Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Cunning Little Parasite

Like a bot-fly vector, implants its larvae
Corporation's pay money, to a third party.
To secretly spy on you and me.                                                                                  
The spy will burrow way deep inside;
Steal your data then hitch a ride.

Like the larvae of the bot-fly
Burrowing in your fleshy thigh
The data parasite gets the most
From you, the unwitting host.                                  

They know:
Whether you had an S.T.D
If you're at risk for C.O.P.D
What way you swing; sexually
 If you like to watch pornography

Like Toxoplasma also called T-gondii
A parasite species found in cat feces
That enters and rewires your brain
In order to perpetuate, the parasite strain.

Online data brokers latch onto you
And infect you with a virus too
When the parasite feeds there's nothing left to do
For brokers like Acxiom, Corelogic and Peekyou

Government also feeds off the blood parasites drain
Ignoring the constitution for personal gain
Giving away tax dollars to brokerage chains
Only authoritarian dictators collect private citizen names.

The parasite makes you think its your friend
 It's in my head you rationalize and pretend
 If the parasite's not extracted life will soon end
 Until it finds a new host to apprehend.

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