Sunday, July 24, 2016

You Begged For God's Mercy, Gnashed Your Teeth And Cried Why, But While Others Were Suffering You Sat Idly By

In the Orlando affair?
Perhaps a "false flag"  
Did occur there;
The Western press 
Almost sound like they care
America gots no love  
For Black, Latina nor Queer
If the dead were white civilians 
Hetero, and fair,
Then bloodthirsty fangs, 
Would certainly bare! 
Officials don't share
Black and brown bodies,
Are all worse for wear 
They'd just as soon 
Lock you up, 
In the Dragon's Lair!
As part of their 
Sociological warfare!

Was Orlando collateral,
To stave off attacks, 
More severe?
Orlando seems incompatible 
But holy mackerel!
Something is rotten,
In the state of America!                                                                 
Civilian killing cops, 
Really do tear at ya!

Was Orlando premeditated?
Another evil plot, 
The FBI facilitated? 
50 expendable heads, 
Up for the highest bid.
In the Charleston attack,
James Comey blamed a kid!
Dylann Roof or 
Omar Mateen 
Democrats treat both 
As routine;
But Comey kept his job 
In tact and pristine; 
Privilege and entitlement                                                                              
Faulty Math
A viral social media post about
 perceived inconsistencies
 in the "math" of the June 2016
 Orlando nightclub shooting uses
all the wrong numbers.
Are what's most obscene!
The lone gunman theory
Is repetitive and eerie 
Should we elect Hillary?
Oh stop it, you're killin' me!
If you still can't decide,
Why not ask Siri?

Hey Siri, should we elect Hillary? 
"I'm not sure what to say"
Except for American Federal Elections  
Are like Groundhog Day 
And Bernie became 
Hillary's ancillary!
The pundits did relay, 
Ole Bernie Sanders wouldn't play - 
But "Every Dog Has His Day" 
Suddenly, Bernie's towing,                                                                                  
Donald Trump Slams
‘Sell Out’ Bernie Sanders
 Ahead of Expected
Clinton Endorsement
The party line!
Maybe Bernie Sanders, 
Should grow a spine!
There's nothing new 
In Bernie's old spin
Now he's saying,
"Stop Donald Trump" 
So Hillary can win!

Since when did Bernie, 
Become Hillary's evil twin?
Weren't him and his, supporters -  
The vaunted linchpin?
For elusive change, 
To presumably begin?
Not the nickel and dimes, 
And social castration,                                                                             
Of the Barack Obama-                                                                            
Bernie Sanders Endorses
Donald Trump, Sort Of
Post Bush Administration!
That took Black America 
To everyone's chagrin  
Back to the days of the cotton gin!
Government never elevated
The lives of any people
Especially a Republican Congress
Committed to social upheaval!

If you wanna compare it to BREXIT  
Now there was a Dog's Breakfast!
"Remain" is looking 
Mighty desperate
And Britain's like any other, 
Racist European cesspit!                                                                                     
The entire world is in need of some respite!
These out of touch elite
Will hand Donald Trump,
The presidential seat!
If there was anything, 
BREXIT revealed; 
It's that all Western leaders 
Are too far afield 
Did you actually believe 
They'd  let you "Leave"? 
When it comes to their money 
There's pure tricks up their sleeve!
Are made to sit                                                                    
Down to a steaming plate,
Of nuggety shit!
Two horrible choices for president!
Should fuel your outrage and malcontent!
These stinking politicians 
Seem hell bent,
On destroying the planet 
While shirking the rent! 

If ISIS were a threat, 
To the survival of the West
Then Netanyahu's Israel;
Would've been put to the test!                                                              
Why Israel Loves Donald Trump...
 and why that’s awkward for Israel.
Still no word, 
From our stalwart chum;
The state of foreign affairs, 
May not be so glum;
Like two dogs whose owner yells come
Netanyahu and Trump,
Sniff each other's bum;
And the Western press 
Are still sounding dumb!
How can we trust, 
Where their info comes from?

Conduct an Information Audit
Of the press in the West
Became a bothersome pest!
Ever notice 
When the "news" first breaks, 
How long it takes
For "News" agencies 
To get their facts straight? 
Whether it be 
The spread of misinformation
Is done intentionally!
Turkey failed coup:
Presidential guard to be disbanded
To keep you consuming voraciously 

Allowing the story                                                                        
To take on a life of its own
Accuracy's not important
Inside the Danger Zone;
Every terror plot 
Both present and past 
Is from Washington 
Or Moscow;
Munich won't be the last!
Whether direct or indirect 
If the press haven't checked 
Because Turner the burglar, 
And Murdoch the war hawk,
Are low down, dirty crooks!
They aren't committed to                                                        
Equity or justice  
News Media's an apathetic observer,
To the fervor,
Of the defenseless getting busted!
To immorality and brutality
Systematic, racist, illegality
Is nothing more to them,
Than mere fascist formality; 

Academia is purposeful gobbledygook 
Pad these pigs' pocketbook
Even worse 
Is the indoctrination curse
The intelligentsia, 
Receive a sizable purse!
These cowards are committed to, 
A tyrannical majority!
Refusing to confront, 
Corrupt state authority!
You'll never see academics 
Come to the realization, 
They should be risking,
Livelihood and reputation!
And feeling the fear 
Of breathing in trepidation!
Instead they bask  
In the false security of their occupation!
Which provides a rather unique. financial emancipation!                                    
On the Cowardice & Irrelevance
of Social Science Scholars

Elites live by the motto of "me" and "mine"
Elites walk a fine, 
Crooked line; 
While equality and justice
Dies on the vine!

Elites adulterated religion -
Using crafty precision; 
Poisoning God, 
With malignant derision; 
To fuel your naive suspicion, 
To instill indecision, 
So cops can shoot Black people                                                
Like you would a clay pigeon 

The Cold War is for 
The romantic whore
It didn't end old boy;
It was a propaganda ploy 
To give the power elite joy
In crushing the Hoi Polloi!
So Reaganites could pretend;
Conservatives were more, 
Than a murderous friend!

Conservatives claim to have,                                                      
The Cold War Never Really Ended
For the first time in a decade,
Russia spent a higher portion of its GDP
 on defense than the U.S. in 2013.
Single-handedly defeated; 
The communist Slav. 
But conservatives 
Are practiced in opportunism! 
Communism is a threat to our freedom, 
And freedom is uniquely American; 
Therefore you owe your freedom to conservatism 
Goes the ever popular syllogism;
Yet conservatives and fake liberals 
Preside with great pride, 
In this hour; 
Over an orgy, 
Of detestable power! 
Similar to the Russian Oligarchs
Both have these annoying puppy barks;
That seriously hurt your ears
Your freedom is what threatens theirs                                          
To topple and devour,                                                        
The privileged and white Ivory Tower!
The World's Power Elite 
Are degenerates who live
On "Easy-Peasy- 
Lemon-Squeezy" street!