Monday, February 23, 2015

BILL C51 (Possession of an Incendiary Device)

Canadian Security Intelligence Service                                        
Makes even, the law abiding Canadians nervous;
Our government's lack of oversight,
Gives the politically moderate a fright
Maybe they'll "disappear-you" in the middle of the night!
Another wedge issue,
Brought to you, by the right!
NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair
 has called Bill C-51 "sweeping,
 dangerous, vague and ineffective."
/Sean Kilpatrick)

Not a Tory like John, but a Tory like Clark
Against C-51, made a dissenting remark
As did Jean Chrétien, Turner and Martin
Expressing bill C-51, did unduly dishearten
NDP leader Thomas Mulcair
Said, hold on Canadians, au contraire!
But whatever happened to Justin Trudeau?
It's like Stephen Harper, became his new bro!

He said they'd amend C-51 if the Grits get in
Supporting lack of oversight, is more Liberal spin
Exploiting your fear for a Liberal win
Liberals and Conservatives are next of kin                                                    
Prime Minister Stephen Harper
 blasted the NDP's criticism
of Bill C-51, saying its views
are 'more and more irrelevant.'
 Conservatives are pushing
 to get the anti-terrorism
bill passed before
Parliament rises.
(Sean Kilpatrick/
Canadian Press)

Come on Mr. Trudeau, you must be joking!
Give Canadians some, of what you are smoking!
All of our freedoms, soon will be croaking
It's Natives and Black men that police are choking!

If the elite are clamouring about this bill
You can bet,
This lack of oversight will;
Make a healthy nation extremely ill!
Another Americanized system of overkill!

The Conservative claim, about our judiciary
That nary, a dubious warrant
Is issued, is scary;
Once police have the warrant
No oversight becomes hairy
The same old story makes us wary:
This time it'll be:
Canadian torture and the truth that they bury!                                     
Public Safety Minister
Steven Blaney says that
the government's proposed
anti-terror bill will 'better protect
 Canadians from the terror threat
.' NDP Leader Tom Mulcair has
called it 'sweeping, dangerous,
 vague and ineffective​.'
(Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

Sending us deeper down the rabbit hole
The newspaper headlines will dreadfully extol:
Canada, ISIS and a Numerous Death Toll!
The lines will get blurred, as to our role
How a nation's innocence:
A lack of oversight stole!

Americans learned the hard way-
About deregulation
Why do Canadians follow-
Without hesitation?
The Security Intelligence Review Committee
Is tasked with oversight responsibility
Yet it's understaffed reality, is something to pity
3 years, to conduct investigations, is shitty!

CSIS is critically understaffed too
Are we living in Canada, or do we live in Peru?                                        
The inspector general
Would have been one of the few
Reporting to Steven Blaney - that's who!                                           
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau
 has said his party will support
 the bill, though it plans to offer
 amendments. If those
 amendments aren't accepted,
Trudeau says the Conservatives
 can expect them to become
a campaign issue.
 (Sean Kilpatrick/
Canadian Press)

Eva Plunkett was the last woman standing
When in 2012 our government began disbanding
All culpable ties between them and CSIS
Now legal responsibility for its actions decreases!

CSIS will be Canada's own terror outfit
Off the record killers, designed to outwit
The rule of law, like with the CIA
Murder with impunity and you don't get a say!

Is CSIS even accountable to Canadians?
CSIS has been overrun by aliens
Like the ones in Washington D.C.
Who sap our Canadian identity

On its people, our government pulled the plug
It's difficult to get out, once the hole is dug                                                 
Eva Plunkett, inspector general
of the
Canadian Security Intelligence Service,
 is shown in her office in
 Ottawa in February 2005 photo.
 (Fred Chartrand/Canadian Press)

From under Canadians they Yank our rugs
Canada's institutions, are going faster than drugs!

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