Saturday, January 17, 2015

Chuck You Farley!

Marie Le Pen - whose party was accused
of stoking Islamophobia after
the Charlie Hebdo attacks
 - has been invited to speak
at the Oxford Union in February

Mourn for Paris aujourd'hui
Terror came so suddenly, ici
Do you hold dear your democracy?
Mais oui
Je pense que je suis libre donc je suis

Whenever there's an excuse to galvanize for wars
Western leaders, drop to their knees like whores
"Je suis Charlie" a mindless chant
From the grave, the dead journalists, laugh at this rant!

A "Pat Tillman" scam in the works                              
Is an appeal to the croc tearing, jerks
The Western media are the worst
Capitalizing off the dead, is all they thirst
In manipulating the living, they are well versed
History repeating, must be, well, cursed                                                

Pat Tillman when he was a Specialist

The presses response, certainly well rehearsed

An honest appraisal of the facts
Would reveal, what the story lacks
On itself, Charlie Hebdo brought these attacks
The truth, conveniently escaped media quacks

Terrorists can't recruit well grounded people
Equality would've made all attempts feeble
Real counter terrorism is being socially inclusive
Charlie went the other way, remaining socially abusive
You can't have social cohesion and majority defiance
Turning away from fear is how to build an alliance

"When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose"                        
Radical Islam, provided, what society refused
Secularism, left a huge gaping void                                                      
Tribute to Cpl Tillman
at the
National Infantry Museum.
The plaque inaccurately
says he was killed
in an enemy ambush.
Social alienation, is the "other" you avoid
Cleric's perfect converts are programmable androids
Radical Islam, would see the infidels destroyed

Slavery of the press, is why they promote fear
They focus not on similarity, but on differences they hold dear
Like the meaningless oaths our statesmen like to swear
Politician's have an agenda they refuse to share;
And Charlie followers are a movement, that keeps it there

Freedom of expression                                                                
Not freedom from political aggression
Hebdo wasn't a religious obsession
It was a reaction to social oppression

The press told us of Al Qaeda's irrelevance
They said, ISIS hold a more ominous presence
Charlie Hebdo:
Why the West
has 'fallen out of faith'
with free speech
European countries have
 increasingly tightened
restrictions on speech
Strange how Al Qaeda outsmarted French intelligence
Was the right courting French malevolence?
It proved a useful tool for Bush's nine eleven
Bush gave his attackers, 72 virgins and a place in heaven

Many in the West feel like they don't belong
It now takes an "I Am Charlie" tra-lala-lala sing-a-long
To do the job of the financially strong
So military aggression can be used to right a wrong
You're way off key, choirboy's not your calling
Between the Western cracks, many people are falling

Do our own government hate us more?
Or the terrorists, who can be sure                            
The former; seek to know your every move
The latter; from the earth, want us removed
Freedom or death, which do you choose?
If it were up to our government
Freedom would surely lose
French police have arrested
at least 54 people for hate speech
 since the Charlie Hebdo massacre.
 (Philippe Wojazer/Reuters

Western governments protect their elite
While many live a life, by their pants seat
Life in the West has a net worth
The vast unblessed, got over their birth
Now death and destruction are inheriting the earth!