Monday, March 24, 2014

The End Of Days Pt 2: Descending Into Chaos

It's kill or be killed,
Better prepare!
Right wing terrorism,
Or conservatism's, here!
A vote for conservatism,
Is a vote for despair.

A vote for deregulation:
For greater inflation,
Financial humiliation,
Social degradation,
Will ravage the nation.

They'll own your soul!
Have social control,
Takes a huge social toll,
Leaves a big gaping hole!
Right wing terrorism,
Wants internet patrol.

Wants government to shrink,
Throw the poor in the clink,
Doesn't want you to think,
Martial law's on the brink.

Corporate money they'll withdraw,
Shareholder freeze-out won't thaw,
Like Bush "Shock and Awe".
They'll change up the law!

Canadians better get out to vote,
Harper's Conservatives'll cut your throat
UK better get out to vote,
Cameron's minions will steal your coat  
Americans better get out to vote,
Recovering from Bush has you barely afloat.

Devoid of social conscience?
You better be cautious,
Social reform'll make you as nauseous,
As a  conservative caucus.

The End Of Days Pt. 1: Systematic Decay

Civil obedience only serves the wealthy,
The late risers remain wise and healthy.
Ordinary folk, who have less than plenty,
Been early risers, since before twenty.

Used to be honest work, for honest pay;
Now its take what you can, just to be okay,
The poor are made into easy prey,
The Western experiment's gone astray.

Police are protectors of corporate property;
Enforcement is rarely handled properly.
Making targets of the poor, is done so sloppily;
That systematic abuse has a monopoly.

Wealthy interests order the rank and file in blue;
To perform like an inglorious, clean up crew.
They arrive on the scene, when the deed is long through.
To Serve And Protect, the question is who?

Poor targets; disproportionately jailed.
Media incite fear; revocation of bail.
Contrived stats have you scared, timid and frail,
The poor waive their rights so they're not assailed.

Tax paid public defenders, coerce guilty pleas;
In order to facilitate the prison industry.
The burden of justice is on you and me;
The courts have failed us miserably.

System failure will be our official undoing;
Conservative Omnibus; anger still brewing.
White collar criminals; politicians are wooing
Cowardly judges fear rich criminals suing.

The system is irrelevant, if you don't put your trust in it,
Can you admit,it's crumbling and decrepit?
It only exists to persecute the financially unfit,
While wealthy criminal behavior they permit.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

America The Unbeautiful

While income inequality is allowed to persist,
Political firebrands continue to enlist,
Those who feel persecuted by government forces,
Right wing reactionaries align with media sources.

Like Tea Party conservatives aired on Fox News,
Whose socialist harangue effectively subdues,
Their propaganda is simple, hateful and crude,
They remain indifferent of being ignorant or rude.

The Tea Party portrayed Obama as a monkey,
Yet conveniently you dismiss them as some KKK flunky
They scream:
Income Redistribution!
Go Buy Your Own!
Entitlement Nation!
Nigger Go Home!

It's Right wing agitators exploiting downtrodden targets,
Yet no decent white leadership speaks up about it.
Republicans are excused in blaming minorities for their hardship,
It's history conjuring up, King's lowly white moderate.

The usual story of  American recession,
Poverty, oppression; wealthy manipulation; acting on aggression.
Disparities in wealth see the one percent flourish,
While the other ninety nine, are disaffected and malnourished.

The American Dream has become its worst nightmare,
Capitalism, not terrorism, is the democratic slayer.
Robert Reich said,  middle class investment creates social prosperity,
Yet Republican oligarchs play down the disparity.

Zealotry and wealthy conservatism ruined America,
Congress was bought off by Super Pac hysteria.
The presidency is in the wealthy hip pocket,
 Only drastic measures, by the people can stop it!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Cunning Little Parasite

Like a bot-fly vector, implants its larvae
Corporation's pay money, to a third party.
To secretly spy on you and me.                                                                                  
The spy will burrow way deep inside;
Steal your data then hitch a ride.

Like the larvae of the bot-fly
Burrowing in your fleshy thigh
The data parasite gets the most
From you, the unwitting host.                                  

They know:
Whether you had an S.T.D
If you're at risk for C.O.P.D
What way you swing; sexually
 If you like to watch pornography

Like Toxoplasma also called T-gondii
A parasite species found in cat feces
That enters and rewires your brain
In order to perpetuate, the parasite strain.

Online data brokers latch onto you
And infect you with a virus too
When the parasite feeds there's nothing left to do
For brokers like Acxiom, Corelogic and Peekyou

Government also feeds off the blood parasites drain
Ignoring the constitution for personal gain
Giving away tax dollars to brokerage chains
Only authoritarian dictators collect private citizen names.

The parasite makes you think its your friend
 It's in my head you rationalize and pretend
 If the parasite's not extracted life will soon end
 Until it finds a new host to apprehend.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Official Criminal

For African Americans justice derailed;
Close to 2 million blacks in the U.S. are jailed;
In Canada First Nation's suffer their pain;
While North American prisons are big business domain!

Poor Loretta Saunders was kicked from the headlines;
The elitist Canadian media couldn't spare her their time!
800 dead women is no Canadian crime!
White feminists are silent, because financially they're fine!

Killers come to Canada, come hone your trade;
It's the new American deal the Conservatives made!
Turn a blind eye and the story'll soon fade;
Perverts come to Canada; abduct a brown, sex slave!

Murder in North America is a popular sport;
Extermination and genocide, the all American sort;
Canada's catching up, though a bit short;
In a few years, Canada'll import, American style courts.

North American governments say they toughened crime laws;
Tough on the poor, one of a great many flaws;
And poor's just a euphemism for being called black;
Marion Berry wasn't on Late Night, when caught smoking crack!

North American government works for the wealthy;
Meritocracy in Canada, in a word is, unhealthy!
Official and criminal the lines are quite blurred;
In the Western lexicon, Official Criminal, is now just one word!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Partners In Crime(a)

Russian invaders;
American raiders;
International bankers and traders;
Sanctimonious haters!

They won't be happy, joyous and free;
Until we see;
A nuclear World War III;
They want back their colony;
To reinstate indentured servitude and slavery!

They have their media dupes;
Partnered in their elite media groups;
They beat their capitalist war drum;
Pa rum pa pum pum;
The poor Little Drummer Boy has become, wealthy, world class scum!

Sleight of hand
Brothers of the same band
Smoke and mirrors
There's a plane in the South China Sea in splinters!

The next great media whodunit
To channel your hatred from it;
Next they'll pin it on the Uyghurs (Weegers);
Western media derision for Islam is eager!

They got their brainless en masse:
The 140 word Twitter class;
The Facebook Fascists; 
Trolls, with all season YouTube passes! 

To anonymously tell you what they think;
Yet, standing before their own government, they shrivel and shrink;
Because, it's your own government, that you so fear;
It was the well oiled bankers, who put the Crimean bug in your ear!

American and British troops were sent to die, to prop up Karzai;
Follow the minted money trail and you'll know exactly why.
The Russian stooge Yanukovych; off Ukrainians, made himself rich;
But taking sides? When nobody in the West ever cared about Crimea! Makes you their bitch!