Monday, May 25, 2015

The Social Detriments of Health

 Social determinants of health
are defined as “socio-economic
conditions that shape the
health of individuals,
communities, and
 as a whole.”
Our government has us at the crossroads,
Don't be surprised if the damn thing explodes
Government likes to "kick against the goads"
Burdening Canadians with high financial loads
Soon we'll be belly up, croaking like toads

In 1950 Canada sought to rid it
By '76 they finally did it;
No more death penalty,
No hanging from a gibbet;
No murderous intent, like Americans exhibit,
America's imprisoned by her racist bigot!

Our current government if given the chance
Would seduce Canada in a
Death-penalty, romance
Considering their penchant for controversy
The Conservative Party might be contra-diversity                
Given anti-Canadian, crime-bill legislation
That's tantamount to U.S. social agitation

State of Incarceration
Canadian distinction we once held dear
Now American values make our own unclear
Canada forgot human efforts and, peace-keeping
Opting instead, for small minded mission creeping
And imperialist grim reaping
The "911" lie that started it all
Down to our knees, was a long ways to fall                                                
The West's no longer standing tall
Not far to go to start to crawl
Seeking out weapons of mass destruction
Gave all but the rich, a wealth of mass deduction
How 9/11 Changed America
Four Major Lasting Impacts
by Mathew Green
 Sept.10, 2014
"911's" now a tool of mass seduction
That keeps the people paying on point of instruction

Although our leaders lead us astray
Together we can tackle voter decay!
Most of us value all the same things
Yet differ on ideals, prosperity brings
The landscape has changed from our parent's slack
No government ever had our back!

It's inadequate to only vote every 4 years
It's a constant fight for our nation's affairs                                        
Ten things you actually
can't say about racism
With resources auctioned, to the highest foreign bidder
For our children's sake, there's much to consider!
Are the Americans our friend, or economic master?
Any price on freedom, will be certain disaster!

Would we condone violence from a friend?
Why for America, does Canada pretend?
Canada chastises China's human rights record
While American abuses are fully ignored
Then we turn around, grant them full accord
With military backing and our full support
Are we mere hypocrites with ideals to purport?
Kathleen Wynne in Washington
 to talk climate change,
 not Keystone pipeline
Ontario premier in D.C
. to meet with lobbysts,
government officials,
Obama aides

Will Canada demand better of her friends;
Their money's a bittersweet means to an ends
Like the Premier Wynne analogy
Is it logic or merely fallacy?
Ontario hit the jackpot at Casino Rama
Much like cozying up to
Wealth from Congress and Obama
Ontario's the baby and Canada the mama
America may be the dad,
Causing economic trauma
America don't want no baby mama drama
Like China's relations with the Dalai Lama

If the U.S. won't clean up its own backyard                                    
Upright global citizens must push back hard!
Blacks in America are murdered and mistreated
While Congresses crimes are murmured; never tweeted!
Waco coverage shows
double standard on race

9 outlaw bikers dead in Waco, Texas
What happened next, has really perplexed us,
Seems bikers rule the roost, in that geographical nexus;
American duplicity really does vex us
Miraculously, few were killed by Waco police
Do white criminals get a pass, to terrorize the peace?
Like white Mafioso executing in the street;                            
Is the American constitution;
What Waco biker shootout suggests
 about race in America

Bikers involved in the Waco, Texas,
shootout have been treated differently
because they're white,
 some activists say.
Such concerns point to how
 different communities view events
 through different lenses,
media analysts say.
For Black people obsolete?

Why Hollywood is married to the mob
It's hard to tell whether Hollywood
has been more inspired
by the Mafia
or the other way around, writes

DateSeptember 13, 2010

Sunday, May 3, 2015

A (Freddie) Gray Day For America

Add Freddie Gray
To the murdered, unarmed, Blackman list;                                                          
Charges Announced in Freddie Gray
CaseMarilyn Mosby,
Baltimore's Chief Prosecutor
announced charges against
six officers involved
in the Freddie Gray case.
All across America,
Black people are pissed!
Enough of these lenient slaps on the wrist
People in the streets, with a raised fist!
No American leader seemed to get the gist!

Gotta hand it to Marilyn Mosby,
The kid's got guts;
Some might call her a probie
Not a Baltimore klutz
Like Staten Island, Cleveland or Ferguson in the ruts
Where officials should be kicked in their useless butts!
Those cowards missed puberty
They still got baby nuts!

The press chew on chaos, eat it up yum
Why's the dizzy news bitch,                                                                  
Fox's Megyn Kelley Is Shocked
By What She Just Learned
About Freddie Gray
A network rule of thumb?
CNN, tries hard, not to sound dumb;
But Eurocentric loquaciousness,
Makes your mind go all numb.
The ratings game lasciviousness,
Makes hetero white men come.

Breaking news,
Fed the spectacle of riot!
On police murder,
They suddenly grew quiet;
Misleading Media:
Baltimore Protesters
Call Out Top Journalists
A number of people have spoken out
about the mainstream media's coverage
 of the recent unrest.
Get your Jerry Springer diet,
Get your trashy, breaking news,
Lounging in the Hyatt.                                                                                    

Who was Freddie Gray?
The Black face, America forgot;
Does Congress possess humanity?
Not one crumb, definitely not!
Officials got the votes,
Campaigners originally sought
If they appear to ease your suffering,
They know your loyalty's bought!
The press is interested in minorities,
When they know the story's hot
Officials always back pedal,
After one of them is caught!

Officials want African Americans dumb and addicted
The establishment feels no threat                                              
From disaffected and afflicted
Black leadership is seriously and pathetically restricted,
Baltimore police officers charged
 in Freddie Gray death
released on bail
They took The Man's money, just as predicted.

6 cops charged in the eye of the storm
About a conviction the world is lukewarm
Breaking news was never meant to inform
It does your thinking for you,
To help you conform!

The press and the president,
From Freddie switched the focus;
Labeling rioters thugs
More political hocus-pocus.
America's favorite mom:
Furious mother smacks
rioting son upside the head
The press praised the mom who publicly beat her kid!
To keep the saliency of cops, ugly deeds hid
A way for the majority shame to be rid                                    
Look what those monsters, to Freddie Gray did!

Elites reckon you too stupid
To look beyond the veil;
Neither Republican nor Democrat
Deserve what mandate they fail!
Why do Americans continue to elect the morally frail,
When they keep on putting innocent Black men in jail?

The reason for rioter violence
Was in desperation from systemic silence
Both the president and the press
Failed to express,
A plan to address
America's mess
Miseducation, homelessness and joblessness
Instead they made victims culprits                                                    
Web of Problems Led to Baltimore Rioting
Longstanding troubles include a steep drop
 in manufacturing jobs, drug use,
abandoned houses and crime
By moralizing from bully pulpits!

DOJ investigators, failure to indict                      
Those mutts couldn't find their asses,
With a road map and a flashlight!
Nothing was done, to make the situation right;
Since Rodney King was beat,
Within an inch of his life,

More Fed failure,
Instead of fixing the strife.
Prosperity Ignored a society that was rife -
With inequality and exclusion,
That's been socially proven,
To hold no quality of life!

We must ask:
If Black men are murdered by cops
Do cops beat their wives,
With broom handles and mops?                                              
Do these cops abuse their kids,
Police Have a Much Bigger Domestic-
Abuse Problem Than the NFL Does
haul off and kick their dogs?
America's cycle of abuse,
Has its head in thick fogs.

Global community, what global community?
America buys UN silence and contrived global unity!
Why is corrupt America, police of the world?
People associate violence,
When the Stars and Stripes unfurls.
If America commits,
Atrocities overseas -
Isn't their violence at home
Indicative of their dis-ease?

Blacks tied to the whipping post
America now can boast
A "Dreyfus Affair" atmosphere                                                    
Like pogroms in backwards Europe
American nascency
Never grew up;
If you say incarceration complacency
Free thinkers just threw up
Police Family Violence Fact Sheet
American abuse blatancy blew up!
America may surpass China
For human rights abused!
When America preaches to the world
America sounds confused!

African Americans,
Need a USA homeland to secede
Theodor Hertzl helped poor Jews indeed
African Americans, supremacists impede
Into oblivion, they'd see Blacks recede!

The press paint supremacists as extreme and radical
Domestic violence up
in Canadian military families
This portrayal is in fact, not factual
Bobby Seale called it tactical
Supremacists in law enforcement;
Is in fact, actual.
Their abuse and hatred,
Proved socially impractical.

Why can the American government
Find cash for foreign nations?
Is it a facade of good image for foreign relations?
Inside, America is rotting from the core
Unlike the Iron Curtain
Whom Americans deplore;                  
Gun toting America,

America is back to lynching:
 Baltimore, Freddie Gray and
the noxious legacy of
white supremacy
The tendency to dehumanize
 black men and make spectacles
of their deaths is a disgraceful
ongoing phenomenon
Hides behind, their gated Iron Door!