Monday, May 15, 2017

Checks and Balances/Balances and Cheques

"Luca Brasi Swims with the Fishes"                                   
And so does the soap
Land use and climate change
could increase flood frequency,
experts say
'We need to really rethink our
 land use policies,' says professor
From our laundry and our dishes              
How will we ever Save the Planet-
When toward one another,
Our hearts are but granite?
Elites pay lip service to global warming
While global footprints are deeply forming
For real leadership we're deep in mourning
While weather conditions
Grow severe and storming!

"Two minutes to midnight
The hands that threaten doom.
Two minutes to midnight
To kill the unborn in the womb."

Nuclear war may come real soon
With unhinged actors like Kim Jong-un                                              
US urges UN to act on 'real' nuclear threat of
North Korea or face 'catastrophic' consequences
And the impetuous Donald Trump -
Having the comport of Forrest Gump
The ever truculent Vladimir Putin
Is certainly no Isaac Newton
When one of these idiots starts a-shootin'
It won't matter for what side you're rootin'!
Is this real value for our lives?
The truth is sharper than a drawer full of knives
Boot-licking voters determine the cost
Tell 'em our kids -
Can't "Just Say No"
To nuclear holocaust!

Human greed knows no bounds
Housing prices indeed astounds                                                          
No Fixed Address:
These are your stories about renting struggles
 in Toronto
Faced with unstable work and
 rising costs,
renting in Toronto is daunting for some
From coast to coast
Toronto to Vancouver
Landlords boast -
They're a wallet remover!
Suck up your money -
Like a bag-less Hoover!
The R.T.A.
Was a political maneuver

The Residential Tenancies Act
What a sham!
Both political parties are in on the flimflam
Liberal elites spread the misery like jam
Deconstructing Ontario’s Fair Housing Plan
What the new measures mean for
the rental housing sector
Conservative elites                          
Made more cuts to the sam
Conservatives bring the chunky peanut butter,
You too can have some,
If you're a full blown nutter!

Kooks ain't only on the political fringe -
When O'Leary speaks, real people cringe!
His campaign door just fell off the hinge
Now Bernier's on a power hungry binge -
To dethrone The Boy King
And give him a twinge                                                                                      
Bye-Bye, Mr. Wonderful:
Canadian Conservative Front-Runner
 Kevin O'Leary Drops Out

Ontarian's continue to Lose with Wynne
When you're down on your luck
Real people begin
To question whether the fix is in
From healthcare to welfare
Ontario Liberals apply good self-care
While the rest of us
Act like the Tupperware
Stacked and discarded like we ain't even there!

Our food and law enforcement are killing us
Corporations, over-billing us
Doctors, over-pilling us
Our paychecks ain't overly thrilling us                                                            
We can't afford the dental
When they're filling and drilling us!
Corporate Media is Doctor-Philling us
Housing costs unfulfilling us
The taxman is Jack and Jilling us
Kaplan: Canadians are open to
Bernier and Chong's economic ideas.
Conservatives should be too
Government asks, what's the fuss?
They'd have you stand on a corner
And wait for the bus
In Ontario you'll be waiting all day
And they'll take a sizable amount of your pay!

It's real simple math -
Give the working poor more breaks
Or face populist wrath!
Members of Canada's rogue police nation
Distribute armbands                                                    
Throughout each station
To generate support
For a murdering cop -
Where's the decorum at the top?
Think you're free to
 express yourself on Twitter?
 Read on.iPolitics Insights
The online fallout from a police shooting
in Newfoundland raises some troubling questions
Police leadership this is not
Who's in charge of this ragtag lot? 

These are government employees
Sucking up our hard earned money
They go on paid leave
Then vacation where it's sunny
It's Black people they're killing
Ain't a damn thing funny
When one of them is charged
They unite and get chummy

We don't need Cops!
In communities, or at borders!                              
Robots can carry out -
Such menial orders;
Officials amass police -
Like mentally ill hoarders;
Not only cops -
Have psychiatric disorders!
Our legislators are mentally ill too -
Ottawa police don wristbands
in support of officer charged
with manslaughter
$2 wristbands bearing message
 'united we stand' is in poor taste, critics say
Must be the weed they refuse to eschew!

Do away with the patrol cop model!
Politicians must stop
Their law enforcement coddle
They give them crybabies -
A nice warm bottle;
When what law enforcement needs -
Is a wake up throttle!
Oh there, there
It seems what today's cop most desires -
Are nice abs and good hair! 
Police are soft on white collar crime                    
They get political patronage
From the government at the time
Who's policing the political slime?              
Deregulation supports organized crime!                    

The Ontario Legal System
Takes the path of least legal resistance
Because they target the weak
With a feat of great persistence
Executive committee votes
to support $260K
funding grant to Pride Toronto
Only "Gay Pride" -
Under the guidance of "Black Lives"
Had the guts to demand some distance!

If you're white and connected
Don't worry, you won't be rejected
If you're a Mobster who gets whacked
In the Province of Ontario
You'll be a legend, fully backed
By the same token if you're Black
The Province impoverishes you -                                          
And for petty crime you get jacked
Even before you're born, your bags are packed
Crime without punishment:
Canada’s investment fraud problem
The odds against you are fully stacked!

Before they know it
Ms. Kathleen O'Day
On "Check Day" they blow it
For a hardworking Temp at Labour Ready
Ontario paychecks are low and unsteady
Ontario ain't neighbourly or friendly
Unless you're driving a Porsche, a Jag or a Bentley
The Province gets you hooked on Ontario Works
The Canadian Mafia next door
If a member of one of Canada’s
most infamous Mafia families
lived a few doors down from you,
 would you know it?
You'll never get ahead with these -
Status quo reliant, Liberal jerks!

You'll wind up drunk                            
On fentanyl or crack
Blowing your pay for a hit of smack
Or "Doctor Shopping"
For a narcotic prescribing quack
But pretty soon in the Province of On-ta-ri-o
It's off to the Psych-Ward you will go!

In Canada,
Organized crime, is the hottest thing going!
Canadian Police target legit pot growing!
Could $15 minimum wage
 and paid sick days
eliminate jobs?
 Yes, say small business stakeholders
Real criminals are absolutely glowing
Cleaning dirty coin,
With all their bling showing;
And rivers of champagne constantly flowing

Trump said no to Soft Wood              
This gave Liberals soft wood
Seems our PM misplaced his manhood
The Trump bully pulpit -
Is working as it should!

The presses job
Stephen Hawking:
 Humanity Only Has A
 Hundred Years Left On Earth
Before Doomsday
Is to manipulate Joe Public
Though you capitulate like a slob -    
From their Nub Trick
The "News" never gets to the crux of the story
It's injected with violence, that's enticingly gory
To scare you into compliance like the system's quarry
And tether you to social purgatory
It's time for a Systemic Inventory!

Expose the presses use of strategic imagery
Wrapped up in supremacist bigotry
Faking It:
How the Media Manipulates the World into War
Substantive change never materializes
Until the masses finally realizes
Freedoms get taken, they're never given!
You can't claim to have democracy
Until daily, it's test driven!

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