Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Corporate Guarantee

Welfare recipients are tied to the whipping post of Canada's Conservative Party,
but you don't care, you still eat hearty!
The middle class are the door mats of governments present and past.
The legally defenseless make for easy political targets and
Conservative corporate tax breaks 2014 have just now started!

The middle class are slowly disappearing
Like the Sea Otter and Right Whale-
they fetch a pretty penny for the burden they're bearing.
Wearing out at the seams,
 like an old pair of dusty jeans,
from government depletion of their financial dreams.

The corporate guarantee -
Buy a politician to promise the middle class it too can be free,
they tell the public back us at the polls
It'll cost you nothing, you'll see!
Their party allegiance had already been pledged to their corporate beneficiary
and now that they have the power who needs integrity!

Whether Liberal, Conservative or NDP
Canadians are too scared to not vote for any of these three!
Politicians themselves are part of the web of corporate ascendancy
So the people too have some complicity.

Our government has us living in fear
They posit all the manufacturing jobs could soon disappear!
Better allow corporate interests free access to all your natural resources!
Better give them huge salaries and armed forces!
Better allow them control over your education and your medicine!
They're not asking, they're telling -let them in!

This is the height of any type of social welfare-
That a corporation can set up shop and operate without a care!
That the democratic process, out the window of freedom, is thrown
Many stories to her death, into the capitalist free zone.

Democracy at the expense of capitalism?
The two cannot freely coexist without one of them going to prison.
Wake up Canada it's your decision!
CEO's collecting checks in perpetuity?
Like cancer, requires immediate excision.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Evil Walks The Earth

Evil Walks the earth-
don't fool yourself and see
it comes in many shapes and forms
like the corporate entity.

Corporations were invented by lawyers-
to appeal to human greed.
Unleashing their murder and mayhem
to fulfill an insatiable need.

Enormous wealth and super power-
are mythical qualities,
except when legally instituted-
to subvert democracy.
Myth is simply exaggerated truth-
open your eyes and see

Take for instance the superhero complex-
corporate Hollywood's wet dream.
Make 'em think we're the good guys,
things aren't usually what they seem.

Consider the military industrial complex-
supported through R&D,
it has co-opted the legislative process
and operates with impunity.

Corporate hegemony it's the web you don't see
Brought to you by....
Apple & Microsoft at the behest of her majesty.
It's intention is to divert your attention,
from the murder and rape,
Canada and the United States export overseas.

The security based corporate state
As of late,
has come to create:
Your cashless fate...
Your life of encryption...
Your physical description...
Your geographical location...
Your self-described vocation...
Your medical information...
Your level of education...
Your religious affiliation...
Your last known association...
could lead to your extermination
Hail! Mein Fuhrer!
It's Westernized Nazification!

You may be lulled into thinking you are safe
While your democracy is dismantled piece by piece,
if there ever were to be a regime change,
your personal information would be disseminated among the corporate police
They will use fear
To make you think you're under siege
and they will do anything to feed their power and greed.

Taking freedom for granted was our first mistake
Thinking freedom a goal to achieve-
might just as well have sealed our fate.
Thinking freedom your God given right -
when every other nation for their freedom must fight!
Thinking the West the last bastion of the free
You're only as free as the corporations want you to be.