Monday, March 13, 2017

Weeping Angel

The sheriff yelled through his blow-horn-
With a mouthful of ribs, 
And buttery sweet corn;
Attention Fear Nation!
Get back to your work station!
ObamaCare repeal analysis:
Millions would drop coverage
, costs would fall under bill
There ain't nothing to see here                     
With eyes that won't see 
And ears that don't hear
We shot a black one son
So I'm gonna be clear 
You'll be told what to see 
And what you can hear!

A young passerby angrily shot back
Youth ain't gonna take your flack!
The press ceased reporting-
On who's next for deporting -
It's any visible group,
Republicans feel like extorting!
The duplicitous press are dangerously courting -
Who the hell are media elites supporting-
Their financial master?
Pres. Obama irked and exasperated
 in response to Pres. Trump’s
 wiretapping claims,
 sources say
Blacks keep getting murdered by po-po
The press sweep it under 
Their Persian throw, don't ya know 
Investigative news went the way of the Dodo
Trump's tired, old antics 
His quibbling over semantics 
Is the presses most lucrative freak show 
Kinda makes Freedom of the Press 

Suddenly a female protester said 
Americans are the Walking Dead 
American officials are like the maniacal Negan
Fear makes them frail -
Like a love-child vegan 

Never mind watching the TV –
if  WikiLeaks is right,
the TV is watching you

Is what the masters of disaster
Point to with zeal
The people in boxes 
Best do as they're told
When an example is made 
Hard hearts grow more cold

A figment of your imagination 
A pigment of your immigration
But immigrant skin used to be fair 
Are yesterday's immigrants too stupid to care?
White settlers stole indigenous land  
Now their progeny clamour
For their stake in the sand
They seem deathly afraid of-
What will happen to them.
Fear makes us not want to go out on a limb 
It was the fool who said it couldn't happen to him                                     

With your miniaturized idiot box
Driver-less cars 
And anti brake locks 
Quick dry apparel                                                                                  
Including sweat free socks 
Buy the boys a round 
Make his scotch on the rocks 
Daddy's great little boat -
And his slut 
Are tied up in the docks
I betcha he walks 
Trump grabs 'em by the "P"
Then he's lauded on FOX
A 5:22 cabinet ratio 
Of vaginas to cocks
Is just plain insulting -
Another one of Trump's crocks!

A rich man retorted 
Your thinking's distorted 
After all's said and done 
It's still a good life 
Had me a daughter and son
A big house in the city 
Got in a morning run
Sat out by the pool                                                                         
When the day had just begun 
A new video challenges the official story
about what happened to Michael Brown
in Ferguson
Police said Brown robbed a store.
The new video suggests otherwise
Got me a promotion 
In the real corporate world -
Full of selfish devotion 
When my contract unfurled 
Jealous toes got all curled

The older protester quipped 
With sarcasm, loose lipped 
Starring - aching-Anglo-heart-throb 
Bet you made them white honey's sob  
While our kids work - count 'em -
3 dead end jobs!
Hoping for part-time 
With a firm like Charles Schwab's 

But inner city schools 
Is like a kick from 10 mules 
Unless you're white and from money;
Life treats you so cruel 

Politicians all say
Elect me, to keep your pay
We all quietly whimper -
Life used to be simpler
You lie awake nights 
In the dark, with no lights 
Your mind relives the rancour -
Of hostile whites with no anchor                                                      
They say they grow weary - 
Like Trump and O'Leary -
Of political correctness; 
These types don't believe in -
Decency and respectfulness;
They'd rather fight for the right 
To take back the bleak night 
They chant white power and might-
"We'll show you black people 
 We whites is more evil"
They'll call you "nigger" to your face 
Clinging to a past- 
When they claimed your black ass, 
Was in its rightful place!
Such attitudes measure justice by race 
This ferocious back biting 
And retroactive in-fighting
Is a Western disgrace 
Power's fervent embrace

The young protester said 
The Establishment wants us dead, 
At the throats of America's White Prided;
Trump got them excited 
His administration will see tensions ignited; 
The West is declining 
The wealthy are lining 
Fat pockets because 
Of what the American government official does 
Don't be naive about who you elected 
Trump's a billionaire -
Isn't this what you expected?

First Michael Flynn lied                                                        
But it's Obama who spied?
Way to switch the focus 
Then came Jeff Sessions 
And his Russian confessions 
Wait a minute! 
Only Trump could spin it!
That's the second time Trump tried 
His failed birther movement -
Was vehemently denied!
Make a Black man your scapegoat 
It's an easy sell to racists and turncoats!

And there you have it -
Have we ever known a healthier planet? 
Has America ever known integrity or merit?
Gosh dang it!
Is this the best humanity could ever hope to inherit?

Gone are the days of the pinko and commi 
Putin and Trump are just plain smarmy 
They sell you a steak 
When it's soya, horse, or salami 

Welcome to the age: 
Of Fake News and Fake Food 
Of reality star presidents-
That set ridiculous precedents 
And take pride in being rude
Accusations that Facebook likes 'fake news' are 'crap,' said Zuckerberg
Welcome to the age:
Of technological advancement 
That shows little in the way - 
Of personal enhancement 
That holds far more sway 
With physical attachment  
Blow your own family away
With militarist detachment 

Welcome to the age:
Where the wealthy never pay
And the rest toil all day 
Where childhood's been banished
Because imagination simply vanished 
Where people wish to live forever 
Because death is inconvenient 
And akin to too much pressure