Monday, May 15, 2017

Checks and Balances/Balances and Cheques

"Luca Brasi Swims with the Fishes"                                   
And so does the soap
Land use and climate change
could increase flood frequency,
experts say
'We need to really rethink our
 land use policies,' says professor
From our laundry and our dishes              
How will we ever Save the Planet-
When toward one another,
Our hearts are but granite?
Elites pay lip service to global warming
While global footprints are deeply forming
For real leadership we're deep in mourning
While weather conditions
Grow severe and storming!

"Two minutes to midnight
The hands that threaten doom.
Two minutes to midnight
To kill the unborn in the womb."

Nuclear war may come real soon
With unhinged actors like Kim Jong-un                                              
US urges UN to act on 'real' nuclear threat of
North Korea or face 'catastrophic' consequences
And the impetuous Donald Trump -
Having the comport of Forrest Gump
The ever truculent Vladimir Putin
Is certainly no Isaac Newton
When one of these idiots starts a-shootin'
It won't matter for what side you're rootin'!
Is this real value for our lives?
The truth is sharper than a drawer full of knives
Boot-licking voters determine the cost
Tell 'em our kids -
Can't "Just Say No"
To nuclear holocaust!

Human greed knows no bounds
Housing prices indeed astounds                                                          
No Fixed Address:
These are your stories about renting struggles
 in Toronto
Faced with unstable work and
 rising costs,
renting in Toronto is daunting for some
From coast to coast
Toronto to Vancouver
Landlords boast -
They're a wallet remover!
Suck up your money -
Like a bag-less Hoover!
The R.T.A.
Was a political maneuver

The Residential Tenancies Act
What a sham!
Both political parties are in on the flimflam
Liberal elites spread the misery like jam
Deconstructing Ontario’s Fair Housing Plan
What the new measures mean for
the rental housing sector
Conservative elites                          
Made more cuts to the sam
Conservatives bring the chunky peanut butter,
You too can have some,
If you're a full blown nutter!

Kooks ain't only on the political fringe -
When O'Leary speaks, real people cringe!
His campaign door just fell off the hinge
Now Bernier's on a power hungry binge -
To dethrone The Boy King
And give him a twinge                                                                                      
Bye-Bye, Mr. Wonderful:
Canadian Conservative Front-Runner
 Kevin O'Leary Drops Out

Ontarian's continue to Lose with Wynne
When you're down on your luck
Real people begin
To question whether the fix is in
From healthcare to welfare
Ontario Liberals apply good self-care
While the rest of us
Act like the Tupperware
Stacked and discarded like we ain't even there!

Our food and law enforcement are killing us
Corporations, over-billing us
Doctors, over-pilling us
Our paychecks ain't overly thrilling us                                                            
We can't afford the dental
When they're filling and drilling us!
Corporate Media is Doctor-Philling us
Housing costs unfulfilling us
The taxman is Jack and Jilling us
Kaplan: Canadians are open to
Bernier and Chong's economic ideas.
Conservatives should be too
Government asks, what's the fuss?
They'd have you stand on a corner
And wait for the bus
In Ontario you'll be waiting all day
And they'll take a sizable amount of your pay!

It's real simple math -
Give the working poor more breaks
Or face populist wrath!
Members of Canada's rogue police nation
Distribute armbands                                                    
Throughout each station
To generate support
For a murdering cop -
Where's the decorum at the top?
Think you're free to
 express yourself on Twitter?
 Read on.iPolitics Insights
The online fallout from a police shooting
in Newfoundland raises some troubling questions
Police leadership this is not
Who's in charge of this ragtag lot? 

These are government employees
Sucking up our hard earned money
They go on paid leave
Then vacation where it's sunny
It's Black people they're killing
Ain't a damn thing funny
When one of them is charged
They unite and get chummy

We don't need Cops!
In communities, or at borders!                              
Robots can carry out -
Such menial orders;
Officials amass police -
Like mentally ill hoarders;
Not only cops -
Have psychiatric disorders!
Our legislators are mentally ill too -
Ottawa police don wristbands
in support of officer charged
with manslaughter
$2 wristbands bearing message
 'united we stand' is in poor taste, critics say
Must be the weed they refuse to eschew!

Do away with the patrol cop model!
Politicians must stop
Their law enforcement coddle
They give them crybabies -
A nice warm bottle;
When what law enforcement needs -
Is a wake up throttle!
Oh there, there
It seems what today's cop most desires -
Are nice abs and good hair! 
Police are soft on white collar crime                    
They get political patronage
From the government at the time
Who's policing the political slime?              
Deregulation supports organized crime!                    

The Ontario Legal System
Takes the path of least legal resistance
Because they target the weak
With a feat of great persistence
Executive committee votes
to support $260K
funding grant to Pride Toronto
Only "Gay Pride" -
Under the guidance of "Black Lives"
Had the guts to demand some distance!

If you're white and connected
Don't worry, you won't be rejected
If you're a Mobster who gets whacked
In the Province of Ontario
You'll be a legend, fully backed
By the same token if you're Black
The Province impoverishes you -                                          
And for petty crime you get jacked
Even before you're born, your bags are packed
Crime without punishment:
Canada’s investment fraud problem
The odds against you are fully stacked!

Before they know it
Ms. Kathleen O'Day
On "Check Day" they blow it
For a hardworking Temp at Labour Ready
Ontario paychecks are low and unsteady
Ontario ain't neighbourly or friendly
Unless you're driving a Porsche, a Jag or a Bentley
The Province gets you hooked on Ontario Works
The Canadian Mafia next door
If a member of one of Canada’s
most infamous Mafia families
lived a few doors down from you,
 would you know it?
You'll never get ahead with these -
Status quo reliant, Liberal jerks!

You'll wind up drunk                            
On fentanyl or crack
Blowing your pay for a hit of smack
Or "Doctor Shopping"
For a narcotic prescribing quack
But pretty soon in the Province of On-ta-ri-o
It's off to the Psych-Ward you will go!

In Canada,
Organized crime, is the hottest thing going!
Canadian Police target legit pot growing!
Could $15 minimum wage
 and paid sick days
eliminate jobs?
 Yes, say small business stakeholders
Real criminals are absolutely glowing
Cleaning dirty coin,
With all their bling showing;
And rivers of champagne constantly flowing

Trump said no to Soft Wood              
This gave Liberals soft wood
Seems our PM misplaced his manhood
The Trump bully pulpit -
Is working as it should!

The presses job
Stephen Hawking:
 Humanity Only Has A
 Hundred Years Left On Earth
Before Doomsday
Is to manipulate Joe Public
Though you capitulate like a slob -    
From their Nub Trick
The "News" never gets to the crux of the story
It's injected with violence, that's enticingly gory
To scare you into compliance like the system's quarry
And tether you to social purgatory
It's time for a Systemic Inventory!

Expose the presses use of strategic imagery
Wrapped up in supremacist bigotry
Faking It:
How the Media Manipulates the World into War
Substantive change never materializes
Until the masses finally realizes
Freedoms get taken, they're never given!
You can't claim to have democracy
Until daily, it's test driven!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Weeping Angel

The sheriff yelled through his blow-horn-
With a mouthful of ribs, 
And buttery sweet corn;
Attention Fear Nation!
Get back to your work station!
ObamaCare repeal analysis:
Millions would drop coverage
, costs would fall under bill
There ain't nothing to see here                     
With eyes that won't see 
And ears that don't hear
We shot a black one son
So I'm gonna be clear 
You'll be told what to see 
And what you can hear!

A young passerby angrily shot back
Youth ain't gonna take your flack!
The press ceased reporting-
On who's next for deporting -
It's any visible group,
Republicans feel like extorting!
The duplicitous press are dangerously courting -
Who the hell are media elites supporting-
Their financial master?
Pres. Obama irked and exasperated
 in response to Pres. Trump’s
 wiretapping claims,
 sources say
Blacks keep getting murdered by po-po
The press sweep it under 
Their Persian throw, don't ya know 
Investigative news went the way of the Dodo
Trump's tired, old antics 
His quibbling over semantics 
Is the presses most lucrative freak show 
Kinda makes Freedom of the Press 

Suddenly a female protester said 
Americans are the Walking Dead 
American officials are like the maniacal Negan
Fear makes them frail -
Like a love-child vegan 

Never mind watching the TV –
if  WikiLeaks is right,
the TV is watching you

Is what the masters of disaster
Point to with zeal
The people in boxes 
Best do as they're told
When an example is made 
Hard hearts grow more cold

A figment of your imagination 
A pigment of your immigration
But immigrant skin used to be fair 
Are yesterday's immigrants too stupid to care?
White settlers stole indigenous land  
Now their progeny clamour
For their stake in the sand
They seem deathly afraid of-
What will happen to them.
Fear makes us not want to go out on a limb 
It was the fool who said it couldn't happen to him                                     

With your miniaturized idiot box
Driver-less cars 
And anti brake locks 
Quick dry apparel                                                                                  
Including sweat free socks 
Buy the boys a round 
Make his scotch on the rocks 
Daddy's great little boat -
And his slut 
Are tied up in the docks
I betcha he walks 
Trump grabs 'em by the "P"
Then he's lauded on FOX
A 5:22 cabinet ratio 
Of vaginas to cocks
Is just plain insulting -
Another one of Trump's crocks!

A rich man retorted 
Your thinking's distorted 
After all's said and done 
It's still a good life 
Had me a daughter and son
A big house in the city 
Got in a morning run
Sat out by the pool                                                                         
When the day had just begun 
A new video challenges the official story
about what happened to Michael Brown
in Ferguson
Police said Brown robbed a store.
The new video suggests otherwise
Got me a promotion 
In the real corporate world -
Full of selfish devotion 
When my contract unfurled 
Jealous toes got all curled

The older protester quipped 
With sarcasm, loose lipped 
Starring - aching-Anglo-heart-throb 
Bet you made them white honey's sob  
While our kids work - count 'em -
3 dead end jobs!
Hoping for part-time 
With a firm like Charles Schwab's 

But inner city schools 
Is like a kick from 10 mules 
Unless you're white and from money;
Life treats you so cruel 

Politicians all say
Elect me, to keep your pay
We all quietly whimper -
Life used to be simpler
You lie awake nights 
In the dark, with no lights 
Your mind relives the rancour -
Of hostile whites with no anchor                                                      
They say they grow weary - 
Like Trump and O'Leary -
Of political correctness; 
These types don't believe in -
Decency and respectfulness;
They'd rather fight for the right 
To take back the bleak night 
They chant white power and might-
"We'll show you black people 
 We whites is more evil"
They'll call you "nigger" to your face 
Clinging to a past- 
When they claimed your black ass, 
Was in its rightful place!
Such attitudes measure justice by race 
This ferocious back biting 
And retroactive in-fighting
Is a Western disgrace 
Power's fervent embrace

The young protester said 
The Establishment wants us dead, 
At the throats of America's White Prided;
Trump got them excited 
His administration will see tensions ignited; 
The West is declining 
The wealthy are lining 
Fat pockets because 
Of what the American government official does 
Don't be naive about who you elected 
Trump's a billionaire -
Isn't this what you expected?

First Michael Flynn lied                                                        
But it's Obama who spied?
Way to switch the focus 
Then came Jeff Sessions 
And his Russian confessions 
Wait a minute! 
Only Trump could spin it!
That's the second time Trump tried 
His failed birther movement -
Was vehemently denied!
Make a Black man your scapegoat 
It's an easy sell to racists and turncoats!

And there you have it -
Have we ever known a healthier planet? 
Has America ever known integrity or merit?
Gosh dang it!
Is this the best humanity could ever hope to inherit?

Gone are the days of the pinko and commi 
Putin and Trump are just plain smarmy 
They sell you a steak 
When it's soya, horse, or salami 

Welcome to the age: 
Of Fake News and Fake Food 
Of reality star presidents-
That set ridiculous precedents 
And take pride in being rude
Accusations that Facebook likes 'fake news' are 'crap,' said Zuckerberg
Welcome to the age:
Of technological advancement 
That shows little in the way - 
Of personal enhancement 
That holds far more sway 
With physical attachment  
Blow your own family away
With militarist detachment 

Welcome to the age:
Where the wealthy never pay
And the rest toil all day 
Where childhood's been banished
Because imagination simply vanished 
Where people wish to live forever 
Because death is inconvenient 
And akin to too much pressure

Friday, December 9, 2016

It's The Power Sharing Deal Stupid

Byron York:
Senate Democrats plan to 'Ashcroft'
 their good friend Jeff Sessions
What's your best recollection
In an American Federal Election -
When the presses predilection -
Wasn't to make your tummy churn?
When's your last recollection
Of a Republican or Democrat,
Indirectly serving a third term?
Trump's win followed
A clear political trend
Though news pundits -
Disingenuously pretend,                            
To stand contrarily firm;

Trump's campaign was all hot air and bluster
Are fake, divisive politics -
The best Republicans can muster?
Intelligence figures fear
 Trump reprisals over assessment
of Russia election role
This ain't some great achievement
The public can't comprehend!
It's Democrats,
Whom Republicans pretend
To spurn;
In 8 long years what did either side learn?        
Now that a Democrat president 
Had his two term turn

Then again on the other hand
It's the proletariat who took a stand
"Alienated Labour" rules the land
The press claimed it was a Populist brand
That riled up Trump's-not -so-merry band;
The press dismissed the revolution,
The proletariat, and the disillusion;
Trump's was an inadvertent Marxist movement
Would be a major improvement!
If that's what you think, think again
Being president pays huge dividends
The Establishment are -
Donald Trump's friends
Will a wealthy ego
Like President elect Trump -
Forgo his salary and take a zero-sum lump?

The Donald alone
Can't "Make America Great Again"
Mike Pence's slant
Is to make America straight again;
Stephen Bannon's rant
Will make America hate again
Pinning your hopes on one man
May seal America's fate again
Sinning may get you 20 in the can
And stack up more issues than in all of Japan -
Trump to meet with
 Exxon Mobil CEO
to discuss
secretary of state position
On America's plate again!
You've got to be kidding!
Will "The Donald" be
Doing Herr bidding
To the White Nationalists
Who put Trump in power-
Slainte to your Happy Hour
America just normalized
White Supremacist Power -
Is one way to look at it -
Corporate media
Wanna throw the book at it!
To keep the people on the teat
Even fat media elites gotta eat
How else you gonna shut up
Them cry babies on the right -
Less you get Merica
'Hail Trump!':
 White Nationalists
Salute the President Elect
Back to being white?
Trump's election proves
Racism's hidden in the grooves
Like a shit splattered toilet needs a brush
Congress may soon need a flush
Law enforcement are on the hush
Racial cleansing can come in a rush
Minorities better organize, or get crushed!
Inner city murder rates -
Are now being shushed;
Congress keep Blacks segregated in the slum
Congress are about as racist as they come!
Their data wants to know where you're from!
So law enforcement -
Can keep Blacks under it's thumb!
You can protest all you want
The "professional protester" label
Was a taunt!
Citizen groups must locally unite-
And oust racist officials at these heights!
We Stopped Herr Hitler —
Now We Must Stop
 Something Potentially
 Far Worse: President Trump
Demagoguery, some claim,                          
Makes a nation fair game 
For rabble rousers to take aim
When the shoe's on the other foot
And your future's about as black as soot
Suddenly you cherish agitation
To vent your personal frustration
The Republican/Democrat -
Power sharing deal
Is what makes your votes this easy to steal!

Those who chastised Barack Obama
May soon get their fill of 
Did We Create Trump?
As satisfying as the
 blame-the-media formula
 might be, it gives too much
credit to the media and
 too little credit to Donald Trump
. By JACK SHAFER May/June 2016
Second Amendment drama 
Along with the irony and the karma
If a tyranny should come to pass
Government will seize your arms
And try to hand you your ass!
The decriers of peace,
Will be the first ones begging
For civil war to cease;
Until the smoke clears
No one will remember
2016 before the 8th of November
People will say
Look how good we had it before
Now that America is looking like Darfur!
Now that white supremacists,
Finally got their race war
Isn't that what Guantanamo's for,
To lock up the white terrorists
Whom The Establishment adore?

White Americans themselves are immigrants
Fast becoming embittered belligerents                                                              
What Do Trump and Marx
 Have in Common?
Are these the so called superior ones?
"They cling to their religion and their guns!"
Did such people transcend human flaws,
Amidst their hatred, racial slurs and guffaws?
Why are wealthy whites above the laws?
Is it because they contrived just cause?

Trump's appeal to the "lunatic fringe"
Supposedly made media elites cringe
But it's the very press who failed to vet
So don't get back to your slumber yet
It's network news media,
Who're the major threat
Those fools waged a dangerous bet
Trump played up to the major news outlet
Then stuck them -
With his Confederate bayonet;
Trump's campaign was the presses new pet                                                    
McConnell: Repealing Obamacare
‘first item up in the new year’
They salivated over a slow motion train wreck
The press ate it up like braised beef neck
Reasonable Americans cried what the heck!
While Anderson and Wolf
Cashed many a fat check

Republicans are elitist too
Mitch McConnell
Is "The One Who Flew -
Over the Cuckoos Nest"
Mitch needs a good surgeon
To crack open his chest!
Only, they'll find a lump of coal,
"Drill baby drill"
Ain't no virtue to extol!
Publicly he wants to undo,
Every last remnant;
Of America's first Black president!
To turn the left into malcontents
And then pit them against -
Hate group insurgents;
What does Mitch McConnell
Have in common with Rosie O'Donnell?
Both will forever,
The World’s 19 Most
Disappointing Leaders
Be tied to "The Donald"

Then There's Newt Gingrich 
Newt has this thing which                                                       
Puts him beside powerful men
Some like The Donald,
Happen to be bling rich
Newt ain't no Socrates
But Trump's like the Mighty Hercules
He stole the Mount Olympus ring bitch!
Newton says hey Herc, hey Herc
Let's get to work
Gingrich says he won’t hold
Cabinet post under Trump
"Sufferin' psyche" 
On the wings of Nike
Democrats are the evil Daedalus!
I'll concoct us a villain-
So it won't be the death of us!
It appears Republicans
Have a vested interest
In seeing Obama fully divest
Time will tell how well
History can digest
Making money and power
Your one and only quest
Republicans wanted
A Black president to fail
Trump's gums stopped-a-flappin'
About throwing Hillary in jail?

Rudy Giuliani got him a Trump pass
He made it his call of duty
Like an unruly granny
With a bug up her ass
Giuliani Removes Himself
From Contention
 for Any Trump Admin. Post
Ahoy mateys
Giuliani's still living in the eighties   
Like in the Pirates of Penzance
Rudy don't hear so well - 
And got ants in his pants,
Trump said we'll Make America Great Again!
What ol' Rudy heard was -
It's Secretary of State for you my friend
But in the end, nobody could relate,
Maybe Giuliani will get Trump's endorsement, 
It seems like his fate might lie in law enforcement

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Will Canada Lead the Way in Showing the Gutless American Leadership How to Fix Law Enforcement? Probably Not!

Lets examine policing,
If you will;
As a way for law enforcement                                                                        
New video shows moment cop shoots
 restrained Louisiana man
To dispose of Blacks, 
And the mentally ill.
Potential recruits, 
In a military drill? 
Perhaps a militia,
Who are trained to kill?
The public a turkey shoot 
For their murderous thrill!
Legislated by degenerates
On Parliament or Capitol Hill;
Unscrupulous lawyers,
Who impose,
Bad crime bill after bill  

How did policing become,                                                            
Officer Who Shot Philando Castile
Is Back At Work,
With The Support Of His Chief
A dishonourable profession,
Fueled by hate,
And racial aggression?
The perpetrators of these
Bleak transgressions
Don't care for your well-being,
Or your social progressions!
Police are contributors -
To a steady flow of 
Funeral processions!

The problem with                                                                                          
John Nichols:
Reince Priebus made Donald Trump
a GOP inevitability
"A Few Bad Apples" theory
Is it makes good cops leery 
Of coming forward to oust the violent
Thus the good cops, 
Are the ones who stay silent! 
So how good are such cops after all
While witnessing criminality, 
And breech of protocol?

Who's running this thing,
We call policing?
Who are the assholes, 
Pulling the strings?
The names resound with a colonial ring-
Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services 
Run by lapdog liberals 
And contentious conservatives 
Toronto activists demand justice
for Abdirahman Abdi
Sounds harmless enough                                                        
But they're mean and merciless!
Doing society great disservices;
The Honourable Minister -
David Orazietti 
Treats justice 
Like he's testing spaghetti
Throw it against a wall
See if it sticks 
They got some gall,
Those miserable pricks!

If there's one thing for certain;                          
You can't trust a flunky cop,
To even open a curtain!
You must keep these mutts                                         
On a really short leash 
Regulate them, 
Like you would weed or hashish
How's their Italian -                                                
'March for Justice for Abdirahman
Abdi' in Ottawa
draws hundredsOntario's
SIU probing actions of 2 officers
 involved in arrest of Somali-Canadian man
The worthless rapscallion - Capeesh!?
Make sure their every move is accounted for 
When police have a suspect,
On or off camera,
Or behind a closed door!

In the press, journalists talk about 
A "culture of policing"
Whose palms, 
Are these police elites greasing? 
Why do we tolerate,
A police culture anyway?
When they swoop down like vultures,
And steal Black lives like prey!

What other professions, 
Gives its employees,  
These types of concessions?
No layoffs, no pay cuts                                                                                  
No change in officers' employment status
Free fitness - 
"Can I get a witness"!
To work the flab off their big butts;
Paid leave under any circumstance, 
It's our stinking politicians,
Who need the kick in the pants!
A Double "O" Seven, 
License to kill;
The personal discretion,
To shoot at will;
A souped up car, 
With free gas and radar;
Special powers,                                                                                            
A perfect job for boys to play toys                                        
Plus A True Blue Culture;
We're at a critical juncture!
We need to dismantle policing,                       
And fully restructure!
No other job comes close in parity 
Policing is a white brotherhood 
Of racial solidarity!

The main point, 
Police elites miss -
Is that without public trust, 
You can easily dismiss; 
A system of policing,
That has its civilians deceasing!
Due to its great incompetence - 
The Problem with
 “Broken Windows” Policing
In targeting poor Black Canadian immigrants!  

The USA's situation is the worst 
The Urban Plantation                                                      
Quenches America's thirst -
For their seething hate                                                  
In a supremacist police state, 
You're never too big to fail!
Look what happened when -
Slavery went "beyond the pale"
Today cops are an occupying force
Like Gaza, the West Bank and Syria of course 
Inequality and brutality is the driving force                                      
Jordan gives $2 million to
help build trust between blacks, cops
You failed in your,
Storied bravado of yore 
Prepare for the next  civil war!

The police play politics in the press
News media operate at their  behest 
Spinning a yarn like Readers Digest 
Making the emotional more depressed 
While leaving the gullible -thoroughly impressed;
In the case of terror suspect
Aaron Driver - 
A regular, jihadi MacGyver-
The RCMP dropped him, like a skydiver,
In the lap of a Strathroy cabdriver 
The failure here of Canadian law enforcement                                                           
Cases like Aaron Driver and Damien Clairmont
Proves whites freely do what they want!
White people slip away unnoticed
They label their crime as the remotest 
While lawmakers zero in on Blacks 
White criminals' wrists get smacks!  

The head of Ontario's 
Special Investigations Unit 
Tony Loparco falls under its rubric 
With police elites, 
Loparco's a true blue hit;
Loparco should be wearing, 
Caligula's tunic;
Gelded underneath,
Loparco bends over for police
We know where police 
Are applying the grease                                                                 
Because Black people -
Keep getting shot like geese!

Dismantle Ontario's SIU!
And positive press scenarios, 
About this cover up crew;
As for Abdirahman Abdi -
Whatever will they do?
Ontario's leaders -
Have "a worms eye view"
Policing is a job, not a culture!
Police Brass are horrible leaders
They're an elite class of bottom feeders; 
They provide no direction at all,
And let the rank and file take the fall;
This is called the Western way,
Gutless leadership in full decay;
Yeah, yeah we know the story
Corrupt politicians hate to be regulatory 
Politicians chirp that the system's not perfect 
Yet we assert: 
A shred of humanity 
Is definitely worth it!