Thursday, November 27, 2014

An Elite Failure

The establishment's corrupt
That's the truth, that's not abrupt                            
Elites make a huge sum,
And at our expense, act like they're dumb

Elites include:                                                                        
The government executive
The following run consecutive:
Military, and law enforcement brass,
The academic silver spoon crass
Organized medicine en masse
The pontificate attending mass
World organizations, judiciary, and media mogul class
Bailed out bankers and the big corporate jackass
With their 2008, financial crash, pass

Elites have no soul, 
They're spiritually dead 
"Thou shall not kill" won't let them earn bread
They're out of control
It's a human toll
Decency, they possess no shred
Thus we have world-wide bloodshed
Liberals hide behind capitalism 
Conservatives behind populism
They defend no cap on their own earnings
Their defunct social policies, ain't fucking working!

These cowards tow the injustice line
They rarely speak out
Because they all lack spine                                                      
Like Obama's speech on Ferguson, Missouri            
Flat with no passion, lacking positive fury

Lackeys like Robert McCulloch
Produce results that are shambolic
Or incompetents like Jay Nixon
Useless Democrats needing eviction

Party systems  power-share
2 parties rule without a care
Voters believe year after year
To their empty promises, elites will adhere  
But they horde the wealth by exploiting our fear

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Year Christmas Got Cancelled

We hold these truths...
“the only way I can describe it is
I felt like a five-year-old holding onto Hulk Hogan.”

Unarmed Black youths
Labelled uncouth                                    
Michael Brown is dead 
Is Governor Nixon's 
Burden of proof
American police, racist and aloof

To be self-evident...
America never intended 
To have a Black people's president
Obama's legacy defunct and fully deemed decadent
American Congress judged constitutionally negligent
Black American voter, or inconsequential registrant?

That all men are created equal...                       
Cross to bear: Police watch as peaceful
demonstrators continue protesting
the shooting death of
Michael Brown on Saturday

Today's absurd, zany prequel
Injustice penned this horrible sequel
That nice white police man is fouled like fecal
Matter of Darren Wilson, the system enfeebled
Is prosecutor Bob McCulloch a polecat or a weasel?
Their surreptitious handling was opaque and not regal

American Government support 
Admittedly went
To the wealthy ne'er do well, lady and gent
The American slumlords who impose common folks rent
The Hound of the Baskervilles just picked up the scent
Two weeks on: Demonstrators walk
and display signs during a peaceful
 protest on West Florissant Avenue in Ferguson

Read more:

A curse that stalks America, plaguing poor masses 
To uphold the lie of ascendant, economic classes
The cult of personality of the American elite
Sentence the 2008 fraudulent, financial cheat!
Execute the Ceausescu's down in Wall street!

Christmas Day gone forever, 
The joyous bereave;
That elite lives hold importance 
A plot to deceive;
In America the Beautiful, we can no longer believe
A once great nation,
Tainted by ugliness,
Revered by the naive

How can we rejoice with sadness in our heart
When Black boys are destroyed, lives ripped apart
With no hope, no opportunity, no state of the art 
The main Black employer, a tyrannical Wal-Mart

On Dasher!
America is courting disaster
Silence but no answer
Prancer and Dancer                                                                  
Those two died of cancer
Vixen was shot by Governor Jay Nixon
Comet had to vomit
Cupid was scared stupid  
Donner's a goner 
and Blitzen's a Nazi, Blitzkrieging!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

America's Deep Hate

Governor Jay Nixon is a fixin'
On the wrong side of the Mason Dixon                                      
For Missouri troops to give Blacks a good lickin'
On the fine "Missouri Compromise Line" 
To get in some off camera ass kickin'
He may be a Democrat like Mr. Obama
But Jay wants to ramp up the political drama
Anyone who thinks race does not skew
 the application of criminal justice
in this country is just not paying close
enough attention, Sen. Rand Paul
writes for TIME, amid violence in
 Ferguson, Mo. over the
police shooting death of Michael Brown

Jay Nixon is a good ol' boy
And the National Guard, is his big ol' toy
The fascist arm of the state of Missouri
Judge, executioner and a stacked grand jury

Why term this a state of emergency?
The FBI confirmed their own urgency
The FBI track record is totally vulgar
They aided and abetted Whitey Bulger

God only knows what evil they're into
These Criminal Minds are the truest of blue
Is Jay Nixon grandson to Charles Manson?
He won't hold this race war for ransom
Helter Skelter is Missouri's cancer

"Tell me, tell me the answer
You may be a lover but you ain't no dancer"                   

"Look out Helter Skelter
She's coming down fast
Yes she is!"

"The overseer rode around the plantation. 
The officer is off patrolling the nation. 
Officer from overseer
You need a little clarity?
Check the similarity"

Officer Darren Wilson
You're the right colour
Assume no guilt son
It's political will son
Police would rather kill a Black one
When it comes to Blacks
They take their guns off stun
Ahead of the grand jury's decision,
a State of Emergency has been declared
 in the region and Missouri
 Gov. Jay Nixon has deployed
the National Guard.
(Reuters/Jim Young)

"The officer has the right to arrest. 
And if you fight back they put a hole in your chest"

Hold these useless Black elites accountable 
Their white masters are political scoundrels
Republicans and Democrats alike
Sold you on post racialism and instituted the Fourth Reich
Both reap the benefits of wealth in the West
They traded justice and peace, for civil unrest

Shout it on social media                                      
Shout it in the press 
Let the whole country feel 
Uncertainty and duress

Shut down the businesses!
Board up the schools 
Make your own social order, make all new rules
Turn Ferguson Missouri into a land of broke fools

Shut down the law firms 
Shut down the banks 

Ferguson protesters
 confront Jesse Jackson:
 ‘When you going to stop selling us out?’
Give them their Tienanmen Square, with their guns and their tanks
Let them feel the suffering Black people feel
The almighty dollar is their Achilles Heel  

Then and only then will they relate
Get every dirty cop on digital tape 
Let the world see them perpetrate rape
Expose what Blacks know
America's deep hate!

Sound of Da Police LyricsArtist: KRS-One
Album: Return Of The Boom Bap


That's the sound of da police!
That's the sound of the beast!

Verse One:

Stand clear! Don man a-talk
You can't stand where I stand, you can't walk where I walk
Watch out! We run New York
Police man come, we bust him out the park
I know this for a fact, you don't like how I act
You claim I'm sellin' crack
But you be doin' that
I'd rather say "see ya"
Cause I would never be ya
Be a officer? You WICKED overseer!
Ya hotshot, wanna get props and be a saviour
First show a little respect, change your behavior
Change your attitude, change your plan
There could never really be justice on stolen land
Are you really for peace and equality?
Or when my car is hooked up, you know you wanna follow me
Your laws are minimal
Cause you won't even think about lookin' at the real criminal
This has got to cease
Cause we be getting HYPED to the sound of da police!


Verse Two:

Now here's a likkle truth
Open up your eye
While you're checking out the boom-bap, check the exercise
Take the word "overseer," like a sample
Repeat it very quickly in a crew for example
Officer, Officer, Officer, Officer!
Yeah, officer from overseer
You need a little clarity?
Check the similarity!
The overseer rode around the plantation
The officer is off patroling all the nation
The overseer could stop you what you're doing
The officer will pull you over just when he's pursuing
The overseer had the right to get ill
And if you fought back, the overseer had the right to kill
The officer has the right to arrest
And if you fight back they put a hole in your chest!
(Woop!) They both ride horses
After 400 years, I've _got_ no choices!
The police them have a little gun
So when I'm on the streets, I walk around with a bigger one
(Woop-woop!) I hear it all day
Just so they can run the light and be upon their way


Verse Three:

Check out the message in a rough stylee
The real criminals are the C-O-P
You check for undercover and the one PD
But just a mere Black man, them want check me
Them check out me car for it shine like the sun
But them jealous or them vexed cause them can't afford one
Black people still slaves up til today
But the Black police officer nah see it that way
Him want a salary
Him want it
So he put on a badge and kill people for it
My grandfather had to deal with the cops
My great-grandfather dealt with the cops
My GREAT grandfather had to deal with the cops
And then my great, great, great, great... when it's gonna stop?!


"Helter Skelter"

When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide
Where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
Till I get to the bottom and I see you again
Yeah yeah yeah hey

Do you, don't you want me to love you
I'm coming down fast but I'm miles above you
Tell me tell me tell me come on tell me the answer
Well you may be a lover but you ain't no dancer

Now helter skelter helter skelter
Helter skelter yeah

Will you, won't you want me to make you
I'm coming down fast but don't let me break you
Tell me tell me tell me the answer
You may be a lover but you ain't no dancer

Look out helter skelter helter skelter
Helter skelter ooh

Look out, cos here she comes

When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide
And I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
And I get to the bottom and I see you again
Yeah yeah yeah

Well do you, don't you want me to make you
I'm coming down fast but don't let me break you
Tell me tell me tell me the answer
You may be a lover but you ain't no dancer

Look out helter skelter helter skelter
Helter skelter

Look out helter skelter
She's coming down fast
Yes she is
Yes she is coming down fast

(My head is spinning, ooh...

Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, alrgiht!

I got blisters on my fingers!)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Face It You're A Racist

Police carding of Blacks, is a cinch
In Toronto's infamous Jane and Finch
This is part of a bigger problem                                
Toronto police board accepts
 budget freeze, defers carding report
By David Shum Global News
Blacks in Canada are held at the bottom
It's called being Black in Toronto's a crime
Like Ferguson, Missouri 
Pogroms by"onetime"

In Nazi Germany Jew's cards had a J
But Black skin is seen from miles away
Toronto Nazis pack a badge and a gun
Step out of line, get executed for fun
Like the Industrial Prison Complex in America 
Scream louder Obama isn't hearin' ya

The press boast Toronto, a city of diversity
When Blacks live in poverty after university
Blacks with degrees face greater adversity
Canada's education system is progressive perversity
Blacks with criminal records have a lifetime of uncertainty

Canada's leadership can't get it right

Police question a driver during
 a traffic stop in 2010.
A new survey to be presented
 to the police board on Thursday
 has found that many officers
 in Toronto's Jane and Finch area
are ignoring the police board's revised
 carding policy.
By: Patty Winsa News reporter,
Published on Wed Nov 12 2014
In 2014, systemic racism's a blight                                              
For all the research academics profess to do
Social equality is greatly askew
You can't be a progressive society
With human rights abuses and racial impropriety

Blacks in Toronto have no political clout
Government persecutes them, for a crime agenda to tout
The press are happy to put a Black-face on crime
Western governments made Blacks dirty like grime

The Province must keep cops on a short leash
Conservatives fudge crime stats to justify constitutional breech
The West turned its back on anyone Black
To force you in a corner and bait you to attack
Legally assault you or murder you on the spot
America suborned murder
when Michael Brown got shot                                                  

Look no further
Than officials at the top
Toronto's top cop's, legacy's a flop
Peter SlolyDeputy Chief
Safety Command
Like their policing policy of safety and trust
Deputy Chief Peter Sloly said it's a must
The two can't go together when carding's unjust
Unused Western democracy is dilapidated by rust

Carding's indicative of systemic racism in the West
The West's treatment of Blacks like a household pest
The way Jews were regarded as vermin by the German
The West imposes it's values like a Jim Bakker sermon
Western progress is success geared to oppress
The G8 perpetuates hate like they do excess

Canada's press disingenuously make it sound
Like rank and file Toronto cops, actions confound
How can a subordinate ever be in charge?
Directives come from the power elite by and large!
British occupation didn't work on the Irish
California's 3 strikes made America sick with a virus
Carding in Toronto is Canada's burning cross to bear
Face it you're a racist!
Go shop and grab a beer!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Face It You're A Racist

Police carding of Blacks, is a cinch
In Toronto's infamous Jane and Finch
This is part of a bigger problem                                  
Toronto police board accepts
 budget freeze, defers carding report
By David Shum Global News
Blacks in Canada are held at the bottom
It's called being Black in Toronto's a crime
Like Ferguson, Missouri 
Pogroms by"onetime"

In Nazi Germany Jew's cards had a J
But Black skin is seen from miles away
Toronto Nazis pack a badge and a gun
Step out of line, get executed for fun
Like the Industrial Prison Complex in America 
Scream louder Obama ain't hearin' ya

The press boast Toronto, a city of diversity
When Blacks live in poverty after university
Blacks with degrees face greater adversity

Police question a driver during
 a traffic stop in 2010.
A new survey to be presented
 to the police board on Thursday
 has found that many officers
 in Toronto's Jane and Finch area
are ignoring the police board's revised
 carding policy.
By: Patty Winsa News reporter,
Published on Wed Nov 12 2014
Canada's education system is progressive perversity
Blacks with criminal records have a lifetime of uncertainty

Canada's leadership can't get it right
In 2014, systemic racism's a blight                                                
For all the research academics profess to do
Social equality is greatly askew
You can't be a progressive society
With human rights abuses and racial impropriety

Blacks in Toronto have no political clout
Government persecutes them, for a crime agenda to tout
The press are happy to put a Black-face on crime
Western governments made Blacks dirty like grime

The Province must keep cops on a short leash
Conservatives fudge crime stats to justify constitutional breech
The West turned its back on anyone Black
To force you in a corner and bait you to attack
Legally assault you or murder you on the spot
America suborned murder
when Michael Brown got shot                                                    

Look no further
Than officials at the top
Toronto's top cop's, legacy's a flop
Peter SlolyDeputy Chief
Safety Command
Like their policing policy of safety and trust
Deputy Chief Peter Sloly said it's a must
The two can't go together when carding's unjust
Unused Western democracy is dilapidated by rust

Carding's indicative of systemic racism in the West
The West's treatment of Blacks like a household pest
The way Jews were regarded as vermin by the German
The West imposes it's values like a Jim Bakker sermon
Western progress is success geared to oppress
The G8 perpetuates hate like they do excess

Canada's press disingenuously make it sound
Like rank and file Toronto cops, actions confound
How can a subordinate ever be in charge
Directives come from the power elite by and large
British occupation didn't work on the Irish
California's 3 strikes made America sick with a virus
Carding in Toronto is Canada's burning cross to bear
Face it you're a racist!
Go shop and grab a beer!