Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Opponents of Change

The proponents of pain                                                            
ISIS mission debate in Parliament
leaves more questions than answers
Are at it again
They're looking to reign
Over Canada's brain

Voters are soft, 
As a ripe pear,
Politicians devour
Like the black bear!
And when they bite, 
The truth is laid bare
When Canadians ask,                                                                                
Fatemah Aldan holds her 2 yearold brother, Saif,
who lost both his legs during a barrel bomb
attack on their home town of Aleppo.
Bashar al Assad has been accused
of barrel-bombing Syrian civilians.
What of healthcare?

We're losing our way, my friend
If this how, we wish it to end.
A dirty war, in the Middle East,
Trapped inside, the belly of the beast.          

Government fund the Syrian mission
Ignoring, Canada's, economic condition
Their Washington masters, are in the kitchen
Stirring the pot, as a precondition

Their money is endless, for dropping the bomb
The New Cold War is: Radical Islam 
Another Indochina or even Guam
Refusal to vote, disrupts the calm

Government say:
Give more of your pay!
To fend off an ISIS attack!
So that they,
Can make political hay
And give Assad his Syria back!
Emergency personnel carry an injured
 man following air strikes by
government forces helicopters on
 the eastern Shaar neighbourhood of the
 northern Syrian city of
Aleppo on March 27 Aleppo

Putting a price on freedom
Is an act of treason
So let American taxes pay!
The Syrian giant that they 
Created, is their giant to slay!
A murderous scheme that's the CIA's
Price of failure in 2 famous Bays!

Syria won't allow for shock and awe
It was international law,
That stuck in Conservative's craw
They sunk Canada's tax dollars into war
When Canadian kids were growing up poor!

You ask, what's the fuss?
Why isn't NATO backing us?
Or for that matter, the UN!
There's more refugees here
Than in Phnom Penh!
Canadians should be asking, what's next then?
More imperialism, by wealthy white men?                                      
A Syrian girl stands in the corridor of
a refugee center where she lives with
her family in Northern Lebanon
in this Image from May, 2014
What will be Canada's refugee load?
This Conservative mission is about to implode!

Canada's guilty of keeping,
Common bordellos
Our politics makes for the strangest, bed fellows!
Along with Syrian president Bashar al Assad
There's the Chinese, Russians, CIA and Mossad!

Assad is backed by the Chinese and the Russians
Their UN veto has strong repercussions
Syria being a sovereign nation
Must explicitly agree, to an ally invasion

The Conservatives took it upon themselves
To put their dusty law books                                                                  
Back on the shelves
Conservatives decided to go unilateral                                                      
And drag Canada into a protracted battle

Wait a minute, what's in the works?
Do Conservatives take Canadians for jerks?
We got the Russian backed Assad, fighting ISIS
While Conservatives harp about a Syrian terror crisis
Are Harper and Putin, bosom buddies?
You can't fool us, we're becoming quick studies!

We hate Russians in Ukraine
But love em in Syria
Are we running a fever,
From a case of diphtheria?
Or maybe Conservatives
Love mass hysteria -
Crying- ISIS is multiplying, like a household bacteria!

And why doesn't this mission have an exit plan?
Of the Middle East, you better be a fan!
We could all go live in Iran,
After Canada's bankrupt
From Part 2, to Afghanistan!
Canadians, best be brushing up on their Qur'an

Thursday, March 19, 2015

New Canada

Ban the niqab and the hijab!                                      
Right wing, Conservative blab!
Conservatism did nothing for women
Politicizing them is a given
Homegrown, Canadian sexism
Justice Minsiter Peter MacKay
 and Public Safety Minister
 Steven Blaney appear on
 Tuesday at the Commons
public safety committee hearing
 witnesses on Bill C-51.
The government shows no
 sign of contemplating
amendments to the bill.
(Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)
Feeds your data into NSA's PRISM
Conservatism to combat Islamism?
Is a home sown Canadian schism
Old world Harperism
The new and improved McCarthyism!

Canadian women are undecided
They'll vote for a man, provided
The glass ceiling's not so one sided
Rate of pay, equally divided
Don't stay out late, is abided!
Shares the food off his gold plate
But how does this translate?
Into, good white jobs, of course
Oh and
Make him promise,
To never use force

The disenfranchised
Are in for some trouble
They want a good white job on the double!
A job with good pension and pay
Wealthy white women got nothing to say

The Federal Court has struck down
 the federal government's ban
 on wearing the niqab while
 taking the citizenship oath,
 but not on charter grounds.
(Ryan Remiorz/Canadian Press)
They got it made,
They got maids
"Their future's so bright,
They gotta wear shades"
No rain be fallin on their parades
Feminism, paid off for them, in spades

Like dopes
We pinned our hopes
On the feminist model
Now we're the one on the ropes
Looking for someone to coddle

Only select women prosper
Careful, don't you dare cross her
She became the man she abhorred
But she still wants to be adored
                     Conservative MP 
                     Diane Ablonczy's 
                     comments linking 
                    a Muslim advocacy 
                    group with terrorism 
                    were widely attacked 
                    as 'McCarthyesque'. 
                    THE CANADIAN 
                  PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick
Canada's run like a Ponzi
Judging by PC MP Diane Ablonczy
Think of voters as investors                                    
And politicians, their molesters
A currency, of scared, new voters
Fears, not merit,
Are their currency promoters

Are we now targeting civil liberty groups?
Waiting on standby, for the Nazi troops?
C-51 Parliament hearings
Served up onions with their red herrings

Their lot, point the finger and cry
Watch out for the angry dark guy!
Don't amend C-51
Detain him, he might have a gun!

Why are civilian groups on trial?
It seems deliberate, not like denial
Suppression of popular movement
Canadians want cvil improvement
Removing the Native from the child                                                            
Why don’t more women
 enter politics?
Emma Teitel on the
 political landscape of
Emma Teitel
October 19, 2013
Is a government policy to be reviled

C-51 is a terror act
Without amendments,
It's a terror pact!
Against our population,
The odds are stacked!
With no checks or balances
It's not constitutionally backed

Women accept the backseat
In Federal politics,
They're quick, to retreat
What makes them tick,
Is demurely discreet.
"We are a country who hasn't been attacked,"
says Grand Chief Terrance Nelson, who
leads the Southern Chiefs Organization.
 He says Bill C-51 is dangerous.
They seem to exist                                                      
To clean what men excrete

Never again will PM find you
If feminine nature stays behind you
Nature suppression must drastically change
If a Canadian woman's to take the reins
Canadian Women in Canadian politics
Rarely prevail
Her actions cater, to the white male

Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Political Dialogue With The Shrinking Class

The Just:
Hey, wake up!

International Women's Day:
Indigenous women
still not equal in Canada
By Pamela Palmater,
for CBC News
Posted: Mar 07, 2015
6:00 AM ET
Last Updated:
Mar 07, 2015
6:00 AM 

Yeah you!
Wake up!
You need to wake up now!                        
The Jaded:
Is it over yet?
The Just:
The Jaded:
Well don't you have a cow!

The Jaded: 
Did you really wake us up?
The Just:
The Jaded:
We were enjoying our nap,
That kinda sucked!
It felt like a slap,
And was quite abrupt!

The Just:
Look at these Canadian slums!
Canada, labels homeless,"bums"
That could be your kids in 20 years!
Hiding from the truth,
Won't allay your fears!
Why don't you take a look around?                                                              
Decent people, losing ground!
Wages, being driven down!                                    
Housing costs alone,
Make common people drown!
This is no mere recession,
It's headed towards,
Full blown depression!

Michael Zehaf-Bibeau
The Jaded:
What do you expect we do?                                      
To neoliberalism, we stayed true!
Working 9 to 5
Wasn't only Dolly's jive
We believed we paid our due!

Our teachers said go to school
Our priests taught us the golden rule!
Who could've foretold -
Our leaders would steal our gold,
And play us, for the fool!
Terrorist Justin Bourque

The Just: 
Do you bother to vote?
The Jaded:
Why bother?
The Just:
It's a way to demote,
Officials pretending to be Our Father!
With wayward children that barely stay afloat

The Jaded:
What did voting ever do for us?
We voted last time,
Now we can't afford to take the bus!
Broken campaign promises!
Who can you trust?
A scumbag politician?                                                                                
Coldest Night of the Year
 raises awareness of homeless
 in Edmonton, across Canada
91 locations across Canada hosting
 Coldest Night of the Year Walks
CBC News Posted:
Feb 21, 2015 3:01 PM MT
 Last Updated: Feb 22, 2015 7:39 PM MT
Certainly not us!                                                                                        

The Just:
Oh you jaded, can't you see,
How you play into their hand?
For political parties, you hold the key
You jaded allow them to land,
Where they want to be

The disaffected, are to a degree
A blight on democracy,
Wouldn't you agree?
On the 6 o'clock news you can see
Public executions by Peel Police
And the L.A.P.D!

The Jaded: 
We  jaded, tow the line                                                                                  
According to the 2014
Homeless Count,
2,252 people in Edmonton
 are currently homeless. (File Photo)
We work, pay our taxes
Who has the time?
Leave the running of the country,
To the wealthy swine
We got our own problems 
And like our lives fine!

The Just:
The press call it "damage control"
But it's less about the system,
Than your mind in a bowl
Baked to perfection,
Like a cheese casserole
Free thought is the damage
Until you're under control                                                                

Quebec resident
Alain Philippon
to fight charge
for not giving up
phone password at airport
Whether border officials
can force you to provide
password hasn't been
tested in Canadian courts
By Jack Julian, CBC News
Posted: Mar 04, 2015
9:32 PM AT Last
Mar 05, 2015 2:05 PM AT
Free thought is the language
The powerful stole

The Jaded: 
Distract us with iPhones and digital toys
We can pretend that the club's,
Not run, by all boys;
Watch a little telly
To block out the noise,
With sports, American Idol, or even The Voice
If they want to bomb ISIS
Well that's their choice!

The Just:
Remember Moncton, 
Where the Mounties got shot?

The Jaded: 
We were informed by the press 
I guess we forgot,

The Just:
It was too late                                                                                                           
By the time Justin Bourque got caught

The Registry already
Had suffered its lot
By their own stringency, 
Conservatives got,
Stumped by a Gordian knot!
What the press didn't say
Was police disarray,
Caused by a registry scrapped, not long ago;
May have helped to stop
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau

Who was the bigger terrorist
Zehaf-Bibeau or Bourque?
If you say one and not the other
You're either slow or a dork!

The Jaded: 
Oh come on! 
No terrorist is named Justin or John
They're either Muhmud or Muhammad 
They all wear turbans on America's Most Wanted

The Just:
What about "Jihadi John"?

The Jaded:
Moving right along

The Just:
That sounds like an RCMP profile
It's no wonder you're all in denial 
A terrorist is who you'd least expect
With today's politicking, whites go unchecked! 

Law enforcement can't think outside the box
The vast majority are military hawks 
When a theft occurs they change all the locks                                                    
Is Canada Headed
 For Another Recession?
Eight Troubling Signs
Posted: 02/03/2015 2:10
 pm EST Updated:
02/04/2015 1:59 am EST
Trigger happy cowboys won't engage in talks

If you're not white they can't comprehend
Who is actually their foe or their friend
They want to make enemies out of everybody
If you have dark skin you might as well be Saudi
This is why:
Aboriginal women are terrorist victims
Their slaughters are like federal dictum's
Declaring: we don't care enough about you!
A national inquiry might get to what's true

The Jaded:
Haven't we studied this issue to death?
What's left to say
We're all out of breath!

Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski
(/kəˈzɪnski/ ka-zin-skee, or ka-chin-skee;
pronounced [kaˈt͡ʂɨȷ̃skʲi];
born May 22, 1942),
 also known as the "Unabomber"
, is an American mathematician
 and serial murderer.
He is known for his wide-ranging
social critiques, which opposed
industrialization and modern
technology while advancing
 a nature-centered form of anarchism.
The Just:
Then allow us, we'll go more in-depth:

Black's suffered terrorism                                             
Through racist North Americanism
Black's were subjected for decades
To lynchings and white pride parades
Neo Nazi and KKK marches
Murderers run amok
Escaping criminal charges  
To this very day:
North America's deadliest sole terrorists
Were Ted Kaczynski and Timothy McVeigh!

White militia groups
Stockpile weapons like troops!
Politicians hide it, to pander to dupes 
Government legislators led by wealthy brutes
Write security policy to shut us out of their loops!

The Jaded: 
We find politics far too scary      
We don't understand it
And it doesn't make us cheery
All this talk is making us wary