Thursday, March 19, 2015

New Canada

Ban the niqab and the hijab!                                      
Right wing, Conservative blab!
Conservatism did nothing for women
Politicizing them is a given
Homegrown, Canadian sexism
Justice Minsiter Peter MacKay
 and Public Safety Minister
 Steven Blaney appear on
 Tuesday at the Commons
public safety committee hearing
 witnesses on Bill C-51.
The government shows no
 sign of contemplating
amendments to the bill.
(Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)
Feeds your data into NSA's PRISM
Conservatism to combat Islamism?
Is a home sown Canadian schism
Old world Harperism
The new and improved McCarthyism!

Canadian women are undecided
They'll vote for a man, provided
The glass ceiling's not so one sided
Rate of pay, equally divided
Don't stay out late, is abided!
Shares the food off his gold plate
But how does this translate?
Into, good white jobs, of course
Oh and
Make him promise,
To never use force

The disenfranchised
Are in for some trouble
They want a good white job on the double!
A job with good pension and pay
Wealthy white women got nothing to say

The Federal Court has struck down
 the federal government's ban
 on wearing the niqab while
 taking the citizenship oath,
 but not on charter grounds.
(Ryan Remiorz/Canadian Press)
They got it made,
They got maids
"Their future's so bright,
They gotta wear shades"
No rain be fallin on their parades
Feminism, paid off for them, in spades

Like dopes
We pinned our hopes
On the feminist model
Now we're the one on the ropes
Looking for someone to coddle

Only select women prosper
Careful, don't you dare cross her
She became the man she abhorred
But she still wants to be adored
                     Conservative MP 
                     Diane Ablonczy's 
                     comments linking 
                    a Muslim advocacy 
                    group with terrorism 
                    were widely attacked 
                    as 'McCarthyesque'. 
                    THE CANADIAN 
                  PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick
Canada's run like a Ponzi
Judging by PC MP Diane Ablonczy
Think of voters as investors                                    
And politicians, their molesters
A currency, of scared, new voters
Fears, not merit,
Are their currency promoters

Are we now targeting civil liberty groups?
Waiting on standby, for the Nazi troops?
C-51 Parliament hearings
Served up onions with their red herrings

Their lot, point the finger and cry
Watch out for the angry dark guy!
Don't amend C-51
Detain him, he might have a gun!

Why are civilian groups on trial?
It seems deliberate, not like denial
Suppression of popular movement
Canadians want cvil improvement
Removing the Native from the child                                                            
Why don’t more women
 enter politics?
Emma Teitel on the
 political landscape of
Emma Teitel
October 19, 2013
Is a government policy to be reviled

C-51 is a terror act
Without amendments,
It's a terror pact!
Against our population,
The odds are stacked!
With no checks or balances
It's not constitutionally backed

Women accept the backseat
In Federal politics,
They're quick, to retreat
What makes them tick,
Is demurely discreet.
"We are a country who hasn't been attacked,"
says Grand Chief Terrance Nelson, who
leads the Southern Chiefs Organization.
 He says Bill C-51 is dangerous.
They seem to exist                                                      
To clean what men excrete

Never again will PM find you
If feminine nature stays behind you
Nature suppression must drastically change
If a Canadian woman's to take the reins
Canadian Women in Canadian politics
Rarely prevail
Her actions cater, to the white male

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