege and extremists named ISIS            
Not to be confused with Isis and Osiris
And The Book of the Dead written on papyrus

This is even more insidious an undertaking
Poking you full of holes like Jason stabbing and Freddy raking,
These politicians talk out of both sides of their face
Obama promised peace that seems to have been misplaced!
Democrat and Republican Hawks got their Freddy claws in the pot
They're stirring things up because war is their lot

Mr. Voorhees went to Washington with Freddy Krueger in tow
They hijacked the Presidency and Congress and dealt it a serious blow
Destabilizing the Middle East has got them digging real low
The malignant Republican Party is like cancer coming on slow


Sunday, June 8, 2014


Dwight D. Eisenhower,
In his final presidential hour,
Warned of the Military Industrial Complex,
The willful demise of democratic balance and checks;                
On humanity the power elite have cast an impervious hex.
We can only pray God saves us from what comes next.

Their evil lurks greedily in the shadow,
Profiting from the sale of weapons and ammo,
Deceiving the addle minded status quo,
Into believing the cold war had nowhere to go
For this they considered Reagan a conservative hero
For the public, one of many a presidential zero

Hail to the Chief they chose for the nation
Hail in disbelief, pay homage to your lord
Hail to the Chief bought off by corporations
In shameful recognition once nobly adored 
The public can aim to make a once grand country -grand,
We hope you will do, that's our strong, firm belief.
Hail to the Chief a figurehead commander 
Unveil the corporate President! Down with the thief! 

The Nazi Behemoth is alive and well in the West
Of all of their lies the two party system's the best,
Political party's rule jointly via corporate monopoly,
This Leviathan of their ascendant oligopoly

They did to the Indigenous and the African American
What Nazi Germany did to the Jewish German
U.S. and European infrastructure built off the backs of Blacks
They capitalized off Indigenous raw material to bolster the plutocrat

State sanctioned violence, a blunt tool to quash social uprising
Labor union influence is reduced to a minimalist comprising
Lack of housing and betterment for low income earners is wholly not surprising
Considering the ever present facade of democracy to further self aggrandizing

It doesn't matter what they claim their political ideals to be
What drives them is their love of power and money, which is key
In other words entire domination of the lower classes
Organized into a monopolistic machine of sycophantic masses.