Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Opponents of Change

The proponents of pain                                                            
ISIS mission debate in Parliament
leaves more questions than answers
Are at it again
They're looking to reign
Over Canada's brain

Voters are soft, 
As a ripe pear,
Politicians devour
Like the black bear!
And when they bite, 
The truth is laid bare
When Canadians ask,                                                                                
Fatemah Aldan holds her 2 yearold brother, Saif,
who lost both his legs during a barrel bomb
attack on their home town of Aleppo.
Bashar al Assad has been accused
of barrel-bombing Syrian civilians.
What of healthcare?

We're losing our way, my friend
If this how, we wish it to end.
A dirty war, in the Middle East,
Trapped inside, the belly of the beast.          

Government fund the Syrian mission
Ignoring, Canada's, economic condition
Their Washington masters, are in the kitchen
Stirring the pot, as a precondition

Their money is endless, for dropping the bomb
The New Cold War is: Radical Islam 
Another Indochina or even Guam
Refusal to vote, disrupts the calm

Government say:
Give more of your pay!
To fend off an ISIS attack!
So that they,
Can make political hay
And give Assad his Syria back!
Emergency personnel carry an injured
 man following air strikes by
government forces helicopters on
 the eastern Shaar neighbourhood of the
 northern Syrian city of
Aleppo on March 27 Aleppo

Putting a price on freedom
Is an act of treason
So let American taxes pay!
The Syrian giant that they 
Created, is their giant to slay!
A murderous scheme that's the CIA's
Price of failure in 2 famous Bays!

Syria won't allow for shock and awe
It was international law,
That stuck in Conservative's craw
They sunk Canada's tax dollars into war
When Canadian kids were growing up poor!

You ask, what's the fuss?
Why isn't NATO backing us?
Or for that matter, the UN!
There's more refugees here
Than in Phnom Penh!
Canadians should be asking, what's next then?
More imperialism, by wealthy white men?                                      
A Syrian girl stands in the corridor of
a refugee center where she lives with
her family in Northern Lebanon
in this Image from May, 2014
What will be Canada's refugee load?
This Conservative mission is about to implode!

Canada's guilty of keeping,
Common bordellos
Our politics makes for the strangest, bed fellows!
Along with Syrian president Bashar al Assad
There's the Chinese, Russians, CIA and Mossad!

Assad is backed by the Chinese and the Russians
Their UN veto has strong repercussions
Syria being a sovereign nation
Must explicitly agree, to an ally invasion

The Conservatives took it upon themselves
To put their dusty law books                                                                  
Back on the shelves
Conservatives decided to go unilateral                                                      
And drag Canada into a protracted battle

Wait a minute, what's in the works?
Do Conservatives take Canadians for jerks?
We got the Russian backed Assad, fighting ISIS
While Conservatives harp about a Syrian terror crisis
Are Harper and Putin, bosom buddies?
You can't fool us, we're becoming quick studies!

We hate Russians in Ukraine
But love em in Syria
Are we running a fever,
From a case of diphtheria?
Or maybe Conservatives
Love mass hysteria -
Crying- ISIS is multiplying, like a household bacteria!

And why doesn't this mission have an exit plan?
Of the Middle East, you better be a fan!
We could all go live in Iran,
After Canada's bankrupt
From Part 2, to Afghanistan!
Canadians, best be brushing up on their Qur'an

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