Saturday, April 11, 2015

Top Down Social Pathology: The Systemic Decimation Of African Americans

“There is but one coward on earth, and that is the coward that dare not know.” 
W.E.B. Du Bois, Dusk of Dawn
Judy Scott is overcome with emotion
as she sits with her husband Walter Scott Sr.
 during the burial service for their son,
Walter Scott

The white hunter poised;
Determined to see, his quarry destroyed.
He zeroed in, on his prey                                              
Advancing, with the intent to slay.
Envisioning a trophy, for his wall,
Salivating, seeing his Black victim fall.

Michael Slager, another white cop
In his sites, found Walter Scott
Like an animal,
Poor Walter got shot.
Did Slager feel remorse? Probably not!
He never planned on, getting caught.

Don't be surprised if Slager walks free!
A conviction undermines, white supremacy
Veteran NYPD officer explains
 what makes the Walter Scott
shooting so troubling
America is a fearful, racist nation;
It's domestic goal is Black decimation
The cowardly and pathetic American press
Will look to appease majority distress
At the behest of their money interest
And a corrupt, disconnected American Congress!

African Americans, feel the rage!
Watch as these words burn up the page!
African America is their second rate!
The American government exemplifies hate!                                                                            
Walter Scott, posed no threat
to Michael Slager

Black America needs a sovereign state!
The American government, dangle Blacks, like bait!

All on a Black president's watch
Who a racist Congress, took down a notch
America's most pressing domestic issue;
Race; is discarded, like some snotty tissue!

Like the Québécois in Canada
Blacks need a land-of-the
"The guy was running away.
He should not have shot the guy.
You can't do that."

Truly free, home of the brave                                                          
It's majority fears, politicians assuage
Break free, of your American cage!
African Americans channel your rage!
Toward a legal split, you must engage!

The truth of the matter
Is #BlackLivesWillNeverMatter!
The Western press is like parakeet chatter!
To majority America, only money matters
Toward equality or wealth, believe the latter!

Black America, a permanent underclass;                                        
Stuck up the crack,
Of white America's ass!
A major annoyance to rank and file or brass
That's why most white criminals get a pass                                    
This chart explains why black people
 fear being killed by the police

Black distinction, inside of America!
Not media mass hysteria,
Judging by her evil;
Seize some of her area!
She lied to the world about being free!
Her majority are a party to her tyranny!

African American,
Entitlement to the land!
Too bad Black elites
Why it's finally catching on that
 "What about black-on-black crime?"
doesn’t make sense
Are cowardly and bland!
Not standing up for justice or freedom
Slithering through life like the snake in Eden

Kowtowing to who ever'll grease their hand
Sports star or entertainer,
Your predictable brand
Like chattel, your destiny,
Is already pre-planned!

Poor African Americans exist in squalor                        
Wearing social illness, like a dog collar
Poverty, addiction, and incarceration
Are the American government's economic castration!

Not just them!
Corporate moguls too
And the inner city Blacks, they rape and screw                          
Highfalutin, sociopathic knaves
Freed by thievery from their caves
Before emancipation they would've owned salves!

What of a self governing Black territory?
No happy endings to this evil story
Sociopaths in the West, achieved prominence
Supplying our appetite for violence and dominance

The book by M.E. Thomas was meant to confess  
How a white sociopath lawyer achieved excess
Now we can wonder about those in Congress                
Top down pathology, is deemed to be progress.
Is M.E. Thomas
this woman
Faye Thomas?
Confessions of a Sociopath:
A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight
is a book written byM.E. Thomas
describing her life as a
self-diagnosed sociopath.
 The author later appeared on
Dr. Phil discussing the subject.



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