Thursday, January 28, 2016

Faking Who Murdered Her

We believe in your innocence                                                        
Hang in there kid!
Look at what Wisconsin miscarriage did!
American justice just backslid
Why Brendan Dassey’s Conviction
May Be More Disturbing Than Steven Avery's

To the marauding days,
Of the hero El Cid;
The railroading of
Dassey and Avery
Exposed Manitowoc corruption;
Most unsavory

Like despicable lawyer
Len Kachinsky
Seeming deranged
Like Ted Kaczynski
Remember the white terrorist,
Who planted bombs in the mail?
Is like a lowdown lawyer,
Yanking his own client's bail!

Don't forget his rotten sidekick,
American justice
Made the wide world sick!
Len Kachinsky and Michael O'Kelly
Len Kachinsky,
 the Lawyer from
'Making a Murderer,
' Says He Fucked Up
One reason American justice 
Is oh so smelly!

The FBI agent lied on the stand
He said EDTA was in no other strand
How could he know this,
With limited tests being run?
When it comes to scruples
The FBI has none!

FBI Doctor, Marc LeBeau
Chemistry Unit Chief,
You gotta go!
The FBI's expert guesser                                                                            

Here is the FBI's blood evidence
 that prosecutors used against Steven Avery
Made the FBI look like
A dim witted aggressor
Engaging in antics
From The Nutty Professor!
Of the many evils
Surrounding the trial
Like the evidence tampering
And the hole in the vial;
The FBI deemed these, the lesser

If stamping out corruption
Was an FBI task,
Marc LeBeau must have
Drained a whole cask
And sober judge Willis,
Must have filled up his flask
The judge in this case                                                                            

Making A Murderer
And The Importance Of
Popular Crime
It's not tabloid or tawdry
 to discuss popular crime
- it's necessary
Made up his mind
Right from the start
He didn't need to ask-
Who stopped,
Poor Teresa's heart?

Manitowoc officials bask,
In their narcissistic afterglow;
They pat their own backs;
Like Ken Kratz and Marc LeBeau;
Claiming they removed a killers mask
Which sane folk reject,
And categorically so!

Of the many victims in this case
Only Teresa Halbach,
Was laid to waste;
Ken Kratz made haste
And gave the real killer,                                                                  
Who Does Dean Strang Think
Killed Teresa Halbach?
 He Has A Few Theories
Freedom to taste!

Shame came down on
The state of Wisconsin
The Green Bay Packers
Are like bland TV dinners,
Made by Swanson;
Manitowoc County
Has a Death Wish
Like Charles Bronson
Placing a Band Aid on murder!
Like they're
Johnson & Johnson

Nothing will bring
Teresa Halbach back                                                                                    
Mike Halbach 'Making A Murderer'
 Reddit Theories Mention Teresa’s Brother
Her family wanted justice 
Wisconsin gave 'em jack
Ken Kratz used her face
Like a poster child for his case
Beyond a reasonable doubt
He did his darnedest to replace
Ken Kratz treated justice
Like a career making foot race
Today Ken Kratz is a damned disgrace!

Manitowoc County
Had 36 million reasons why
To throw away the key
And jail the wrong guy
Kratz tried the case in the press
He knew the media rats would acquiesce
In Ken's one sided game of chess                                                      
12 compelling pieces of evidence against
 Steven Avery that were left out of
'Making a Murderer’
That's because the Western press
Are an immoral mess

The press doesn't care if they taint a jury
So long as the story takes off with a fury
It's the public's right
To obstreperously know
Yeah right, only if you're white
And you got the dough!
Tell it to wrongful Black men
Sitting on death row

Blacks in America
Make up 13 percent
But of the prison population
Blacks make up 60 percent
But that's not the full extent
Out of 2 million people
America has jailed
For how many Blacks, 
Was justice derailed?

Suddenly no one wants the tough answers
The Western press                                                                                
“Motive is the reason, the why,
 sometimes the darkest chapter
 in the darkest book
in the massive library
we call the human mind.”
Are like necromancers
Raising the dead
The way Breaking News
Screwed up their street cred!
Now "Hold me closer tiny dancer"
Is less appealing than colon cancer

Go ahead take a big whiff 
Bury your head once you get a sniff 
Justice in the West,
Is on the edge of a cliff!

Hold your nose, 
Along with today's version of the truth 
Crime solving methods,
Are long in the tooth!
Courts put people away 
Without burden of proof!