Monday, March 24, 2014

The End Of Days Pt. 1: Systematic Decay

Civil obedience only serves the wealthy,
The late risers remain wise and healthy.
Ordinary folk, who have less than plenty,
Been early risers, since before twenty.

Used to be honest work, for honest pay;
Now its take what you can, just to be okay,
The poor are made into easy prey,
The Western experiment's gone astray.

Police are protectors of corporate property;
Enforcement is rarely handled properly.
Making targets of the poor, is done so sloppily;
That systematic abuse has a monopoly.

Wealthy interests order the rank and file in blue;
To perform like an inglorious, clean up crew.
They arrive on the scene, when the deed is long through.
To Serve And Protect, the question is who?

Poor targets; disproportionately jailed.
Media incite fear; revocation of bail.
Contrived stats have you scared, timid and frail,
The poor waive their rights so they're not assailed.

Tax paid public defenders, coerce guilty pleas;
In order to facilitate the prison industry.
The burden of justice is on you and me;
The courts have failed us miserably.

System failure will be our official undoing;
Conservative Omnibus; anger still brewing.
White collar criminals; politicians are wooing
Cowardly judges fear rich criminals suing.

The system is irrelevant, if you don't put your trust in it,
Can you admit,it's crumbling and decrepit?
It only exists to persecute the financially unfit,
While wealthy criminal behavior they permit.

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