Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Year Christmas Got Cancelled

We hold these truths...
“the only way I can describe it is
I felt like a five-year-old holding onto Hulk Hogan.”

Unarmed Black youths
Labelled uncouth                                    
Michael Brown is dead 
Is Governor Nixon's 
Burden of proof
American police, racist and aloof

To be self-evident...
America never intended 
To have a Black people's president
Obama's legacy defunct and fully deemed decadent
American Congress judged constitutionally negligent
Black American voter, or inconsequential registrant?

That all men are created equal...                       
Cross to bear: Police watch as peaceful
demonstrators continue protesting
the shooting death of
Michael Brown on Saturday

Today's absurd, zany prequel
Injustice penned this horrible sequel
That nice white police man is fouled like fecal
Matter of Darren Wilson, the system enfeebled
Is prosecutor Bob McCulloch a polecat or a weasel?
Their surreptitious handling was opaque and not regal

American Government support 
Admittedly went
To the wealthy ne'er do well, lady and gent
The American slumlords who impose common folks rent
The Hound of the Baskervilles just picked up the scent
Two weeks on: Demonstrators walk
and display signs during a peaceful
 protest on West Florissant Avenue in Ferguson

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-

A curse that stalks America, plaguing poor masses 
To uphold the lie of ascendant, economic classes
The cult of personality of the American elite
Sentence the 2008 fraudulent, financial cheat!
Execute the Ceausescu's down in Wall street!

Christmas Day gone forever, 
The joyous bereave;
That elite lives hold importance 
A plot to deceive;
In America the Beautiful, we can no longer believe
A once great nation,
Tainted by ugliness,
Revered by the naive

How can we rejoice with sadness in our heart
When Black boys are destroyed, lives ripped apart
With no hope, no opportunity, no state of the art 
The main Black employer, a tyrannical Wal-Mart

On Dasher!
America is courting disaster
Silence but no answer
Prancer and Dancer                                                                  
Those two died of cancer
Vixen was shot by Governor Jay Nixon
Comet had to vomit
Cupid was scared stupid  
Donner's a goner 
and Blitzen's a Nazi, Blitzkrieging!

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